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Cacoethes 23-01-2024 12:23 PM

Morning tamo
How are you?

I was pretty much just watching driving videos and learning the 'show me tell me' questions for my test.
Just back from the gym. It is raining now :plain:

I haven't had any ads

one_step_closer 23-01-2024 01:05 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I had ads but not for a while.

Did you miss the rain while you were out, Beckie? I got soaked going to the chemist. Had to change my jeans.

How are you, Tamo?

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 01:13 PM

I did not miss the rain!
But it's that annoying misty rain rather than proper rain.
Just done a mini clean out for the boys. Should go to asda or aldi really.

How are you lindsay?

one_step_closer 23-01-2024 01:25 PM

Doooon't go back out in the raaaaain! It's the heavy type rain here.

I'm not great but getting on with the day.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 01:31 PM

My dad came to see me :) i don't know if I've got enough shampoo for a hairwash so that's getting moved to tomorrow when Dad can bring me some. I think it's raining here but not too heavily.

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 01:50 PM

Afternoon all. My cat litter order came 2 and a half hours earlier than what the tracking said. But it's been put away (it was heavy) now which is good. There was also cat food in there fingers crossed my cat likes it.

Waiting for amazon now with Christmas wrapping paper in the order (ran out over Christmas) and an anniversary card for my friend. Her anniversary isn't until next month but I didn't want to leave it too late and be stuck with a crappy card.

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 01:56 PM

Went to aldi. It has pretty much stopped now!

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 02:05 PM

Well dome insig and Cacoethes!

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 02:15 PM

Thanks tamo

I'm bored now XD

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 02:19 PM

Oh dear! I'm going to have a shower in a minute and my big job is doing my legs.

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 02:24 PM

I have a cardiology phone appointment at 3pm
So just waiting for that.

Good plan

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 02:31 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta. There isn't many card shops here and most of the shops are full of Valentine's Day cards. Which isn't what I wanted so I went to amazon. I should have looked on Sunday but I forgot.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 02:42 PM

Amazon are quite good.

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 03:10 PM

Yes i buy a lot from amazon.

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 04:14 PM

I can't watch TV through my dish due to the weather. Thankfully there's always live streaming/catchup on most channels.

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 04:23 PM

The cardiology person is late.
It's definitely a phone appointment!
Guess they must be super busy

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 04:29 PM

I hope they phone you soon Cacoethes.

I hope you get your dish back soon insig.

I did my legs, I did quite a good job.

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 04:34 PM

I hope so too
Not that I'm really doing anything else with my afternoon tbh!
As long as they call before L gets here after work

Well done tamo!

one_step_closer 23-01-2024 04:36 PM

Waiting for phone calls is really annoying. Hope you're not waiting for much longer, Beckie.

Well done, Tamo. Are you feeling less tired than yesterday?

My TV is super rubbish most of the time. I mostly just watch catch up.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 04:44 PM

Yes thanks osc, much more energy. How are you?

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 04:45 PM

Just a quick note to say that they're working on the telegraph pole near by me next week so if my Internet goes down I won't be posting here at all. I don't have a very good mobile phone signal to post here. Don't want people to worry about me :-)

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 06:30 PM

He did call but at 5pm. 2 hours late XD
He was nice though.

I don't even have a tv licence, so no normal tv or bbc iplayer for me! I don't miss it tbh. I love doctor who, but it's not worth the price of a tv licence for one show that i can buy elsewhere

one_step_closer 23-01-2024 06:36 PM

Did he say sorry for the lateness?

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 06:38 PM

He did!
Was very thorough, told me next steps etc
Worth waiting for the call i think
L was here but i didn't mind, nothing she doesn't already know

How's your day going lindsay?

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 06:48 PM

We'll miss you insig!

I'm glad the phone call was worthwhile Cacoethes.

one_step_closer 23-01-2024 07:00 PM

That's good, Beckie. Is L still with you?

My day is going its usual way. I'm quite low and kind of wishing I could do something different but I don't know what.

What are you up to, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 07:06 PM

Just had dinner, now listening to music until L arrives.

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 07:12 PM

No L has gone home. But I'll be seeing her tomorrow now i don't have to have the ED appointments anymore.

Have you got any clubs around lindsay? Even if it's something you're not interested in, trying new things is good!

Hope you have a nice time with L tamo!

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 07:13 PM

Thanks Cacoethes. What will you do this evening?

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 07:19 PM

I have krav maga at 7. So will probably leave in about 25 mins.

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 07:55 PM

It's extremely windy here. So much so I don't have a TV signal! Usually I have a signal on the dish but it breaks up that much that I can't watch it. But nah nothing. Time to find alternative sources of amusement.

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 08:42 PM

I have rubbish that needs to go in the wheelie bin outside but it's so windy here that I can't open the door! So looks like I am stuck indoors.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2024 09:00 PM

Hope you're having fun Cacoethes.

Oh no insig! What have you chosen?

Cacoethes 23-01-2024 09:53 PM

It was fun thanks!
Though i did manage to faceplant the floor doing an attack. So now i have a headache and wonky glasses XD

Verrrry windy out there now

not_so_insig 23-01-2024 10:35 PM

Oh dear Beckie!

The wind died down a bit briefly so I could open the door with some difficulty. I managed to get my rubbish in the wheelie bin but I still have no TV signal!

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 07:08 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 24-01-2024 09:01 AM

Morning Beckie how are you?

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 09:07 AM

Morning dawn!
I'm ok thanks

How are you?

not_so_insig 24-01-2024 09:27 AM

Not so great and still no TV signal! It's still windy af here.

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 09:30 AM

Sorry to hear that
Hope you feel better as the day progresses!

How annoying!
Windy here too. Nearly got blown away walking to asda earlier!

not_so_insig 24-01-2024 09:34 AM

Thanks Beckie. If my Internet goes down I will have to break out the dvds. Or find myself other things to do. They're supposed to be working on a nearby telegraph pole tomorrow I am hoping that it's cancelled because of the weather.

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 09:45 AM

I can't imagine anyone would want to be up working on a telegraph pole in this weather!
At least you have the dvds as back up

tamobhuuta 24-01-2024 11:17 AM

Morning people. I haven't opened my window so I'm not sure but it doesn't look too windy here.

Looking forward to my final ward rounds this afternoon!

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 11:20 AM

Morning tamo

Hope ward round goes well!

tamobhuuta 24-01-2024 11:27 AM

Thanks. I'm just worried she'll think I've improved too quickly!

one_step_closer 24-01-2024 12:56 PM

Morning almost afternoon everyone.

It's a bit less windy here today. My freezer door wouldn't close so everything is defrosted, I've lost a lot of food.

Hope your internet keeps working, Dawn and you can find ways to entertain yourself.

When are you seeing L, Beckie? Will you be doing anything nice?

I hope your ward round goes well, Tamo.

not_so_insig 24-01-2024 01:37 PM

You do know that if you cook raw things then you can freeze them again Lindsay? Obviously if anything has been previously cooked then frozen it has to be binned. Just that people don't know this and waste a lot of food.

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 03:42 PM

I saw L. We went to test drive a car!
Obviously i couldn't take it out on the roads, but she did. I got to drive around the dealership site a bit, which was fun!

one_step_closer 24-01-2024 05:13 PM

I don't really like to take chances with frozen things.

What kind of car was it, Beckie?

Cacoethes 24-01-2024 05:21 PM

I don't either lindsay

It was a toyota yaris.
Unfortunately, the finance people have a problem with me only having a provisional licence. So they'll only do it if someone is either joint on the account or does it for me, which obviously I'm not going to ask anyone to do!
So back to the drawing board. Gutted.

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