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Doikers 11-10-2010 07:27 PM

*Huggles Helen* Please try not to cut , You can get through that feeling and out the other side, you are a really strong person :)

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:23 PM

Hey Jill *Spots and hugs* It's just us in here right now , Are you feeling any better ?

nicole94 11-10-2010 08:27 PM

*huggles everyone*
8 days SH free today :D

shadowedsoul 11-10-2010 08:31 PM

erm no not really. curls up.

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:34 PM

*Huggles Nicole* 8 Days !!!!!!! thats great Nicole :) You should be SO proud of yourself :D

nicole94 11-10-2010 08:37 PM

*huggles mark* thankyou :D i even managed 9-5 at college today and i didnt have my blades with me :D i havent gone out with them since june. i feel very proud although today was hard and i cried through lunch and didnt concentrate much :/ how're you tonight?

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:38 PM

*Squishes Jill* I hope you feel better soon , I'm getting tired so will be going to bed soon but I'm sure the ward will listen to you if you need to talk and I will listen whilst I'm here

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:40 PM

Oh WOW Nicole , going out without your tools is a big step and you've been doing it for a while , I still carry a tool in my wallet so I know how hard it is to give up that habit . Well done you !!

shadowedsoul 11-10-2010 08:44 PM

cheers mark, wish i could say why im feeling the way iam. never been good at expressing how i feel. just bottle it up, and not deal with it. which is stuiped when i say somthing in here and cant explan why im feeling that way. shrugs shoulders

nicole94 11-10-2010 08:47 PM

whoops :/ that was supposed to say i havent gone out without them since june, today was the first time,i really didnt deseve that wow mark. it ****ing scared me. idk, maybe i will be able to keep it up *crosses fingers* heh. i want my bed :(

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:49 PM

It's not stupid Jill , I find it Really hard to express how I feel too. But if you can find the right words ( Which is really hard I know ) the ward is a safe place to talk *Hugs*

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by nicole94 (Post 2525787)
,i really didnt deseve that wow mark.

Well you still deserve a little wow for going without your tools today , It's a Humungous step :D

PoisonedApple 11-10-2010 08:51 PM

*huggles everyone (waves at Owen)*
How is everyone?
Feeling any better Helen?
Congrats Nicole! *throws confetti*
Good night Mark! (if you've decided to head to bed that is)
What's up Jill?

As for myself, I'm going to be pretty spiffy in a couple hours. I'm leaving work early today to make it down to a collections office before they close and I'm going to pay off the last of the debts on my credit report :D As it stands I've a 649 score and after I pay off the last 613$ my ex racked up it may get up to 700 or so!!! And next week my other paid item should be on there as paid off. I am sooooooooo excited! I haven't even had mediocre credit scores in about 7 or 8 years. I'll be debt free and have no remaining ties to my ex! *happy dance, happy dance*

nicole94 11-10-2010 08:53 PM

thanks mark *huggles* damn. feel like a failure now. hmm, ahwell.

Doikers 11-10-2010 08:57 PM

*Does the happy dance with Crimson* Heeee thats so cool , I've never had a credit rating but I did get turned down once for a bank account so know its good to have a decent one *Happy dances his way to bed*

*Hugs Nicole* You're not a failure, you're inspiring :)

PoisonedApple 11-10-2010 09:02 PM

hehe I got turned down for a bank account before, then told I could have an account but no ATM card. Glad I should be able to do not only that but get a home loan soon *tucks Mark into bed*

*hugs Nicole* you are not a failure, hun.

nicole94 11-10-2010 09:03 PM

*hugs mark.* how is that inspiring? sorry, but it's not :( i am useless. everyone at college hates me so i should just quit and my family hate me so i should just hide somewhere and never come out.

FlyingNy 11-10-2010 09:39 PM

*Hugs Nicole* I thought you loved college? You said they were all really understanding there. I don't know what I would do without my school. I love it there and I'm happy, even if it does feel empty half the time now. You're not a failure, you went so long without taking your blades with you and you've gone a whole 8 days without cutting, that's something to be proud of.

*Hugs Jill* Totally know where you're coming from there, I find it so so hard to open up and I regret what I told everyone a couple of weeks ago. I shouldn't have done and it was stupid. But I think Helen was right. You should think about getting proffesinal help. I wouldn't appreciate it if anyone told me that and would probably tell them where to go, so you can do that to me if you like.

*Hugs Crimson* Woo, debt free! :)

*Hugs Mark* How are you feeling now?

SparkleKitten 11-10-2010 10:08 PM

*cuddles wardies*

I feel terrible today, just had a really really bad day. I don't want this to keep happening. I can't keep doing this. I feel awful :(

FlyingNy 11-10-2010 10:11 PM

*Hugs Sarah* What happend honey?

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