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frenchhorn 17-05-2011 04:33 PM

when are you meeting up with Felicia? I'm glad your doing ok.

I'm ok thanks, excited about my adventure on wednesday and thursday.

Doikers 17-05-2011 05:01 PM

*Hugs Oliver* the end of July is when we meet in Swindon :) Whats your Adventure ?!

Louise 17-05-2011 05:08 PM

one exam down one to go.

hugs everyone

Doikers 17-05-2011 05:18 PM

GO Louise! Hugs :)

PoisonedApple 17-05-2011 06:18 PM

*hugs everyone* Sorry I haven't read the last 5 days of posts...there's just too many to handle right now.

I've officially bought the house. We're half way moved in. We already moved the stuff from our storage unit so we won't have to pay for that anymore. My dad sent more money than I needed to get the armiore but I'm not gonna complain or argue since we need it. My sister in law is still causing trouble but even David got to the point where he said that she had 2 weeks to get her head from her arse or she's gone. He tells me we need her to stay financially but I pointed out that she has no job and with the way she's been I'd rather throw her out and get a second job if we actually need more income. *rolls eyes* either way i also pointed out that the apartment was in his name so his house but the house is entirely in my name not just me paying for it, so it is MY house. we'll see how it goes and how many more times i get called a bitch by the SIL... (i already pointed out that she ain't seen nothin'... i can truly be a bitch but I haven't thus far...)

On another note, why are people so horrible? My coworker's 15 month old son is in the ICU in a medically induced coma because his dad's gf abused him and shattered part of his skull...

Laura2.0 17-05-2011 06:43 PM

*hugs Lindsay*
*hugs Oliver*
*hugs Mark*
*hugs Louise*
*hugs Crimson* people are cruel all the time, I don't know why though. I hope the baby is going to be ok.

Doikers 17-05-2011 06:57 PM

*Hugs Crimson* You're NOT a bitch hun

*Hugs Laura*

frenchhorn 17-05-2011 07:03 PM

*hugs Crimson* I really hope the baby will be ok, people are so cruel and I wish I knew why.

*hugs Mark* ooo that is soon, have fun. my adventure is taking a photo every 15 minutes of exactly the same spot in the countryside from midnight to midnight, so it involves sitting in the middle of nowhere being awake for over 24 hours!

*hugs Louise* good luck with your exam

*hugs Laura* how are you?

PoisonedApple 17-05-2011 07:12 PM

*hugs Mark Laura and Oliver* they said IF the baby makes it he'll be severely special needs because of it. :(

And mark, I can be when I put my mind to it. I usually try to be nice but she's worn down my last nerves. Everything has an excuse with her and it's always someone else's fault... *sigh* I still didn't get an apology for Sunday's debacle. Ah well.

frenchhorn 17-05-2011 07:15 PM

*hugs Crimson* thats awful about the baby :(

dontwantyoutoknow 17-05-2011 08:00 PM

I made it to the doctors. Told her about my suicide plan; she asked what it was, I said I didn't want to talk about it. I told her the date was going to be my 21st in two weeks, but that I've decided to give myself more time, and now I don't have a set date. She's worried about me and wants to see me every month. I can't even stick a form in to get a repeat prescription, I have to be seen. But oh well. I'm getting my old counsellor back towards the autumn also, but I'm not sure if I can hang on that long.

The doctor also gave me back my anxiety meds. She's going to change my anti-depressants when I'm a bit safer. Well she says when, I say if. :crying:

Laura2.0 17-05-2011 08:17 PM

*hugs crimson*
*hugs oliver*
*hugs mark*

Doikers 17-05-2011 08:17 PM

*Hugs MJ*

Laura2.0 17-05-2011 08:32 PM

*hugs MJ*

today might possibly be on the list of my top 10 worst days of my life

PoisonedApple 17-05-2011 09:01 PM

*hugs Laura* What happened?

Laura2.0 17-05-2011 09:03 PM

*hugs Crimson*
nothing much happened. I'm just generally feeling unwell.
And I decided that I'm not going to take the meds that my T prescribed me yesterday.

Doikers 17-05-2011 09:05 PM

*Hugs Laura* Condier taking the meds hu ,I was worried that it would change me but they really don't.

*Hugs Crimson*

PoisonedApple 17-05-2011 09:26 PM

*hugs Mark and Laura*
Sorry I didn't reply for so long... I kept refreshing the page and for whatever reason didn't realize till just now that the next page had started. :/
Could you maybe try them for a month or so and if you don't like them be weaned back off of them?

Laura2.0 17-05-2011 09:35 PM

*hugs mark and crimson*
the same thing happened to me crimson.. lol
I had my first appointment with a psychotherapist ever yesterday. six weeks ago I couldn't even imagine doing that and now I am supposed to take meds. I can't do it. It's all too fast.

SoMuchMore 18-05-2011 05:40 AM

*cuddles everyone, leaves teddy bears and non-calorie treats*

I <3 you all. Sorry I'm not around.

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