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not_so_insig 25-12-2023 11:19 AM

Aww that's nice when you get stuff you wanted.

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 11:20 AM

Sounds excellent zurg!

long road 25-12-2023 11:46 AM

Just did presents with partner he got me a Lego set of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, I love lego and am looking forward to building it. And opened my brother present which is a book on calligraphy and proper calligraphy pens, I've always wanted to try calligraphy so am super excited!

I would be well chuffed with a decent screwdriver for Christmas sounds awesome Zurg!

Hope you enjoy presents when you get to them Dawn and Beckie.

Merry Christmas Tamo.

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 12:00 PM

Oooh lovely jen!

Other brother is now up, but his gf is not. So no present opening yet!

nonperson 25-12-2023 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ahimsa (Post 4373261)
I've been here an hour, 7 phone calls and 3 emergencies - ones gone to heaven

That is sad for Christmas Day =(

Happy Christmas all! I'm at my parents house and need to watch two episodes of Doctor Who today before the Christmas special tonight! Will also be watching the King's speech - he can be quite insightful.

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 12:43 PM

Happy Christmas np!

I opened my presents and they are awesome!
I got ?50, a dolce gusto coffee machine and massive pack of pods for it, jammie dodgers and really thick harry potter sock/legwarmer things.

Ahimsa 25-12-2023 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4373270)
That is sad for Christmas Day =(

Happy Christmas all! I'm at my parents house and need to watch two episodes of Doctor Who today before the Christmas special tonight! Will also be watching the King's speech - he can be quite insightful.

It's obviously sad for the owners, Its pretty good to be honest considering it's animal A&E and we lost 12 yesterday!

I hope you have a good day!

one_step_closer 25-12-2023 01:03 PM

Merry Christmas everyone. Sending lots of love and good wishes.

I am completely overwhelmed with my brother being here and can't focus much because he has the tv blaring so might not be around a lot. He is currently in the kitchen and the show he was watching has finished so I'm getting a tiny bit of quiet for now!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 01:07 PM

Mum came to visit, she brought me father christmas presents, including an orangutan.

one_step_closer 25-12-2023 01:08 PM

You're making me imagine a real life orangutan causing chaos in the ward! Was it one of those adoption things?

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 01:10 PM

No, just a squishy orangutan, excellent cuddling size. I want an orangutan as my emotional support animal, this'll do :)

one_step_closer 25-12-2023 01:27 PM

Sounds good. I have a big weighted sloth but I never use it.

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 01:30 PM

That sounds excellent!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 02:25 PM

I've put daytime clothes on, pondering what name to give my orangutan.

In other festive news,
I have to poo in a bowl next time I go.

one_step_closer 25-12-2023 02:41 PM

That'll be a nice gift for someone!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 02:42 PM

Yep, a nice job for a nurse, taking a sample!

one_step_closer 25-12-2023 02:43 PM

What have you been getting up to?

I think my brother has put Chicago on. I've never seen it.

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 02:49 PM

I've not seen it either, maybe watch it and tell me what you think?

I got up late, Mum came to see me with tea and father christmas presents. I wasn't sure she could come but she doesn't think I've got a bug so she didn't think she would catch whatever is wrong. Then I thought for a bit and decided to get dressed. And i had lunch. Now I'm here! What about you?

Ahimsa 25-12-2023 03:13 PM

Chicago is amazing!!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 03:24 PM

Hi Ahimsa, how are you getting on?

maii 25-12-2023 04:25 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 04:51 PM

Merry Christmas maii, how are you?

long road 25-12-2023 04:57 PM

Has the orangutan got a name yet Tamo?

I got a little felt duck who I have called Ida.

Just got home from partners parents house. Am very tired in body, mind and lungs so am propped up in bed planning to rest.

one_step_closer 25-12-2023 05:01 PM

Chicago was kind of ok but I'm not really a film person and I wasn't properly watching it.

Will you be getting a special dinner, Tamo?

How are you getting on, Beth?

Merry Christmas, Maii. I hope you're as ok as possible.

Ida sounds cute, Jen. I hope you can get some rest. Do you have to do things later?

long road 25-12-2023 05:02 PM

No things left to do today. Just taking it easy

maii 25-12-2023 05:02 PM

Thanks you tomo and one_ste_closer, I'm managing barely. Hope you are fine.

maii 25-12-2023 05:06 PM

I might rest today, as well, LR ... hope that helps you.

long road 25-12-2023 05:34 PM

Hope you can chill Maii if that's what you decide to do. Merry Christmas!

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 06:45 PM

Hey everyone!
Hope everyone has had nice days!

Ahimsa 25-12-2023 07:36 PM

I'm hoooooooome!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 07:54 PM

Instead of normal sandwiches and soup we had party food. Which meant cheese sandwiches for me!

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 08:45 PM

Yaaay beth!

Ooh love a cheese sandwich tamo!

I am very drunk. We've just played shot roulette

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 08:56 PM

Shot roulette sounds lots of fun!

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 10:00 PM

It was!!!
Except i laughed so muxh i spat tequila rose all over myself and my glasses XD

tamobhuuta 25-12-2023 10:04 PM

Oh no!

Cacoethes 25-12-2023 10:12 PM

It's all good!
Managed to sober myself up by sitting outside and eating potatoes XD

Elmer 26-12-2023 09:54 AM

Morning! I hope that anyone who has a hangover recovers quickly, and that everyone is doing OK. I am delaying getting out of bed because starting the day means washing up :')

Cacoethes 26-12-2023 10:30 AM

Morning Lio!
I woke up feeling totally fine, weirdly!
Considering i was drinking from literally 9:30am to 10:30pm.
Like literally nothing that didn't have alcohol in it.
And also shot roulette.
Idk how i managed to get away with that one XD
(I do not condone this tho)

Boxing day is for chilling lio!

one_step_closer 26-12-2023 10:36 AM

Beckie, you are a bad influence! Haha! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and aren't suffering for it today.

Take it easy for as long as you can, Lio.

tamobhuuta 26-12-2023 11:01 AM

Hi everyone

Watch our Cacoethes,, sometimes I've had hangovers two days after!

Cacoethes 26-12-2023 11:07 AM

Nope i feel totally fine lindsay!
My brother's theory is that my mum's house is so hot (one whole side of the house is floor to ceiling glass, so it's like a greenhouse!) That we sweat out all the alcohol overnight. He doesn't have a hangover either

How are you lindsay and tamo?

Ahimsa 26-12-2023 11:20 AM

Morning all!!

How is everyone?

long road 26-12-2023 11:28 AM

Morning Everyone! Happy Boxing Day!

I am having a very slow morning just eating some porridge with cinnamon, nutmeg and sultanas.

Feel a bit better breathing wise today but being very cautious as still getting short of breath easily.

I dont drink alcohol anymore I gave up when I got FND as it makes me act drunk at times I am completely sober! I do not miss the hangovers!

Ahimsa 26-12-2023 11:33 AM

Oh that sounds an amazing breakfast LR!

tamobhuuta 26-12-2023 11:56 AM

Im ok, just waiting for my mum.

Zurg 26-12-2023 11:58 AM

Hi all :)
A delayed hangover would be like the worst kind of karma for any person ever!!!
I did a few poop samples a few years ago. I can give you tips, Tamo XD
I am hanging out in the laundry basement this afternoon. Which isn't very exciting but at least it's at home.

Ahimsa 26-12-2023 12:12 PM

Morning Zurg!

I've decided to shut myself in the kitchen until 11:45 (I get too distracted starting a task, without a timeframe) and do as much chore wise. Thats half an hour.

Cacoethes 26-12-2023 12:24 PM

Morning beth, jen and zurg!

Your breakfast sounds delicious jen!

I don't really get hangovers.
Ive had probably 4-5 hangovers in my entire life

Hope you have a nice visit tamo

I am also doing laundry zurg! I have a lot but luckily i can do it in one load

Good luck with the staying on track beth!

Elmer 26-12-2023 12:27 PM

Glad there are no hangovers so far!

I hope that the people doing tasks are successful and also get a bit of a rest.

I've had a shower and got dressed and also made the house smell bad trying to make a pancake, so opened lots of windows and now putting off going back in the kitchen.

Ahimsa 26-12-2023 12:41 PM

I got quite a few things done!!

Floor swept and mopped
Counters cleaned
Washing up done (as much as I had space for)

I've still got a LOT to do, but I've told myself if I get half of it done before my quiz tonight, I can go get my piercing sorted tomorrow. (It's a 60 mile round trip so thats an hour of driving, then need to get to the studio from where I can park (another half hour walk) so it's a good few hour job really.

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