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Doikers 25-06-2016 09:56 AM

Hiya All , How are you all Doing ?

My Anxiety is making me tearful . . . .

Doikers 25-06-2016 11:32 AM

My Head is spinning with negative, hypothetical, Insecure, Anxious Thoughts , I REALLY need it to STFU , I took a Diaz but it's not had time to kick in yet .

Hush , Please Hush . . . .

Eir 27-06-2016 07:43 PM

I've done it again. I let my pride allow me to fall into this strange place of mixed emotions, insomnia and whispers.
If events and responsibilities would allow, I'd stay like this. Unhinged.
But I have reason to force myself to go back to the meds.
Hopefully I can hang on to it for just a while longer.
I'm not quite down. Nor am I in that heady irresistible state of buoyancy. I dislike this. Wanting to hurt myself, followed by sense of energy, to despair, to restless vacancy trying to figure out who won't bloody shut up.
I needed to write this. To pretend it isn't just me.
Too much pressure in my head.thats all its ever been. Make it stop.

Kathryn_Anna 27-06-2016 08:33 PM

*offers everyone safe hugs*

Welcome Amberita!

I'm struggling a bit right now. Every doctor my middle child sees my youngest is seeing now too. So instead of 9 specialists/therapists and then the pediatrician it's now all that times 2. 20 appointments to keep track of. Never mind my oldest who has 4 people of his own. I'm struggling to do it all. It's just too much but I don't have a choice but to just deal with it and keep going. *sigh*

Doikers 27-06-2016 08:38 PM

Sorry we are all Struggling *Massive Safe Hugs and Vegetarian Gravy*

Doikers 28-06-2016 08:35 AM

*Safe Hugs Auragrace* Will be on and off all day if you wanna talk .

Doikers 29-06-2016 06:29 PM

How are you all doing?

Kahlia1981 01-07-2016 03:54 AM

Hi again everyone.

Really not feeling good at the moment. Very strong urges to attack myself. I have no idea why I'm even alive on this earth any more.

Before the darkness completely takes me over *safe hugs* to anyone who needs (or wants) them.

Doikers 01-07-2016 09:37 AM

*Safe Hugs Auragrace*

Kahlia , I'm sorry you are so low *Safe Hugs* Back at you , I NEED them <3

Kathryn_Anna 01-07-2016 02:41 PM

*safe hugs* Mark.

How is everyone?

Doikers 01-07-2016 03:20 PM

*Safe Hugs Kathryn * How are you hun?

Kathryn_Anna 01-07-2016 03:57 PM

I'm struggling. My to do list is overwhelming. My emotions are all over the place. I've not been myself all week. I've just wanted to sleep and not do much of anything.

Doikers 01-07-2016 06:43 PM

Can you break you to list down into small chunks , Kathryn ?

Doikers 02-07-2016 11:47 AM

Oh , Auragrace, I'm so sorry you feel so dreadful *Safe Hugs*

Doikers 03-07-2016 04:54 AM

Have you a MH Pro or a Friend to talk to , Auragrace?

Doikers 05-07-2016 07:16 AM

How are you all ?

Marshmallow. 05-07-2016 03:19 PM

S'happennin' guys?
Just checking in, it's been a while.
I've just been given a diagnosis of BPD and still just trying to process that along with work stress.

How is everyone else doing?

Doikers 06-07-2016 08:01 AM

Hey Ashley , I have that Diagnosis too *Safe Hugs*

Doikers 06-07-2016 09:06 AM

I am so Anxious . . . .

Marshmallow. 06-07-2016 05:06 PM

It's horrible having a diagnosis. I mean I obviously wanted to know what was going on but now I know it's like this inside that won't go away. I mean you can't change your personality right? It can't get better.

*hugs* what's making you so anxious Mark?

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