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zombiehunter 29-07-2018 08:10 PM

yeah megashark vs the staith does look awesome :-D

I never go see tom cruise movies cos I cant stand the **** and his deranged cult but my friend wanted to see it so it's leverage for future trips to the pictures :-p

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 08:12 PM

Anything else you want to see?

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 08:15 PM

that hotel artemis looks pretty damn good

also ant man and the wasp though have to watch when I go see it as its the big new marvel film and the ummer holidays are still happening and kids don't know how the **** to behave in the cinema these days

oh and megashark vs the staith of course :-D

I also saw the trailer for a film called the happytime murders, that ooks awesome :-D

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 08:25 PM

Yep kids ruin everything!
This is why I hate the summer holidays!

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 08:27 PM

its not just the kids though its the stupid parents wh wont shut their little darlings up

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 08:34 PM

I agree
Can't believe some of these kids running around and being silly and loud
When me and my siblings were kids, we wouldn't dream of doing any of that stuff!!
In fact, we were often praised by other people in restaurants, saying how well behaved we were!
Don't see that nowadays
*is an old git*

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 08:36 PM

yeah I know how you feel

my wee niece and nephew know how to behave themselves in restaurants though

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 08:39 PM

Thats good!
You do still get good ones about!
Some kids just give the generation a bad name
Saw some kids barefoot running around in a Waitrose once. A Waitrose!!

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 08:47 PM

that was allowed to happen in a waitrose?? :O

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 08:51 PM

I was shocked too!
Tsk. They seem to be letting any old rabble in there these days *rolls eyes disapprovingly*

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 08:59 PM

yeah ffs even Tesco wont let anyone in walking around in broad daylight wearing pyjamas :-p

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:01 PM

I know!! It's going downhill it seems!

nonperson 29-07-2018 09:03 PM

I think Tesco don't care who they let in as long as they're clothed (even if it is pyjamas).

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 09:05 PM

my Tesco doesn't let in anyone wearing pyjamas or any guy who isn't wearing a top

nonperson 29-07-2018 09:07 PM

I've definitely seen pyjama'd people here.

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:09 PM

I haven't seen anyone in PJs in quite a while!

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 09:10 PM

maybe your Tesco has a lower standard :-p

Aubergine 29-07-2018 09:10 PM

Pyjamas are acceptable here too. In Tesco and Asda.

zombiehunter 29-07-2018 09:11 PM

hi eggplant :-D

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:14 PM

I don't actually have a tesco near me!
I don't see anyone in PJs in Asda.
But maybe I would if I went there early in the morning!

Hi Aubergine!

Aubergine 29-07-2018 09:17 PM

Zombie. :)

Aubergine 29-07-2018 09:18 PM

Hey Beckie. :)

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:19 PM

How are you doing?

Aubergine 29-07-2018 09:32 PM

I don't know. Lots of feelings today.


Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:38 PM

Always here if you need to talk!

I'm ok. Sleepy!

Aubergine 29-07-2018 09:43 PM

Thank you. <3

Bed soon?

Meds at 10pm. Then bed.

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:48 PM

Any time <3

I'll go to bed when my nanny gets back.
She didn't take her keys so I can't lock up
She shouldn't be much longer

I always thought meds at 10pm was quite late when I was in hospital

Aubergine 29-07-2018 09:49 PM

Where is she? You are good!

It is late. And there's a new patient just in, so doctor will need the clinic soon, so meds may be even later.

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 09:57 PM

She's out at a get together with her cousins and some friends. She genuinely has a better social life than I do!!

That's a pain.
Hopefully it doesn't get too late before they do them

Aubergine 29-07-2018 10:41 PM

That's nice. :)

Had them now. Asked a nurse for a chat. She's bringing hot chocolate to my room. :)

Cacoethes 29-07-2018 10:48 PM

Aww that's lovely of her!

My nanny is back so I am off to bed!
Was almost asleep in the armchair!
Night night all and sleep well :)

Aubergine 29-07-2018 10:51 PM

Night night, beckie.

chinahorse 29-07-2018 11:09 PM

Hey lovelies.

That's kind o the nurse aubergine. I hope the char helps you to sleep.

Got woken up by a neighbours drunk friend in n out and up n down the stairs. And smoking weed. :-(

Aubergine 29-07-2018 11:17 PM

Oh no, Lillie. :( How very annoying. Think you can sleep again?

Thanks. Me too. She's coming in about 15 minutes when she's finished her hour of obs.

chinahorse 29-07-2018 11:20 PM

Hopefully. Am not that tired though and am anxious about Monday.

Not too long then. Are you in your pj's yet?

nonperson 29-07-2018 11:30 PM

Hullo. I am also anxious and not sleeping... =(

Aubergine 29-07-2018 11:31 PM

What's making you anxious about Monday? <3

Yeah, in PJs. :) Fed up of fighting with the duvet. It's a plastic one and it does not stay in the cover.

Aubergine 29-07-2018 11:31 PM

Oh no, person. :( I'll send you both some hot chocolate.

nonperson 29-07-2018 11:33 PM

Thanks. It's definitely a hot chocolate kind of day.

chinahorse 29-07-2018 11:34 PM

How rude of it! Maybe a blanket would be better?

Work issues nd the whole I'm working from 8-6.30 and my body has me already thing. I was made to cover for someone from 8 till 8.30. So I have to set up two surgeries. And I'm rambling but basically my day is very long and the fibro is flaring.

Oh no NP :-( can we help?

nonperson 29-07-2018 11:42 PM

Nah I just need to somehow get over my worries...

What's a plastic duvet? o.O

nonperson 30-07-2018 12:17 AM

An awful team of screeching girls is on Crystal Maze... and is therefore forcing me to go to bed.

Hope your chat went well, Aubergine.

And hope your day goes ok tomorrow, Lillie.

Buttons. 30-07-2018 05:55 AM

Morning all :)

chinahorse 30-07-2018 06:08 AM

I refuse to believe it's morning. I only just went to sleep.

[Luna] 30-07-2018 10:20 AM

Morning guys

[Luna] 30-07-2018 10:44 AM

Sounds like everyone's night was difficult.
What are you guys up to today?

Cacoethes 30-07-2018 12:51 PM

Rain! Glorious rain!

Aubergine 30-07-2018 01:10 PM

Yay for rain!

Cacoethes 30-07-2018 01:12 PM

Hoping the heatwave is over for good!!

Cacoethes 30-07-2018 01:25 PM

Ugh! I'm sick of summer now!
Really hope it won't be as bad as it was.

10ft sunflower is very impressive!

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