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Devil Girl 24-11-2015 07:09 PM

*cuddles everyone*

*Pulls covers over head*

Eir 25-11-2015 02:11 PM

Really bad today.
So close to breaking point.
I want off the roller-coaster.

Devil Girl 25-11-2015 03:56 PM

^ take everything one minute at a time. Maybe work on distractions, when things are bad distractions are the only thing to suggest.

Eir 26-11-2015 03:07 PM

I get distracted from my distractions right now.
It's not a roller-coaster. You can see where that's going. This is more like freestyle yoho diablo. By an un-co person like me. Lots of crashing to the ground...
Can't see straight. Bye. More tomorrow

midnite 01-12-2015 04:34 AM

Gently hugs everyone and offers hot drinks with marshmallows and cookies.

Eir 10-12-2015 11:29 AM

So over it. Wanna cry. Wanna crawl under a rock and never leave. So over it. Another day like this and I'll do it.

xxjuliexx 25-12-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Eir (Post 3982920)
So over it. Wanna cry. Wanna crawl under a rock and never leave. So over it. Another day like this and I'll do it.

*plops down near you* hello. i'm feeling a little like laying on the floor and crying myself. can i join you?

if you like we can hold hands, hug, lay in silence, finger paint.....

xxjuliexx 26-12-2015 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 3965264)
Hello all.

Mood dropping rapidly. Both my husband and I are screwed up right now. Our hot water system died giving us a massive electricity bill and we can't pay our normal, weekly bills. The price of everything goes up but our pay doesn't....

Depression, switching, voices, and the list keeps going and they keep getting worse. I just want to die. To finally be in peace.

*disappears into her pillow fort*

*goes over and sits outside the fort*
hi kahlia.

Eir 31-12-2015 02:02 PM

Bettering now. Dont quite remember what that post was about. Possibly distress at work. It's the main thing triggering me lately.
Bit disturbed that I dont remember. But ah well. Thanks Julie/Owen/Amy/Kate.

Kahlia1981 02-01-2016 02:06 PM

*offers safe hugs, pillows, blankets, colouring books, crayons, markers and hot chocolates to anyone who can do with them*

Thanks for joining us in the fort Julie and co.

I'm Saphira, Kahlia's 17 year old alter, here because she nearly attempted to die and disappeared inside about a month ago. She's never been gone this long and I can't be her. Just acting like her when I have to is hard and I am terrified she won't come back. My mood is really low tonight as well and all I want to do is self harm and cry. I can't do this....

*curls up with teddy bear and tries to cry herself to sleep*

Eir 04-01-2016 03:56 PM

*hugs Saphira* I've been wondering about Kahlia, thanks for letting us know. Is there anything we can do?

Kahlia1981 05-01-2016 11:51 AM

Annie - Thank you. We are heading down to Brisbane for a three-month overdue ECT treatment in Friday and are hoping that wil both bring Kahlia back and help her feel safe. Until then we're just trying to get through and keep going, no matter what. You've already helped by talking/writing to me and allowing me to be myself.

Down, tired - probably overtired - and life keeps throwing more crappy on us.

I'll be curled up in my pillow fort cuddling my bear if anyone needs anything.

Eir 05-01-2016 03:44 PM

Good luck guys, stay strong.

In other news, I'm not tired. Or sleepy. And I should be.
Pixies digging at my brain. That weird plateau where I crave hurting myself, but enough brainpower left right now to stop me from following through. Think I'm going uppppp. I'll crash.

Margo 06-01-2016 06:52 PM

*Sprays room with anti pixie spray*

xxjuliexx 06-01-2016 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 3993666)
*offers safe hugs, pillows, blankets, colouring books, crayons, markers and hot chocolates to anyone who can do with them*

Thanks for joining us in the fort Julie and co.

I'm Saphira, Kahlia's 17 year old alter, here because she nearly attempted to die and disappeared inside about a month ago. She's never been gone this long and I can't be her. Just acting like her when I have to is hard and I am terrified she won't come back. My mood is really low tonight as well and all I want to do is self harm and cry. I can't do this....

*curls up with teddy bear and tries to cry herself to sleep*

hi Saphira *takes a hot chocolates and sits near you and gently strokes you hair*

xxjuliexx 06-01-2016 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Eir (Post 3992932)
Bettering now. Dont quite remember what that post was about. Possibly distress at work. It's the main thing triggering me lately.
Bit disturbed that I dont remember. But ah well. Thanks Julie/Owen/Amy/Kate.

*places a teddy near you then slides back into his sleeping bag* working suck

Eir 12-01-2016 05:17 PM

Working suck bad. Cant sleep.
Thought this year would be better. But it's already gone bad.
Maybe it's my fault.

YodaBearInterrupted 12-01-2016 05:29 PM

Back from being in the psych ward... I was a bit surprised on that fact that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...

Am at work right now and am doing a lil better being focused on work... but still having a rough time with everything

Margo 13-01-2016 05:57 PM

*sits and feels very alone and sad*

*hands everyone a sausage*

Eir 14-01-2016 05:17 PM

Can I sit here and be broken?
I doubt I'll ever be free. I'll never be normal.

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