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not_so_insig 27-01-2024 04:59 PM

I am ok thanks Lindsay. Woke up early freezing so put heating on. Managed to get back to sleep though. I dyed my hair last night so it's a sort of dark blonde now. Definitely lighter than what it was before.

one_step_closer 27-01-2024 05:02 PM

Are you happy with your hair? It's a nicer day than usual here but my house is still cold enough for me to have put the heating on for a bit.

long road 27-01-2024 05:09 PM

I had chow mein flavour super noodles. Which partner cooked for me using th hob Then again I don't own a microwave so its either cook on hob or eat raw noodles!

I also had some hash browns. Am focusing on comfort food today. Something I try and avoid generally using food to cope but I need it a bit today.

one_step_closer 27-01-2024 05:13 PM

I've never tried the chow mein ones, I don't think I've ever had an actual chow mein.

Comfort food is ok.

not_so_insig 27-01-2024 05:22 PM

Yes I am happy Lindsay.

tamobhuuta 27-01-2024 06:38 PM

I wish my brown bread sandwich was malted. The label says malted but that's a lie.

one_step_closer 27-01-2024 06:50 PM

That's good, Dawn.

Sandwich labels should always tell the truth.

tamobhuuta 27-01-2024 06:54 PM

Ah in a perfect world...

long road 27-01-2024 06:55 PM

Sandwiches can be both the best kind of food and the most disappointing. Like a really great sandwich can make your day but some are shocking.

one_step_closer 27-01-2024 06:56 PM

Soon you will get to have whatever sandwich you want, Tamo. :)

tamobhuuta 27-01-2024 06:57 PM

I really will be living the dream.

one_step_closer 27-01-2024 06:58 PM

What's your favourite sandwich? I have a feeling that I have asked someone this before.

tamobhuuta 27-01-2024 07:04 PM

Cheese and salad (not tomato)

long road 27-01-2024 07:29 PM

I can't chose a favourite sandwich. There are so many top tier sandwiches!!!

tamobhuuta 27-01-2024 07:35 PM

Cheese and pickle is also pretty good.

long road 27-01-2024 07:37 PM

What's your favourite type of cheese Tamo?

tamobhuuta 27-01-2024 09:10 PM

Depends what it's in. A normal sandwich, cheddar. But I like mozzarella in a salad. Paneer in a curry.

long road 27-01-2024 10:15 PM

I agree with you that cheddar is the best sandwich cheese.

Mozzarella in caprese salad is lush.

Elmer 28-01-2024 10:55 AM

Ah, cheese.

Morning thread people, just diving in to say hi and I hope you're all having a good Sunday so far

Cacoethes 28-01-2024 10:57 AM

Morning everyone!

I am slightly hungover. L has gone to get coffees XD

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 11:31 AM

Morning peeps. I'm exhausted! I must've not slept well. But Mum will bring coffee so that will perk me up. Enjoy your coffee Cacoethes!

Zurg 28-01-2024 11:49 AM

Morning everyone.
My sleep was quite interrupted because SOMEONE decided they needed treats all night long and thus kept foot thumping to wake me up…..

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 11:50 AM

Naughty bun bun!

Zurg 28-01-2024 11:53 AM

Yes!!! And now he's just flopping on the floor and looking all cute and innocent….!!!

Elmer 28-01-2024 11:53 AM

I hope you enjoy your coffees, Tamo and Beckie :)

Zurg it never occurred to me that rabbits could cause more disruption than cats but you have opened my eyes! I hope he has calmed down now.

I am supposed to be doing uni work but I am mostly procrastinating :wow:

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 11:55 AM

Well he's had a tiring night Zurg!

I wish you motivation and direction Elmer.

one_step_closer 28-01-2024 12:01 PM

Morning everyone.

Oh dear, Beckie! Hope you feel better soon.

I hope you feel more awake soon, Tamo, or if not you can get some rest.

I would hate to see Findus and Crookshanks get together, Kat!

I hope you can push past the procrastination, Lio, and also do some nice things too.

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 12:02 PM

Hi osc, how are you?

one_step_closer 28-01-2024 12:10 PM

Really not good but I'll be ok.

What are you going to get up to today?

Zurg 28-01-2024 12:42 PM

I think we would require an army or something like that if that would ever be the case, Lindsay. Cats are known for their sneaky intelligence and bunnies mostly for their vast destructive nature. I foreseee the end of society as we know it!!!!
I am trying to relax but i am also a wee bit bored and have minor zoomies. A most unhelpful combo!!!

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 01:03 PM

Sorry you're not good osc. Look after yourself.

I hope you can relax Zurg.

Ahimsa 28-01-2024 01:07 PM

Morning all

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 01:42 PM

Hello all.

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 01:49 PM

Hi Ahimsa and insig, how are you both?

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 02:19 PM

I am awful tamobhuuta but ty for asking.

tamobhuuta 28-01-2024 03:25 PM

Sorry to hear that insig. Do you anything that would help?

Cacoethes 28-01-2024 03:37 PM

Hey everyone

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 03:44 PM

Hello Beckie how is your hangover?

Cacoethes 28-01-2024 03:53 PM

Much better thanks!

You feeling any better dawn?

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 03:55 PM

Not really. I bumped my thread in serious.

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 03:57 PM

Glad your hangover is better though. I find I don't get hangovers I blame the meds lol.

Cacoethes 28-01-2024 04:06 PM

I never usually get them!
This is like the 3rd or 4th one I've had in my whole life!
And it was just a headache really. I did drink a LOT.

Sorry to hear that dawn

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 04:17 PM

Thanks Beckie. What are you up to today?

one_step_closer 28-01-2024 04:24 PM

I hope you have found something to settle you, Kat.

Hi Beth, how are you?

I hope you can find something to help with how you're feeling, Dawn.

Sounds like you're quickly recovering from your hangover, Beckie!

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 04:27 PM

Thanks Lindsay. I am currently in search of my earbuds so that I can distract with music.

one_step_closer 28-01-2024 04:31 PM

You're always searching for something! What music will you listen to?

not_so_insig 28-01-2024 04:47 PM

I am listening to Eurovision tracks now Lindsay.

Cacoethes 28-01-2024 04:50 PM

We have been to 3 car dealerships today!
Then had a roast dinner at a pub.
Been a good day.

The hangover only required a couple of paracetamol and some coffee to sort it!

I've never really watched eurovision, but they do come out with some decent songs sometimes!

one_step_closer 28-01-2024 04:57 PM

Any particular year, Dawn?

Sounds fun, Beckie. Did you see any cars you liked?

Cacoethes 28-01-2024 05:55 PM

I did!
I would have one already if finance companies weren't prejudiced against learners :plain:

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