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one_step_closer 25-02-2024 01:05 PM

Those sound like good reasons to go. How's your kitten? I'm just trying to get on with things as best as I can.

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 01:21 PM

He's adorable! And getting bigger every day. He's really not happy about wearing a cone.

Well done for getting on but look after yourself.

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 02:31 PM

Aww bless him, how long has he had it on?

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 02:32 PM

He's had it since Thursday, take it off on Tuesday.

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 02:37 PM

Not long to go!

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 02:52 PM

I'm finally dragging myself out of bed to go to the charity shop. So much for these meds giving me energy!

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 04:41 PM

Well done for going!

one_step_closer 25-02-2024 04:46 PM

I'm wondering why my kitties never had to wear a cone.

I hope you find some good bargains, Beth.

Cacoethes 25-02-2024 04:50 PM

Hey everyone
Sorry i haven't caught up, there has been much chat while I've been away!

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 04:55 PM

A grand total of....


one_step_closer 25-02-2024 04:57 PM

Hi, Beckie. You doing ok?

I hate when that happens, Beth! So disappointing.

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 05:03 PM


I still haven't even washed my hair yet. So much for these meds giving me energy, and being a 'powerful stimulant' - I'm about to go back to sleep!

one_step_closer 25-02-2024 05:07 PM

That's a shame. Do some people have varying results with the meds? I hope they kick in soon/you get on the right dose.

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 05:08 PM

Everything I've read, videos I've watched of people sharing their experiences says you feel it within 40 minutes of taking it.

I'm on hour 5 of nothing. I feel no difference.

one_step_closer 25-02-2024 05:10 PM

That sounds odd then. I'm sure there must be other people who haven't reacted as quickly though.

Cacoethes 25-02-2024 05:11 PM

I'm ok thanks. Tired.
Drove to L's parent's for coffee (50 min drive) which was fun. And filled up the car.

How disappointing beth
Hopefully it's just a dose thing and they'll be able to adjust it

one_step_closer 25-02-2024 05:12 PM

50 minutes is a long time to be driving. Well done for doing that. I hope you can get some rest now.

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 05:14 PM

Well done on the drive Beckie!

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 05:28 PM

Well done for driving Cacoethes.

Shame you didn't find anything Ahimsa.

I've got an idea for a painting but I want to do it really well so I'm going to practice little bits first.

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 05:32 PM

What's your idea Tamo?

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 05:37 PM

A man of sorrows/crucifixion figure. It's not a totally original concept but I hope I can do it my way, make it a bit original.

Cacoethes 25-02-2024 05:39 PM

Thanks guys! Driving is still a novelty so i really enjoy it!

Sounds like a good idea tamo!

one_step_closer 25-02-2024 07:08 PM

Enjoy your creative time, Tamo.

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 07:16 PM

I've been to Mass, I was glad not to walk in the rain.

one_step_closer 25-02-2024 07:23 PM

That's good that you went and didn't have to walk back. What are you doing with the rest of your evening?

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 08:03 PM

I tried out doing some of my painting. Now it's dinner time :) I'm having curry. What are you up to?

Ahimsa 25-02-2024 08:23 PM

how did the painting trial go?

tamobhuuta 25-02-2024 09:23 PM

Not good, I'm rethinking.

not_so_insig 26-02-2024 06:57 AM

Morning all. I am unfortunately awake. :angry:

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 07:35 AM

Welcome to my world dawn!

Zurg 26-02-2024 10:38 AM

Morning Dawn and Beckie.
My birdies started to say 'peep' and make honk noises at 7.30. I found this unaccaeptable so i rolled on to the other side and slept on XD about 45 minutes later, a Findus landed on my stomach, keen for breakfast.
What are you up to, today???

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 10:46 AM

You and your furry and feathery alarm clocks!

I'm not doing a lot.
Need to focus on some studying for an exam next week, maybe go to asda, need to shower and an appointment at 4:30
How about you?

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 11:17 AM

Morning everyone. I don't envy you your early mornings! Mass is at 12 today so I can't go because I am seeing my Support Worker then.

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 11:28 AM

Shame you can't go to mass tamo. Hopefully support worker is helpful

one_step_closer 26-02-2024 11:45 AM

Morning everyone.

Your animals are the boss of you, Kat!

You've got an exam coming up already, Beckie? Hope you can get everything done ok.

I hope your appointment goes well, Tamo.

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 11:51 AM

Thanks guys. Good luck with your days. What are you up to osc?

not_so_insig 26-02-2024 11:54 AM

Morning all. I fell back asleep and didn't want to wake up when my alarum clock went off. But am showered and dressed just gotta brush my hair. Have about 20 minutes to kill before I leave for the bus.

one_step_closer 26-02-2024 11:57 AM

I'll be seeing my new CPN at 12.30pm, don't know what to expect. Then will try and go to Tesco.

Are you still feeling tired, Dawn? I hope your day goes well.

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 12:02 PM

Yeah, it's the only written exam of the course.
We are assessed in the gym later on which i am dreading because i hate doing role play type things when people are watching and assessing!

Got everything crossed that you have a decent cpn lindsay!

My mum has gone to see my grandad.
Apparently he hasn't got long left. I won't be able to get down there before the inevitable happens so I'm quite upset about that.

Zurg 26-02-2024 12:03 PM

The zoo is totally the boss(es) of me!!! I dread to think of the anarchistic life i would live without them!!!
My support worker was just here. Findus accidentally shut himself inside the bedroom and we didn't notice until support worker had to leave. Poor, wee bunbun!!!
Hope your new cpn is kind and useful, Lindsay <3
I don't have a clue what i should do for the rest of this day…..
Ew to studying!!! Especially for an exam!!!!

Zurg 26-02-2024 12:07 PM

Ninja Beckie. I know it's not much comfort but you took time to go and see him one last time. I think when people are ill and close to death, there is only so much you can do and only so much they can take in <3 i'm sure he appreciates your kindness. Given how you feel and the things you're struggling with, going to see him was a very sweet gesture. It was important to both of you!!!

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 12:14 PM

Thank you zurg <3
My mum said it's good i saw him while he was still able to talk and joke and I'm glad i saw him just being his old self, even if he still looked very physically unwell.
He was very pleased to see me and my brother. Apparently he was telling all the nurses that we were visiting that day.

one_step_closer 26-02-2024 12:15 PM

I agree with Kat. I'm so sorry you're going through this, Beckie.

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 12:40 PM

Thanks lindsay <3
Knew it was coming, but didn't think it would be so soon

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 12:58 PM

He died this morning before my mum got there

long road 26-02-2024 01:03 PM

Sorry for your loss and for your mum not getting there one last time Beckie. Sending big virtual hugs xx

I have had a shower, and been to the dentist this morning and ma now very low on energy.

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 01:04 PM

Sorry for your loss Cacoethes. I'm glad he was pleased by your visit and you were able to see him again.

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 01:04 PM

Well done lr.

Good luck with your new CPN osc.

Looks like my appointment isnt an appointment...

Cacoethes 26-02-2024 01:06 PM

Thank you both <3

Well done for your things jen
Time to rest

tamobhuuta 26-02-2024 01:51 PM

My appointment is next Monday! Oh well, it got me out the house but I could have gone to church.

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