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Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 07:03 PM

Denial tents rock... :P

Lalalaaaa... *sings to self*

My back hurts. :(

MammaMia 14-01-2010 07:12 PM

My head hurts =( lol.

La la la *crawls into denial tent* Everything's fine hahaha

Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 07:17 PM

Aww. My head hurts a little, too. :( Boo hiss.

*curls up in denial tent with a teddy and a fleece blanket*

I'm sooo tired!!

MammaMia 14-01-2010 07:23 PM

Have a nap =)

Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 09:09 PM

Mmm I just got up from one... didn't actually fall asleep, just lay there for about an hour listening to Superchick and relaxing. :) Naps are good for when you're sick... in fact, naps are good anytime!! (except in class... lol)

How are you all doing now? *cuddles*

MammaMia 14-01-2010 09:18 PM

Good idea =D

I'm **** haha and next door have decided they want to do some REALLY LOUD BANGING AGAIN >.>

Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 09:25 PM

Aw, what's going on to make you feel ****?

I'm feeling pretty **** myself actually... gonna post in my r/v thread about it in a bit. *sigh* And my tummy hurts... again... I think I ate too much. :(

MammaMia 14-01-2010 09:31 PM

I'm absloutely ****ing fuming. Arrrgh >.>

But um yes. Am **** because of stuff going on with my best friends. Trying to be strong and help them both. I don't want to lose them. But it's really getting to me. Sick of some people's opinions. Sick of it all. Can we just fast forward time??

Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 09:33 PM

I wish we could. :( *cuddles* Sounds like you're in a rough spot, wish I could help more. What's going on with your best friends? care to talk about it at all?

Updated my venting spot thread. Is probably an ED trig though, in case anyone goes to read it. If anyone cares. >_<

MammaMia 14-01-2010 10:01 PM

I wish we could too. :'( *cuddles tight* Feels pretty rough. Think I'm getting into the same feeling/moodset as my best friends? Sort of am there already but keep changing moods. If that makes sense?

Well I have one best friend in hospital, as you know, wishing she was dead, wishing she could run and go do it all over again and and :'(

My other best friend, she's having one of her breakdowns. Should be used to it by now. She claims it's a mini one, but I honestly believe it's one of her full-blown ones. The last time she was this bad, we nearly lost her. Her care co-ordinater is being the shits. Not helping at all. I'm soooo scared. I really am and it's really upsetting me. I love her so much. I can't risk losing her.

I care about how you feel, I'll maybe read your rant thread in a little while. *cuddles tight*

SoMuchMore 14-01-2010 10:14 PM

*hugs april* aw hun, i just read ur venting thread.. Im sorry you are having such a hard time. Hang in there.

*cuddles helen* im sorry about your friends. It sucks when it feels like u have to be supportive for everyone but are struggling to hold it together. Stay strong.

MammaMia 14-01-2010 10:16 PM

We just had a good chat online, now I want to burst into tears :( But you're right Laura it is hard. Normally she'd be telling me that I don't have to hold it together infront of her (the one who's not in hospital aha). We'll get through this. I apprantly made her smile, so that's a good start. Hope she sleeps tonight, poor love :(

SoMuchMore 14-01-2010 10:21 PM

Glad to hear that you guys were able to talk, and smiling is always a positive :-)
U maybe should cry if u feel like u want to/are able to.. sometimes it helps i guess (im not a giant fan of crying but, its supposed to be good for u *shrug* idk heh)

MammaMia 14-01-2010 10:23 PM

It's funny. I used to cry about once a month say? Then in July, when I visited said best friend, I cried a lot, and I mean a LOT. Then after that I didn't really cry. Had a couple small cries here and there but they weren't a good PROPER cry. Went for months waiting. Then I've cried loads in nearly the space of two weeks. I'm running out of tears again I think. Keep welling up (like I did for months) but not crying yet. *sighs* Think when I go down to see her, I'll end up epically crying at least once again haha. Loser.

SoMuchMore 14-01-2010 10:30 PM

aw ur not a loser. I am kinda the same way, ill cry a lot for a short period of time but then go months and months with nothing. Sometimes i wish i would cry, especially when the situation is appropriate.. but i never do.. which is prolly one of the reasons why i hate it lol, i always seem to cry in settings that do not call for it..

Anyway, off to get some stuff done for the set up for my classes.

MammaMia 14-01-2010 10:39 PM

Also you always cry at the worst time >.<

Have fun!!

Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 10:53 PM

I've not had a proper cry in a long time. A few tears trickling down here and there, a few rusty sobs, but nothing really PROPER about it. I rarely even tear up anyway... and as you said, Helen, never at the right time!! >_< I hate that.

I'm feeling bleh right now. I think I had too much to eat at once... yurgh. So I'm trying to distract myself. I'm used to being able to drink as much as I want of any beverage I want, as they are almost always diet or low-cal, but now with the apple juice/ginger ale that I've been drinking, it's the sugary kind as I need the calories from that. And I can't drink a whole lot of it or else I feel full - which is my problem now. :(


*cuddles Laura* How you doing, love?

*huggles Helen* Yeh, it must be really difficult now with your friends, trying to hold them up and also hold YOU up. Maybe now it's time for you to learn to "let go and let God"? - if you believe in God, that is. I dunno, just a thought. You're not superhuman, and they have free will, as hard a thought as that is to accept. *holds you gently*

MammaMia 14-01-2010 10:59 PM

Hope you feeling better soon :)

I know there's only SO much I can do..

Scarletdreamer 14-01-2010 11:15 PM

I'm feeling a bit better now, thanks. :) Distraction works wonders... lol.

Yeh, there is only so much you can do. I hope that doesn't/didn't sound condescending in any manner... certainly didn't mean it to. *cuddles*

*hides in corner*

MammaMia 14-01-2010 11:30 PM


Why you hiding, might join you actually

*hides away in the denial tent*

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