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PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:08 AM

I have a counselor but since she is on "university time" I dont get to go back and see her until the 13th of january. I could schedule an "emergency" appointment with one of the school faculty but wouldn't do any good I don't talk to people I dont know in rl. Cant see my doctor until the 3rd.

-spots and hugs mark- hi mark how you be?

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:14 AM

*Hugs Heather*

*Hugs Sarah*

*Hugs Lia*

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Kitty* Amara Is NOT right Kitty hun , please hang on . I haven't cried about my Grandmas death since I first found out Kitty , It's doesn't make us ****ed even though it kind of makes us feel so sometimes .

*Hugs Crimson*

*Hugs Helen*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Willow*

I thought I had 3 meetings today but Anne is on leave so it's 2 but Kat can't get in so Accupuncture is cancelled so it's just the 1 and thats been moved to midday heh . I'm feeling numb , pouring coffee into myself , getting out of bed has become so hard for me latley , I went through a phase when I felt okay that I would hop out of bed now I just lay there until I can work up the motivation to get up :S

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:19 AM

-hugs mark again- sorry to hear you are low at the moment. wish I was better able to help -cuddles mark- and sorry that your appointments got canceled and one got moved to this afternoon.

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:25 AM

*Squishes Kitty* Thanks , I was looking forward to accupunctre , it helps me relax and sleep but at least I get to meet my Nurse before she go's on maternity leave :)

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:34 AM

Yeah, that's a positive. -squishes back- Sorry I not better.

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:35 AM

should I go on a walk? =/ Amara says I should..

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:38 AM

Noo Kitty stay in , It must be pretty late where you are , and I think you should stay home tonight .

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:41 AM

its 2:41 am. She says I should go walk down the middle of the road..

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:44 AM

No Kitty , Please stay here , I'm about for 48 minutes if you want to talk , please don't listen to her , Don't walk down the middle of a road please hun thats so dangerous :S

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:45 AM

I bled for her but its not enough, she wants more...

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:49 AM

Don't listen to her Kitty Hun , I'm sorry you cut but let that be the only thing you do do tonight because of her , Perhaps you could sleep? , it's laaate where you are , I'm concerned about you :S

SparkleKitten 21-12-2010 11:49 AM

hey guys, just popping in, I'm still in bed and posting off my phone. Been ditched by a few friends recently and just can't motivate myself. I SI'd last night so I'm just fed up. I'll not be back until a lot later, take care *cuddles ward*

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:51 AM

-cuddles sarah- sorry to hear that hun

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:52 AM

my last post vanished o.O

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:52 AM

*Cuddles Sarah* Don't beat yourself up hun , we are always here to listen .

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:52 AM

Ohhh what did it say Kitty ?

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:55 AM

it said I bled for her but its not enough, she wants more..

Doikers 21-12-2010 11:58 AM

Oh that posts up ^^^ there , *Hugs Kitty*

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 11:59 AM

-hugs back- gah 10 mins is forever

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:01 PM

* hugs everyone *
Am so bored at the moment

Doikers 21-12-2010 12:02 PM

Whats in 10 minutes Kitty ?

Why so bored Willow?

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:02 PM

-hugs willow- sorry you are bored, know the feeling all too well. maybe listen to music?

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:03 PM

Mark: nothing is in 10 mins its just my hands getting tired from holding pressure..

Doikers 21-12-2010 12:04 PM

Kitty, How deep did you go? Do you need medical attention? Sorry for all the questions I am very worried about you :S

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:05 PM

gah no way am I goin for a walk is too windy out there!

edit: not sure but couldn't afford it even if I did -sighs-

Doikers 21-12-2010 12:07 PM

That's Good Kitty :)

Doikers 21-12-2010 12:11 PM

I've got to run an errand for my sister before my Appointment so have to leave in 15 minutes , will you be okay Kitty?

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:14 PM

Because i have nothing to do apart from drinking coffee and listen to my partner talk to his friend on X box
i have the radio on now

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:14 PM

mmm prolly not bu ya gotta do what ya gotta do mark. dont worry bout me, really. I dont mean to be an extra stress-er.

Doikers 21-12-2010 12:18 PM

Kitty , please take good care of yourself , you are a part of this ward now and we love you :) *Hugs*

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:20 PM

-hugs back- any idea how long you will be gone?

Doikers 21-12-2010 12:24 PM

Maybe an hour and a half , Could you try to sleep hun? , I'm really worried about you, I'd feel better if you were asleep then you would be safer.
I REALLY have to meet my nurse , It's my last oppourtunity for a year ! Please take good care Hun *Squishes*

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:24 PM

Kitty am around if you want to talk .
help relieve my boredom

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:27 PM

-squishes mark- I know. I understand.

-scoots over next to willow- hai. dont be bored.

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:29 PM

* hugs kitty*
what time is it there ?

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:31 PM

-hugs back- 3:30 in the morning. what about where you are?

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:37 PM

Am in Scotland it's 11.37 am

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:40 PM

ah. I am in the great and wonderful united states (thats sarcasm by the way I really hate it here...mainly because health care is so damned expensive)

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:46 PM

yea i heard that it's expensive there for health care
we have the NHS here but you have to wait ages before you are seen

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 12:51 PM

Ya here a person can go to the hospital but it comes with a hefty price like I was in there for 20 mins top last month to see if I needed stitches and they charged me over $600. I can't pay it which means it will go into collections and ruin my credit. Lovely. I hate Obama. Makes me a "terrorist" according to the government but he's a dumbass. His great idea to fix the health care problem was to make having health insurance the law. So when that goes in effect anyone who does not have health insurance will either be given a hefty fine or arrested. But oh so mr intelligent did not make health insurance companies lower the cost of health care. I mean, that's the reason people like me don't have insurance in the first place...we can't afford it. So ya I'm pretty much screwed.

Disturbia 21-12-2010 12:58 PM

wow i didnt know things are that bad for people there I thought they would have done something for people who cant afford health insurance .

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 01:03 PM

Well see they offer this program where you can get "assistance" with your bill but it's such a pain in the ass to apply for they want information from like 5 different sources including bank statements which well if I gave them those they wouldn't accept me for the assistance program anyway because of the amount of money I have in my account. Problem is, that's financial aid money, and I have to use that to live off of (pay my rent and bills) for the next 6 months.

Disturbia 21-12-2010 01:20 PM

mmm it dont sound very fair

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 01:22 PM

It's not. It's totally unfair that a person has to pay to live - and at such a high price, too.

one_step_closer 21-12-2010 01:26 PM

Hi everyone.

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 01:29 PM

hi lindsay -hugs if ok- how are you?

The following content has been hidden - Reason : triggering
Im still bleeding. Now my sock has blood on it.

one_step_closer 21-12-2010 01:46 PM

Do you need medical attention, Kitty?

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 01:48 PM

I don't know. I don't think they need stitches. But even if so, like I have said, I couldn't afford them. Gotta do the best I can with what I've got. I've used neosporin and bandages on them. Had to double bandage this time and tape over but I think they will be fine..

MammaMia 21-12-2010 01:49 PM

[edited so my bestie can't find out her pressie ;)]

PsychoKitty2010 21-12-2010 01:54 PM

Hmmm...that sounds good as is, helen. Maybe you could add your favorite memory of you and that friend? I don't know though sorry if the idea sounds dumb. -hugs-

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