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zowie 23-01-2009 05:17 PM

Glad you're feeling better Jade, even if it is a little bit.
Take care of yourself xxx

wildly insane 23-01-2009 06:44 PM

*Hugs Helen* congrats at getting the course almost sorted and sorry to hear about your friends, I hope they are going to be okay, hope you are feeling an ickle bit better today.

*hugs Arwen* hope you enjoy the weekend - I'm Hannah by the way :-D

*hugs Kat* please don't give up

*hugs Alexx* hope the triggeredness stops

*hugs Jade* glad you're feeling a little better, please join us for tea and cake whenever you like

*hugs Mary Anne* hope you're doing okay

*and hugs to anyone else dropping in and needing one*

However right now I'm going to curl up in a corner and wish I was better at crying, hides underneath a duvet, and wishes that I could stay here the entire weekend, but I can't. Didn't get the job, feel lonely, even when surrounded by friends.

MammaMia 23-01-2009 07:24 PM

*cuddles all*


MY FRIEND HAS GONE MISSING >.< (she's one of th people who went to hospital today...as she'd attempted to die >.<) but we may have found her, just waiting.......

I hate this. I feel so **** >_<

Damnation. 23-01-2009 09:15 PM

*Hugs Helen* x_o I hope she turns up and is safe

Zowie: Had to see a judge today in regards to our eviction, in the hopes that we'll get our deadline extended. More on that in a minute, though

Kat: *Hugs tightly and doesn't let go* Please hang in there

*Hugs Wildly*

Jade: Glad to hear that we've been of support to you

Mary Anne: Pleased you've got it under control now

Voice: >___< *Hugs tightly* I know what you mean. I used to get triggered by that word, as well

* * *

Anyway, as I said earlier, my housemate and me went to see a judge in court today. The hearing went okay, we've been granted an extra two weeks from today, until the bailiffs come. An extra two weeks to find somewhere to live.

The only bugger now is that if we still can't find anywhere to live, well, my dad and his girlfriend are going on holiday around about that time, so getting there would be...interesting. I'm in Lancashire, he's in Suffolk, and I don't travel well alone. At all. *Sigh*

MammaMia 23-01-2009 09:19 PM

She was found not long after I posted :)

Things are just pretty ****.

Glad you been granted two more weeks and I so hope you can find somewhere *snuggles*

Damnation. 23-01-2009 09:32 PM

Glad to hear it. And I'm sorry things aren't going too well for you either >_<.

And thanks. We're hoping so too *snuggles back*

MammaMia 23-01-2009 10:21 PM

Things will have a way of fixing themselves? Meh. >.< I tried to escape my thoughts and stuff on tv, firstly I see an episode of someone telling a family member they've been raped (well I really wantes to see that didn't I? Then...there was conversation where the daughter went and hugged her mum tightly (who didnt hug back) and said "don't hate me mum for what I've done"....which brought back the three times I've said that to mum after she found out about the same thing...but on different occasions...


Damnation. 23-01-2009 10:23 PM

Ugh, ouch x__O *hugs back again*

MammaMia 23-01-2009 10:38 PM


I am tempted to contact the person I had a meeting with yesterday as she did say I could talk to her anytime about anything. But I don't know...and I feel like I abuse it when people say that? :S

Tears of Solitude 24-01-2009 12:09 PM

MammaMia I am so sorry that you are going through such a hard time < big hugs >.

Poisonious I do hope you find somewhere very soon. I completely understand about travelling alone. I find it hard just going out the house.

Katrica < big hugs >

I hope in time I get to know your names

Im feeling better, Thank you. < big hugs to everybody > I have updated my thread in Serious about my appt with my Psych.

I hope everyone has a good weekend???? Whats everyone got planned.

Luv Jade xxx

Tears of Solitude 24-01-2009 12:12 PM

Thanks Zowie for making me feel welcome.

Have a good weekend < hugs >

Luv Jade xxx

zowie 24-01-2009 03:49 PM

*Hugs Jade back*
*Hugs Helen* If she said you could talk to her anytime, then she probably means it. You should talk to her :)

Rocky Horror themed party tonight, yay! x

Mary Anne 24-01-2009 07:21 PM

Hi everyone,

Zowie - who you going as? I love Rocky horror.

Sorry, I keep promising to come in and never do. Well, Saturday night so as usual I am home alone so here I am.

How is everyone?

Helen, sounds like you had a scare there. People don;t say you can call me lightly so please do go ahead and give them a call. *hugs*

*leaves hugs for everyone*

I miss this place when I don;t come in.

Damnation. 24-01-2009 08:47 PM


What the ****?



They're trying to claim that I owe £918...WHAT THE ****?! THAT. IS. BULLSHIT. My housemate has to go to the council anyway on Tuesday, so we're gonna get this **** sorted out then.

Patience: I've ****ing run out of it

MammaMia 24-01-2009 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tears of Solitude (Post 1378106)
MammaMia I am so sorry that you are going through such a hard time < big hugs >.

Thank you, hugs back


Originally Posted by zowie (Post 1378362)
*Hugs Helen* If she said you could talk to her anytime, then she probably means it. You should talk to her :)

I know, I jus don't want to abuse it as it were


Originally Posted by Mary Anne (Post 1378679)
Helen, sounds like you had a scare there. People don;t say you can call me lightly so please do go ahead and give them a call. *hugs*

I will do maybe.

Dayna, that sucks, I hope you get it all sorted soon *hugs*

Damnation. 24-01-2009 09:24 PM

So do I. Any more stress, and I will break. It's a ****ing miracle I haven't already *hugs back*.

I hope things start looking up for you soon, as well

Tears of Solitude 24-01-2009 09:29 PM

Wow Poisonous, thats a huge amount. I hope you get it sorted xxx I dont blame you for being shocked and angry. xxx

How are you Mamma Mia??????

Zowie, let us know how the Rocky Horror themed party goes < sounds like great fun >

Luv Jade xxx

Damnation. 24-01-2009 10:21 PM

Jade: (Nice name, t'was my sisters ^__^) Call me Däyna. And yeah. Last time I checked, my housemate and me were meant to be getting council tax benefit, too. So what the ****?

BoundNoMore 24-01-2009 10:31 PM

I don't know how much longer I can take this ****!!!! *screams*

Tears of Solitude 24-01-2009 10:31 PM

Whats the matter Bound no more ?????

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