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I know. He basically blamed her for the problems we had with the rent (she lost her job after her depression flared up again, so we didn't have enough to give to him) and basically slagged her the **** off.
And well, I dunno. He shattered my trust completely, so I can't really believe a damned word he says any more. What's done is done, nobody can go back in time and make him stop acting like such a dick, so I guess I just have to try and get over it. Bleh. I've never experienced heartbreak before, so I don't really know how to deal with it ._. |
Oh honey I am sorry that you are heartbroken. Time is the healer for a broken heart but I know it doesnt help you now. xxx
Have you tried writing a letter to him but not sending it, explaining how you feel. It might get all your feelings out honey xxx Love Jade xxx |
I had a biiiiiiig rant elsewhere that I didn't show him, although that was a few weeks back now. Might be time to do so again.
AndouchIjusthitmyelbow |
A good old rant always helps honey xxx
Yeah...I don't really know what else to say right now. My mind's just died on me, lol D:
*checks in*
and this time i dont feel like leaving!!! First agro from his mother and my mother Got good news got a small part time job which will help me (i thought) untill i got home and flat mate has acused (sp?) me of stealing money from her secret money hiding place which i dont even know where it is and wouldnt do that and now she is kicking me out!! been to the council and im not a prioraty case because i am not local to the area because i moved down from scotland!!! i just want to give up i know have a small 4 hour Pt job that i get 20 quid for and the jobseekers allowance - which because i work fort hat 4 hours i am gonna get moeny taken off my job seekers becasue i get more than 5 quid!! can anyone give me any advise on where i can go to get a roof over my head??????? |
*Hugs Nikki* Is there no way of convincing your roommate it wasn't you? we have an office that can help you find somewhere that you can afford with help from housing benefits, which you can get when you're on JobSeekers. Maybe there is a place like that where you live?
*Hugs Katricia* I know how horrible it is when you feel unsafe around people, whether it's for your own safety or theirs. Is there any professional you can talk to about ways of coping with these feelings? *Hugs everyone else* Didn't have time to read all the pages since my last post, but will check in with everyone later to see how you're all doing. I got interviewed for the TV show my sister's going to be on, and got ridiculously camera shy! They're coming back again tomorrow to film us being a family, which we never do...They tried filming it on Saturday but said it was too unnatural. That's because we're not used to sitting together with the TV off and just talking! |
im checking and definatley staying cant go out there no more *sobs*
Am checking in, am really not with it.
Need to shower but can't even be bothered. |
Secrets, xxx I totally understand xxx
Katrica I really hope this new psych will be great Free Spirit Stay here, your welcome Nikki I havent got anything to suggest, but wanted to offer my support xxx I hope you can convince your room mate it wasnt you. For everyone else ::::::::::::: hugs ::::::::::::::::: How are we this evening???? |
Can' be bothered to be strong.
Am losing my mind. Jade's talking thouhg <3 |
havent been on here in a while but could nyone spare a hug?
*squishes soph*
Ive tried to tell her but she wont listen she wants me out by the end of the week!!!
i cant cope anymore!!! i just want to die i've been to the council and they cant help me no one can help me i cant even get a loan to help me my mum wont send down my credit card it looks like the only choice i have is to move back home to scotland an leave behind my partner i dont want to do that but it looks like i am going to have no choice |
Feeling angry at the moment. Just thinking about how all my 'friends' decided they didn't like me anymore and that they'd rather spend time with the rapist than with me.
It just hurts, you know? |
*cuddles Arwen*
Screw them hun, you don't need mates like that. You've got us lot who care lots for you. Love you sweetheart xx |
Thank you Helen. :) xx
Zowie < big hugs > xxx
Mammia How are you feeling today ???? Nikki sorry that you might have to go back home, can your partner come to Scotland with you ??? Huge Hugs go to All Im Living For and Jet Force :::::::::::::::: hugs Everyone :::::::::::: How is everyone else this evening ????? |
Hi everyone,
Just letting you know I am okay. total zombie just now, going through the motions but not really living *hugs everyone tight* |
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