Totally would if it wouldn't get me kicked out by the landlord!
They are very fussy! They nearly kicked me out because I wasn't cleaning up to their standards! Even though the house was far from a mess! |
Thank **** my landlord gave zero ****s and never did an inspection in the eight years I lived there!
Right, I’m gonna try and nap for a couple of hours. Maybe you should leave phone downstairs and try the same? You’ve got a lot of time to kill before Friday :-p |
Mine does an inspection every 3 months :plain:
Okie dokey! Good luck with your nap! I've given up on sleep/am too scared to.go into my bedroom so I'll probably just continue being bored and watching crap TV! |
Remember what you read about excessive tiredness causing some of the symptoms you’re experiencing?
#just sayin’ #still got the bluntness :-p |
Sofa is a pretty good napping place
Ok ok that's fair enough! :tongue2:
I could indeed nap on the sofa! |
In other news, hi!
Hope everyone has a day, and there are some good things in it. I’m meeting up with my friends who live in Ireland today. |
I hope you have a wonderful time Lio! |
Hi guys.
Hey tamo
How are you? |
I am ok, though it took me a while to get to sleep. How are you?
I haven't slept at all
Lol |
Oh no! I can't remember ever having not slept.
Its been happening to me a lot lately!
Do you lie in bed or get up?
I lay in bed for about 3 hours then got up
Omg I fell asleep and missed loads of activity here!
Hi np, how are you?
You did np!
Lol Did you sleep ok in the end? |
People need to come to this thread more. *points at all the people*
Hey Tamo =) Yeah I slept ok enough, kept waking up though, probably got about 4 or 5 hours. =/ I'm about to go attempt gluing the catflap back on the wall... |
Gluing the cat flap?
We've got a lock on ours...
4 or 5 hours isn't *too* bad I suppose!
Though waking up during the night is annoying Have fun with that! |
Nah, that's an ok amount of sleep. I can function. Not that there's anything happening today to really function for.
Didn't make that clear - I don't mean gluing it shut, tamo! XD The cat flap goes through a really thick wall, it's like a tunnel! It's kind of double flapped - one on the outside hole and one on the inside... but the inside flap bit has no drill holes, they're not meant for this kind of set up, so I just glued it on a good few years ago but it's eventually worked its way off so I need to do it again! Not sure if my No More Nails is all blocked up or not. This could be messy... =| |
That does sound rather messy!
Not messy at all when the glue has dried solid inside the tube...
So I've done some tidying and stuck draft excluder tape around the cupboard under the stairs. What're you up to? |
Time to get some new glue?! Well done! Nothing really! Managed to get someone to pick up my pcr test but she can't come until later. So I'll do it later. And I'm waiting on an amazon delivery |
Yep new glue is on the list for tomorrow.
I'm also waiting on an Amazon delivery. Apparently they're 1 stop away but haven't moved for about 5 minutes. |
They're here!
I'm not at all being creepy and watching through the crack in the curtains. I thought Amazon drivers were really pushed for time - this lady was walking so slow down the path that she was looking around at my garden o.O
Mine has just arrived too!
Haha! Maybe she was giving herself a little break? A lady from the local good neighbours group has.come to pick up my pcr test to post. Glad that's out of the way! |
Ah that's good. Hope the results come back quickly.
Thanks! Me too!
I just got a text from my gp surgery saying if I need help with any of my symptoms then don't hesitate to contact them. I was feeling lots better but the cough is now getting worse :'( How are you doing np? |
That is nice of them. Coughing is horrible, hopefully it won't get any worse but it's so different for everyone.
I'm ok ish which might be a lie but I really don't know. I've had a sandwich and am trying to watch that Wheel of Time thing on Amazon. Ooh, do you still have NowTV? There's a load of new Harry Potter stuff on there to celebrate the 20 year anniversary including a four part house quiz thing! |
It is. I hate coughing.
At least my temperature has gone down! Hmmm. You know you can always talk to me if you need to! No I don't have now tv anymore :'( |
That's a good sign about your temp going down.
Thank you. I don't know how to articulate anything most of the time. Oh nooo, I suppose you can't get the free trial now either? |
No I cannot :(
I'll probably have to wait until it's on prime or something |
Well that sucks D=
It does! :(
Someone from work added me on fb 0_o |
Is that weird?
Not really
But it makes me freak out in case they find something weird on there :p Even though the majority of my posts are set to 'close friends' So like, even my family don't see most of my fb! |
Shouldn't be a problem then =)
It's always a worry that something might have slipped through the net! Lol
Anyway! What are you up to? |
Hello all. I have been to the seaside today. Had a meal out.
Morning everyone!
Aw I love the seaside.
Morning all. I've got my car booked in to get new tyres in about an hour. I'm not struggling to breathe at the thought of it, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not... >.< How're you, Beckie? And everyone else? |
It'll be fine np!
New tires are important! I'm ok thanks! Another day of doing **** all all day! *sigh* |
Hi np and Cacoethes.
Tyres are important, especially as I have a rather rapid slow puncture at the moment. I'm in the waiting room at the moment. Might have a heart attack.
How's the cough? Are you starting your course back up on January? Maybe you could do some reading for that? Hey Tamo, how're you today? |
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