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nonperson 29-04-2023 10:28 PM

Complimenting people involves talking to them though, so... y'know, it's not for everyone.

I'd just be weirded out if a random complimented me on anything.

Not that they ever would. Maybe that's the difference. People like it when they know they have something worth complimenting.

Cacoethes 29-04-2023 10:51 PM

Nah not for everyone

We're all so different!

I will compliment you on your music taste!

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 12:15 AM

I'm stopped several times a day by people mentioning my hair!

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 07:54 AM

Morning guys!
Woke up with purple everywhere. Standard.
Thankfully, make up wipes are excellent at taking it off!

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 09:33 AM

Ahh, makeup wipes! I shall tell the spouse to try that! They have blue hair so we possess a lot of blue pillowcases now :P

Also good morning *waves*

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 09:35 AM

Haha! I use them for a lot of things tbh!

How are you? Another sunny day!

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 09:37 AM

It's not sunny here! And it was pouring last night so my garden is probably to wet for me to do gardening.

I am grand thanks, although cross because I need to tidy my study and I don't like doing that. Middle class problems much.

How are you?

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 09:41 AM

Oh no!

Lol! What a problem to have!
Though it doesn't beat my mum one Christmas 'i want to light the woodburner to make it nice and cosy but the eco house means it's already too warm'

I'm ok. Super bored already!

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 10:23 AM

Sunday is actually ryl bedding change day!
(A lot of us do it on sundays)
So welcome to the thread's bedding change day XD

We also have ryl bin day, which is Thursday :tongue2:

nonperson 30-04-2023 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4348167)
I will compliment you on your music taste!


Originally Posted by Zippit (Post 4348172)
Nonperson: I don’t know you but you come across as being friendly and very intelligent. I enjoyed the bit of game playing with you with firing off words and meanings. It gave me a bit of a giggle so I hope you enjoyed it as well. :-)

Good morning all. That previous conversation wasn't me asking for compliments btw! But thank you both.

Beckie, I shall also compliment you on your music taste! Except for that one song that we won't mention.

Zippit! That is very kind of you to say those things. I have enjoyed all the Distraction games with you as well actually! It's been a while since I've played them so it's kinda nice to get back into it again.

I'm also doing a bedding change today. Might even put it out in the line to dry so it smells nice (although I can't smell it, it just makes me think it's extra fresh)

nonperson 30-04-2023 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4348196)
We also have ryl bin day, which is Thursday :tongue2:


Cacoethes 30-04-2023 10:33 AM

I know it wasn't!
But you deserve one anyway :tongue2:


it's always extra fresh if you dry them outside!

Apologies for being insensitive about your change of bin day np!

nonperson 30-04-2023 10:40 AM


The song was already back in my head. I think it might finally be losing power over me though.

I'm still not over the bin day change...

tamobhuuta 30-04-2023 10:42 AM

Morning guys.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 10:54 AM

So...have you heard this one?

I wouldn't be over it either tbh!

Morning tamo!
How are you?

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 11:06 AM

Morning guys. I'm awake, but I'm too tired so I think I'm going to go back to sleep for a bit. I needs more sleeps.

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 11:07 AM

Yes you do! You're so busy!

I am also tired. Sleep has been rubbish!
I want costa but no one is able to take me :(

tamobhuuta 30-04-2023 11:16 AM

Love the video!
I hope you get a Costa

I'm ok thanks. I dreamt I had an anxiety attack in Mass, now worried I'm going to have an anxiety attack in Mass later.

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 11:38 AM

Np, what did your bin day change to?

Zippit, hello, I don't think we've met! I'm Jenna :)

Beth, enjoy some extra sleep, you beyond deserve it!

Tamo, I hope that the anxiety attack just got itself out of the way in your dream so that you'd be fine at actual mass!

Beckie, that seems very silly - you have unescorted leave whenever you want but can't go to the costa machine?

nonperson 30-04-2023 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4348203)
So...have you heard this one?

Uh..... o.O It's catchy but I think it's too bizarre to be earwormable.

Jenna, bin day is Monday for me now!

tamobhuuta 30-04-2023 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4348208)
Tamo, I hope that the anxiety attack just got itself out of the way in your dream so that you'd be fine at actual mass


How are you?

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 12:20 PM

Yeah. It's escorted for fresh air breaks and to the local area but apparently i can travel the 2 hours home alone and that's fine XD
However, i did get a costa and a coke zero! And me and the staff sat down because neither of us wanted to come back. Lol. Surprised they didn't call tbh! We were there for a while!

Well then np, I'll have to find something more earwormy!
Maybe badgers badgers badgers badgers MUSHROOM MUSHROOM

I hope mass will be ok.
Try not to focus on it too much, i know that's hard though!

nonperson 30-04-2023 12:54 PM


Ahimsa 30-04-2023 12:56 PM

I haven't heard "Badger Badger" for years Beckie!

I've done
- a load of washing (as in, its been in the washer and now in the dryer) and the next load is on,
- Taken the recycling out
- swept and vacuumed the hallway.

Luckily the bank holiday means I have an extra day to catch up on chores, but I'm thinking if I do them til 2, then I can crack on with the stuff I need to go out for until 4 when everywhere closes and then come back to house stuff before the quiz tonight.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 12:59 PM

It was a meme before memes were a thing!

Busy busy!
Make sure you have time to chill as well though!

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 01:22 PM

I should probably get dressed if I'm going to The Outsides.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 01:25 PM

Yeah probably.
Though the amount of people that rock up to asda in PJs. I could never do that! Too self conscious!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 01:32 PM

Hi everyone. Look at you all getting on with your days! I didn't get up till 11.50am so I'm annoyed with myself. Changed my bedding, washed my hair, and hoovered though.

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 01:35 PM

That's productive though! You clearly needed the rest!

long road 30-04-2023 01:36 PM

I am still tucked up on bed. Did a load yesterday and have no energy today. Got to update my online shopping order at some point before 11:45pm. And I a meant to be making spaghetti and meatballs for tea. But for now just lying here all wrapped up and cosy.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 01:41 PM

Well done for doing the things lindsay
Focus on the good!

Sundays are for rest anyway jen!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 01:46 PM

Thanks everyone.

How is your busy day going, Ahimsa?

Do what you need, Jen.

Are you having a restful Sunday, Beckie?

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 01:50 PM

I am!
I'm actually shattered, i assume from yesterday's running around and poor sleep for the last few nights!
So I'm just chilling with some music.

Do you have anything else to do today?

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 01:55 PM

Keep chilling. I hope they can find something to help with your sleep.

I just have mini things that I list on my to do list most days but don't always do them like putting something on eBay and replying to a pen pal but I don't think I'll be doing that today. I just make sure I do the big stuff each day.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 01:59 PM

They just keep saying speak to the dr on Thursday :eyeroll:

It's good that you get the big stuff done!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 02:02 PM

I hope the doctor has a magical brain wave.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 02:11 PM

I never know what he's gonna do tbh!

nonperson 30-04-2023 02:35 PM

Guys, I need shoes. Help!

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 02:40 PM

What kind of shoes???

nonperson 30-04-2023 02:41 PM

Trainers. My old Etnies are finally worn through.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 02:52 PM

Oh no!
I recommend schuh. They have a lot of different brands

nonperson 30-04-2023 02:57 PM

Yeah I was having a look on there earlier. I can't choose =|

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 03:10 PM

I know, it's so difficult!
Seems like such a commitment as well! Because you'll be wearing them for ages!

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 03:34 PM

I wear vans to work and converse everywhere else.

They did an emo night at the club in town and the fb page said 'dust off your converse and MCR t shirt.....'
And I'm like....dust off?? XD

not_so_insig 30-04-2023 03:38 PM

Hello all. I slept for about 12 hours. Had a shower and am chilling out watching tv. Started a load of washing too.

nonperson 30-04-2023 03:52 PM

I'm looking at Vans actually. Used to have some years ago, but my Etnies were the big chunky padded style skate shoes and I'm wondering whether to go down the thinner/canvas sort of route (better for summer!) But I'm fussy about colour and don't like the rubber toe caps like with Converse or shoes with a chunky white midsole.

Le sigh.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 03:57 PM

Ah i see!
I'm sure you'll find something somewhere!
My vans are really comfy

nonperson 30-04-2023 03:58 PM

Yeah there will be something out there somewhere that fits all my requirements! The same with shorts too, haha.

I'm watching Moana.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 04:01 PM

I don't wear shorts. I wore a skirt at work last summer though!

Good choice!
Did you hear about the live action one?
They seem to be live actioning everything atm

nonperson 30-04-2023 04:07 PM

Well, by shorts I mean like long below the knee shorts, which no one seems to do now that aren't skin tight.

Surely it's too soon for a live action Moana?!

I'm not looking forward to live action Little Mermaid... =|

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