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RunningSilent 10-03-2012 10:38 AM

thnk u for hug.
its quiet in here

Laura2.0 10-03-2012 10:26 PM

*hugs all*

I've had a long week with a lot of s**t and a lot of fun. Funny how it is always more exhausting when things are changing a lot.

RunningSilent 10-03-2012 10:30 PM

I change lots too...know how that feels.

Hope u feeling alittle better :o

Laura2.0 10-03-2012 10:41 PM

It's not me who was changing, it was the situation.
I was dissoziated from Monday afternoon till Wendesday afternoon when I was having a really bad time (lots of crying and hyperventilating) and my best friend had to dress me to get me to my therapist (I didn't even have an appointment), but then we went on a 3 day trip and I had a great time.
Usually I'm not as tired after an eventful week, but if the things that are happening are so different it makes it a lot more exhausting.

RunningSilent 10-03-2012 10:46 PM

oh no :( Im sory it was so bad u had to go to your T even without appointment.
Im glad at least u had a good trip.
((hugs? if ok?))


Doikers 11-03-2012 12:34 PM

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Rosie*

one_step_closer 11-03-2012 04:59 PM

****. I'm falling, i'm falling. I need a real safe place to be. Panicking. Triggered. Images. Hurt.

ljmeep 11-03-2012 06:09 PM

*returns hug(s)*

feeling better today... :) hope all is well with all of you...

RunningSilent 11-03-2012 08:31 PM

im so confused :(

ljmeep 11-03-2012 09:55 PM

actually ... to tell the truth I'm confused 90% of the time because I'm not on enough and it's easy to get lost... don't feel bad.

Doikers 12-03-2012 10:55 AM

*Hugs Lindsay* How are you this morning?

*Hugs Kelly*

*Hugs Rosie*

RunningSilent 12-03-2012 01:27 PM

thanks :)

huggies bak

ljmeep 12-03-2012 03:34 PM

*returns hug* one of these days I'll have net at home again and I may actually catch one of you all online long enough to have an actual conversation ... lol

as it is I'm working hard this week getting inventory up for my home business. I don't see me being up late enough to catch anyone though which makes me kinda sad... anyway... I'll be checking in daily this week so hopefully I can at least keep up with what's happening. Miss ya'll and hope you are all doing well. If not... hold in there, I know it's rough, but no one is alone in this. <3

Doikers 12-03-2012 10:49 PM

*Hugs Rosie*

*Hugs Kelly* I'll try and be with you whilst dreaming :)

How is everyone else?

frenchhorn 13-03-2012 12:14 AM

*jumps into ward* Hey, I've not been in here for a while, sorry for that. For those who don't know me I'm Oliver *waves hi*

I'm not doing very good at the moment, been very depressed for the past few weeks, paranoia also getting slowly worse again. Scared to tell my psych how bad I am, incase she suggests the crisis team or hospital.

*hugs for all who want*

how is everyone?

Lyria 13-03-2012 01:02 AM

*Curls up with a book* so need to get away from everyone right now :(

RunningSilent 13-03-2012 01:08 AM

Why must I change so much in one day.
who am I :crying:

The really angry inside of me says im bad and stupid and ugly and that Im nothing.

frenchhorn 13-03-2012 01:09 AM

Hi runningsilent and Lyria. *offers hugs* here if you want to talk

RunningSilent 13-03-2012 01:35 AM

k the angy is gone now..
phew -_- she makes me so sad and makes me upset.

now all is ok.


ljmeep 13-03-2012 02:04 AM

awww, mark, that sweet... *hugs back* lol

Hey, Oliver! Sorry things aren't going so well for you right now... and I understand being afraid of letting them know how bad you are... I was always scared of being hospitalized to... *shivers* still scares me...

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