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Jetforce 22-09-2007 10:53 AM

**hugs Johanna*

~*Rainbow*~ 22-09-2007 11:18 AM


*hugs* For everyone!

Sorry i aint been here much.

If anyone needs to talk im always available in some way or another!


MammaMia 22-09-2007 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jetforce (Post 283560)
Dance!dance! i know life sux but u gotta hang in there...ur special to so many ppl

I know I have to hang on in here. This lovely world that hurts so bad. I know I'm special to so many people. I have a lot of people who mean a lot to me aswell, wether it's because they're my family...or a friend...or one of my best friends...or just a part of my fantastic support network. I think it'd hurt them bad too. I keep ****ing self harming and nobody is seeing the signs that something is seriously wrong!!! I'll bet that one of my family will notice this weekend but it's not them I want to notice because they're not very nice to me about it. I think they just don't understand or something. It's been a rough year anyway and I so know there's still more to come. I keep thinking somebody, maybe close is going to die. I don't know why I just get this dodgy feeling about it. There's so much going around in my head. I jus want to cut constantly, because even with the amount I've done this past week only a few scratches have been left behind. I hate this, I hate everything, I'm mixed up!

shadowedseraph 22-09-2007 11:49 PM

*hugs Dance!Dance* i just wanted to say that i'm hearing what your saying and that i care

emily.disenchanted 23-09-2007 12:23 PM

why is it that people love and are loved and here I am lonely and alone and feeling like **** *cries* I feel so pathetic no one ever wants me people come to me for advice as the last resort and thats it, Im unwanted and unneeded, it would just be easier to drop dead

midnite 23-09-2007 12:25 PM

big hugs to emily. i donīt believe that thats true, someone somewhere always wants you hun.

Jetforce 23-09-2007 12:30 PM

**hugs emily**

I agree with midnite..there is always someone who wants u :-)

down*in*the*dumps 23-09-2007 01:20 PM

checks in, sits in corner and looks out window.
she speaks in third person sometimes
it makes her life more like fiction than the reality she faces every day
its not working anymore
she needs hepl, and nobody can see to give it to her
shes a danger to herself and nobody cares

Jetforce 23-09-2007 01:33 PM

**hugs down*in*the*dumps**

Hang in there m8 :-)

MammaMia 23-09-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by shadowedseraph (Post 284657)
*hugs Dance!Dance* i just wanted to say that i'm hearing what your saying and that i care

Thanks, this whole weekend has gone wrong =[

battlekitten 24-09-2007 01:13 PM

*finds quiet corner, sits with blanket*

MammaMia 24-09-2007 03:25 PM

Will this PAIN please stop? My arm hurts well bad :(

Sugar and Spice 25-09-2007 10:26 AM

*hugs those in need*
I'm so sorry to see that you are still really hurting Helen.

Jetforce 25-09-2007 02:23 PM

**hugs all who needs them and leaves a few cookies to u to eat**

Sugar and Spice 25-09-2007 06:54 PM

*eats some cookies and offers hot drinks around*

MammaMia 25-09-2007 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tortured Beauty (Post 288051)
*hugs those in need*
I'm so sorry to see that you are still really hurting Helen.

Thanks *hugs back*


Originally Posted by Jetforce (Post 288291)
**hugs all who needs them and leaves a few cookies to u to eat**


Emotionally I've not stop hurting like hell for ages....and I don't like getting happy anymore because I come crashing down again, usually sooner than later. Obv cutting still isn't helping.

I sent an email to my enabler today (shes like one of my helpers at college) about Tina's supiciousness and the fact that I wanted to tell her too.It was about me starting to self harm/cutting again :wow:

Sugar and Spice 25-09-2007 09:12 PM

*hugs Helen*
If you ever need a chat, my pm bow is open. As is my email inbox.

TheSuffererComplex 25-09-2007 10:44 PM

*hugs Dance!Dance!4eva* hope things get better for you soon.

I'm doing very shaky, i'm taking a girl I like out to lunch tommorow because we have an early release.

But the school work is starting to get to me, I forgot how hard holding on to my date was while school work gets piled on top of me

MammaMia 26-09-2007 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tortured Beauty (Post 288957)
*hugs Helen*
If you ever need a chat, my pm bow is open. As is my email inbox.

Thank you. I don't know what to do anymore. I think I want to be dead again, I didn't want to hit rock bottom again and be an at all time low. I miss my nephew- not seen in him in almost 2 months, I miss Jess even though I see her nearly every damm day, I miss my best friend because except occasional hello I've not spent any damm time with her since mid august. I really want to keep on coping but I can't? Arrrrrrrgh I DON'T KNOW =S


Originally Posted by TheSuffererComplex (Post 289195)
*hugs Dance!Dance!4eva* hope things get better for you soon.


charcoalchild 26-09-2007 12:21 PM

*im pathetic.. pls just ignore me as i hide under a blanket*

(or better still... sh*ot me... put me out of this misery)

(((( hugz to everyone who needs them )))

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