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nonperson 29-04-2023 03:10 PM

Purple from hair dye or...? O.o

Don't rush around too much and ruin your freedom! Have you seen the piglings yet?!

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 03:17 PM

Yeah, hair dye!
I'm not hypoxic, don't worry XD

I have to rush because I need to be back at 6 at the latest and i have so many things to do!
I actually only have popping into work left.
I have seen the piggos! Got them some coriander, the fridge is full and they are being spoiled by my neighbour! Gave them a check over and a cuddle. I miss them!

nonperson 29-04-2023 03:23 PM

Oh thank goodness it is just dye! XD

Aww, I'm glad they're being spoiled. I bet they miss you too.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 03:35 PM

Tbh, even if i was hypoxic, i still wouldn't let it ruin my leave XD

I did get lots of wheeking!
And my neighbour is awesome but i was worried about them. I'm glad to know they are totally fine!

tamobhuuta 29-04-2023 04:15 PM

I bought pants! Enough that I can throw out the ones that don't fit.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 04:20 PM

Awesome! Always good getting new pants. And socks!

tamobhuuta 29-04-2023 04:23 PM

I wanted to buy socks but they didn't have any plain black ones.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 04:39 PM

That's a shame. I like fun socks. My ones today have mushrooms on them

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 04:58 PM

Well done NP, you should be proud of yourself. I am proud of you too.

I hope you're not rushing too much, Beckie. Rushing is no good for anyone. I also like fun socks, I don't have any plain ones at all. Today I'm wearing watermelon socks.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 05:02 PM

I'm on my way back now. Boooo!
But I'm getting the train 10 mins to a place with uber and then ubering the rest of the way.
I did sit down for 30 mins when the dye was developing! And then sat down at work for a while and chatted to people, even though it was super busy!

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 05:03 PM

I hope your travel back goes smoothly. Have you enjoyed your day?

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 05:07 PM

Thank you!
I have really enjoyed it thanks.
So nice to be reminded that i still have a life outside the ward and also to get a break because its been so unsettled lately.

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 05:08 PM

Yeah, I know how that feels. I hope you can be well enough to go home for good soon with some decent support.

long road 29-04-2023 05:11 PM

I have socks with rubber ducks on today. Thought you ought to know!

nonperson 29-04-2023 05:12 PM

Did you tell your workmates that you were turning up or was it a surprise for them?

I don't have any fun socks =(

Also, I have finally finished mowing. So don't mind me while I collapse in the corner of this thread for a bit while my thumbs recover (sore and blistered for some reason!) and until I have enough energy to shower and then go dispose of the two giant bags of grass clippings at work.

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 05:16 PM

That's not much of a surprise, Jen! I had to get a pack of rubber duck socks when I was in hospital once because I couldn't find any other fun ones online. They fall down a bit though.

Oh no to not having fun socks, NP. I think you should buy at least one pair. Amazing, NP! One huge task done! Do you need to dispose of the grass clippings today? Poor thumbs. :sad:

nonperson 29-04-2023 05:24 PM

Thank you. It looks so much better out there. But yeah I need to get rid of them today really or they'll get rained on and I can't put them in my car then. Unless I just dump them in the garage... hm! And actually I just checked the forecast and the rain isn't coming now so... I may just do that instead.

Thinking out loud there, sorry =P

nonperson 29-04-2023 05:25 PM

I do have Hufflepuff socks somewhere actually but they're bright yellow!

Ahimsa 29-04-2023 06:05 PM

Yay on purple hair dye Beckie. What colour/brand is it?

I'm home from the vintage festival, I didnt get anything and it was overwhelming so I left.

I did go get a piercing though!

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 06:22 PM

I told one work person, who has visited me a couple of times. She was going to see if she was off but she's always working!
Lots of hugs!

You need to aquire fun socks np!
Good job on the mowing!
Do you not have a garden waste bin?

It's manic panic (lol)
Colour is purple haze.

Ooh what piercing did you get?

I have also booked a tattoo for a months time.
As today went successfully and no one died, i imagine i will be getting out soon!

Ahimsa 29-04-2023 06:24 PM

Oooh what tattoo?

I have no idea what the piercing is called!

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 06:50 PM

It's going to be a small martini glass behind my ear!
Because i love my job and it's the first one I've been able to sustain. I've been there longer than any other job I've had! Will be 2 yrs in August!

Is it an ear one?

nonperson 29-04-2023 07:27 PM

I wish I was brave enough for tattoos and piercings. That's a perfect tattoo for you, Beckie!

Nah, I don't have a garden waste bin. We have to pay for it here and the availability is limited. I was thinking about it again today actually. I normally just stuff everything in my car and sneak it to the compost heap at work when no one's around >.>

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 07:38 PM

The lady laughed when i showed her the reference pic. I was like 'I'm not an alcoholic i swear! I work behind the bar!' XD

Wow that sucks!
Lol! Can just imagine you sneaking around like a burglar with a sack of grass clippings over your shoulder XD

nonperson 29-04-2023 07:48 PM

Tbh that's not the weirdest thing they'd have tattooed.

And I'm super sneaky because I decided I "needed" my own key to the yard too so that helps to speed up the process =P I always wait until evening to go so there's less public walking around as well. I always feel really dodgy but it's perfectly legit!

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 07:50 PM

Probably not!
People get super random tattoos sometimes

Ahahaha! Well, there are worse things you could be doing!

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 08:06 PM

I will never get any piercings or tattoos. I'm too much of a wimp and also don't want people to notice me and if I changed something about me they'd notice. Also hair dye.

How are you feeling after your day, Beckie?

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 08:08 PM

I like to be noticeable for some reason XD
Though it means i can't be weird in public because they'll be like 'there's the girl with bright purple hair and works at that pub' lol

I am very sore and tired but really enjoyed it!

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 08:10 PM

Are you going to have purple hair when you're an OAP?

I hope you get a really good sleep tonight. Have you asked for anything for the pain?

nonperson 29-04-2023 08:10 PM

I understand that, Lindsay! I used to like the idea of dying my hair and still ponder getting a tattoo but I don't want people to notice! Also I'd have to put a lot of trust in the tattoo artist to get it exactly right and my standards are very high... I don't even wear bright colours for fear of being noticed =/

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 08:13 PM

I have cool t-shirts which always make people look so I just don't look at anyone and pretend I'm not noticeable.

nonperson 29-04-2023 08:13 PM

Ooooh OAP purple rinse!

I somehow missed both your posts there so mine is out of context.

nonperson 29-04-2023 08:14 PM

I literally just wear plain black t-shirts now... =(

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 08:15 PM

If getting purple rinse as an OAP is normal then I don't mean that for Beckie. I mean pink instead.

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 08:15 PM

I wish you felt ok enough in yourself to wear what you like, NP.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 08:19 PM

I will defo have purple hair when I'm an OAP!

You have to do a lot of research into artists before getting a tattoo! And it's expensive.
Cheap tattoos aren't good and good tattoos aren't cheap!

I don't like plain black shirts. Lol.
I like to be different and stand out. Idk why. Probably just that i crave validation from people ;p

nonperson 29-04-2023 08:21 PM

We're all so different.

I was talking to a member of the public in the garden the other day, old, as most of our visitors are and she had the BRIGHTEST blue hair, like brighter than the sky and all I wanted to do was congratulate her on her hair but I didn't know what to say!

one_step_closer 29-04-2023 08:22 PM

We should all carry around paper cannons for moments like that, or at least party poppers.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 08:27 PM

I love lindsays idea!
We should defo do that!

Just say 'I love your hair!'
It is always appreciated!

nonperson 29-04-2023 08:36 PM

Ahaha, I'd love to carry about party poppers at work!

"I love your hair" didn't sound very professional when she was asking me about plants and stuff, I dunno!

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 08:41 PM

Nothing is stopping you :tongue2:

That's fair!
It can be awkward to work into conversation.
People say it to me at work once they've ordered and got their drinks.

nonperson 29-04-2023 08:58 PM

That's probably different as your work is a much more sociable environment than mine!

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 09:14 PM

Very true!
My entire job is being sociable tbh
Annoying sometimes lol

nonperson 29-04-2023 09:29 PM

You love it =P

nonperson 29-04-2023 09:35 PM


Pi.R^2 29-04-2023 10:04 PM

Np, I agree with Beckie - I think it's perfectly OK to just dish out compliments whenever wherever and not unprofessional to tell someone their hair looks great! If we ever hang out (to go to a car wash and a dump!) maybe you can wear your most colourful item as you'll still not be as noticeable as me in my rainbow dungarees =D

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 10:06 PM

I do love it!
But customers can be ridiculous :tongue2:

I love the idea of rainbow dungarees tbh

nonperson 29-04-2023 10:11 PM

Jenna XD I have a purple jumper and a colourful space invaders bobble hat.

Rainbow dungarees do sound amazing tbh.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 10:15 PM

That bobble hat sounds awesome!

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 10:19 PM

People do that to me and I love it!
So thank you for being one of those people!

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