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ljmeep 31-12-2010 08:28 PM

lol... than you mark ... :)

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:32 PM

hi! ::waves::

Doikers 31-12-2010 08:33 PM

Hi Tisha . How're you ?:)

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:34 PM

im alright, how is everyone?

Doikers 31-12-2010 08:38 PM

I really like you Sig quote Tisha :)

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:40 PM

thank you doinkers! its a current fave!

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:41 PM

oops doikers ...my bad :(

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:42 PM

kelly, we'll be walkin buddies! lets melt our muffins away!!!

Doikers 31-12-2010 08:42 PM

:P Call me Mark, Tisha , It's my name :)

ljmeep 31-12-2010 08:44 PM

*tackles Tisha from behind* Hiya Wardie! ;)

and just call Doikers Mark... ;) lol

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:45 PM

;) hello mark! thanks for telling me your real name so i dont look so ... what you call it? like a loser ;)

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:46 PM

::pushes kelly off:: dude thats my space :P

ljmeep 31-12-2010 08:49 PM

LOL! Aww come on, Tek-a-chew ;) (remember that one!?) you know I <3 ya!

Doikers 31-12-2010 08:50 PM

Not a loser Tisha! and don't be angry Helen . :P

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:51 PM

well, at least you brought up the less embarrassing stuff about me ;) what was that like 11 yrs ago?

risenfromperdition 31-12-2010 08:51 PM

im heather =]

*waves to mark*

PsychoKitty2010 31-12-2010 08:52 PM

-shuffles into the main room of the ward after waking up and hugs everyone here for the people who can and waves to everyone else-

Hi everyone. How you be?

-goes looking for coffee-

itsybitzyspider 31-12-2010 08:52 PM

Mark, im not. She knows im just kiddin.. we are besties ...

Doikers 31-12-2010 08:54 PM

Waves Heather? Where are my hugs? *Squishes ya*

*Hugs Kitty*

ljmeep 31-12-2010 08:56 PM

*hands kitty a large cup of fully caffinated coffee* Welcome back, wardie.

I don't find that all that embarasing, bff. ;) ha ha...

yes, mark, we are besties :)

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