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RYUU 12-10-2010 09:32 PM

Feel triggered want to cut sorry

nicole94 12-10-2010 09:36 PM

*hugs RYUU* don't be sorry hun, is there anything you can use to distract you right now?

nicole94 12-10-2010 09:59 PM

*hugs lia cause i spies her*

RYUU 12-10-2010 10:11 PM

am trying to do things like being online and listening to music
my husband said i should go to bed early but am not feeling tired

SparkleKitten 12-10-2010 10:23 PM

How about lying in bed with your eyes closed listening to some nice music, calms me sometimes.

Had a rough day today but feeling on top of the world now, everything is sorted out and I'm elated. *cuddles wardies tightly* I love you guys

FlyingNy 12-10-2010 11:22 PM

Good Sarah, I'm glad, but it is a genuine good mood heopfully, and not induced by anything.

*Hugs Nicole* Glad you had a better day, and thank-you for making me feel noticed.

*Hugs Jill* You're not a selfish bitch, I can understand your upset. My nan had dementia, and well...yeah. It was horrible to watch. But it probably is best to put on a brave face around them, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to be upset and you can always let it out as soon as you're alone, or no longer with them. On no account am I agreeing with your mum.

*Hugs RYUU* Sorry I don't really know what to say that hasn't already been said. Just stay safe.

Oh wow, I thought I had sent this ages ago.

PoisonedApple 13-10-2010 12:09 AM

*hugs everyone*
*hopes everyone's doing a bit better now (been a while since anyone posted)*
The following content has been hidden - Reason : it's stupid
I am frustrated. I got a fruit-land smoothie (with protein and a multivitamin since I know my body needs them) and the new person put the orange in with the peel on so now every time I take a sip I get chunks and can't figure out how to drink it without getting the chunks of rind... to add to my frustrations.... the employee (only one there) barely speaks any English so I couldn't even complain effectively! blast it all!

Kahlia1981 13-10-2010 12:48 AM

*sneaks in and hugs all who want/can accept hugs*

Feeling like I've been hit by a bus. Was up coughing last night for quite a while and it's left me quite drained and achey. Have the GP tomorrow ... hopefully something can be done. Until then I'll be relying on my puffer and hoping it'll be enough.


Sorry for being rude and not replying to you all. I am thinking of you, just not thinking straight enough to reply in a meaningful way. :-(

PoisonedApple 13-10-2010 01:17 AM

*huggles Kahlia and wishes her better*

xxjuliexx 13-10-2010 03:51 AM

*sits in the ward and looks around*

Kahlia1981 13-10-2010 03:56 AM

Hi Amy, how are you going?

xxjuliexx 13-10-2010 03:58 AM

*shrugs* ok...
how r u?

Kahlia1981 13-10-2010 04:07 AM

Pretty much the same.

misskitty112 13-10-2010 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2527032)
EDIT:- Sorry interupted by the phone , I personally think that you should leave your videos up on youtube , don't give this ******** get you down . What do you talk about on your videos ?

Sorry I didn't see this until now. Mostly my videos are my journals. I hate writing since I write so much in school, so I talk about triggers, ways to stop SI, I rant and vent, I ponder crap that goes on in my head, I talk about my therapy and meds. They're not... exciting to watch in the least and I basically just put them up so one of my friends who's in a different time zone for uni now can keep up with me without us trying to organize talk time.

Doikers 13-10-2010 11:31 AM

*Hugs Kahlia* Good luck at the Dr's today :)

*Hugs Nicole*

*Hugs Sarah* YEY ! for feeling so good :)

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Lia*

*Hugs Ryuu*

Hi Amy

*Hugs Crimson* I'm sorry you got a funny smoothie :S

Ugh Today makes it 3 days in a row that I've Physically and mentally not been able to get out of bed until gone 11am and have woken up more tired than when I went to bed :S

nicole94 13-10-2010 01:57 PM

*hugs everybody* hmm, the wards very quiet today, might be a good chance for me to get some sleep :D
*curls up and sleeps.*

Doikers 13-10-2010 02:03 PM

*Hugs Nicole* How are you besides sleepy ? :)

nicole94 13-10-2010 02:11 PM

*hugs mark, i'm good thanks (but very very sleepy, went to bed at 10.30 last night, didnt sleep at all, gave up trying at 6.15 and got up.) had a good day at college, did childcare all day today and we did a puzzle and drew flowers XD (one person had to disrupt it and we had to think why they were being disruptive.) and we all had a good laugh when the tutor slid the draw back in and goes 'i like things that slip in and out easily' and clara goes 'i bet you do!' XD
how're you?

Louise 13-10-2010 02:20 PM

Hi everyone

Doikers 13-10-2010 02:21 PM

I'm feeling low, just my sleeping pattern is massivly out of whack this week , I'm in bed 14 hours a day and I'm still tired because I'm depressed, because a night time med still sedates me into the morning and because I'm getting over a cold , Sorry I may have mentioned all that a day or so ago :S

It sounds like you had a fun day Nicole :) hehe

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