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Cacoethes 26-02-2018 10:10 PM

That's nice of your mum aubergine :)

nonperson 26-02-2018 10:11 PM

That's very nice of your mum. =)

Sketchy 26-02-2018 10:14 PM

That’s good Aubergine. Mums are great.

Aubergine 26-02-2018 10:21 PM


Mum's great. I wouldn't mind putting my heating on if it didn't feel like I was chucking money down the drain, but electric heating is ridiculously expensive. :(

How's it going, everyone?

Pomegranate 26-02-2018 10:21 PM

That’s nice of your Mum! :-)

Sketchy 26-02-2018 10:22 PM

I hated my flat that had electric heating. So expensive. Thankfully this flat has gas central heating and a gas fire.

Cacoethes 26-02-2018 10:27 PM

My house has gas heating which is good!

Aubergine 26-02-2018 10:27 PM

I really love my little flat, but it is just so expensive to keep warm. Silly electric heaters! It's not too bad, really, because I got that warm home grant thing this year (had no idea about it before this winter!) It's nice of my Mum to offer though. :)

How're you doing, Emma and Lorraine?

Cacoethes 26-02-2018 10:29 PM

I get the warm home grant too.
But it goes on the electric rather than the gas.
Which is actually good because I spend way less on gas than I do electric!

Sketchy 26-02-2018 10:31 PM

I’m ok thanks Aubergine.

Pomegranate 26-02-2018 10:36 PM

Ok thanks. Cold. My flat doesn’t have central heating and the storage heaters also don’t work so reliant on a plug in heater lol

Pomegranate 26-02-2018 10:36 PM

****. I forgot to do the warm home grant! Damn it.

Cacoethes 26-02-2018 10:38 PM

That's not good emma!
You should invest in many hot water bottles

Im going to bed now
Night night all and sleep well!

Aubergine 26-02-2018 10:39 PM

Oh that's good, Beckie!

In summer I spend hardly anything on energy, so did have a bit saved up too, but it's scary how quickly the meter goes down!

Oh no, Emma! :(

Sketchy 26-02-2018 10:44 PM

Goodnight Beckie. Sleep well.

Pomegranate 26-02-2018 10:47 PM

Night Beckie!

Worst thing is I did seven of the forms for my service users. Should have done mine at the same time.

Aubergine 26-02-2018 10:48 PM

Night night, Beckie! :)

Aubergine 26-02-2018 10:49 PM

Oh dear, Emma. That's really rubbish. Horrible that you don't have heating that works. At least my panel heater things work, even if they are pricey. Would no one be able to sort that for you?

chinahorse 26-02-2018 10:51 PM

An oil filled radiator that you can get foe like 30 quid cost about a pound a day to run and heat up a small-mid sized room quite well.

I was Gunna get a heated blanket but then today happened.

Night beckie.

Sketchy 26-02-2018 10:51 PM

Hey Lillie. You ok?

Aubergine 26-02-2018 10:52 PM

Hey Lillie. How're you doing?

Pomegranate 26-02-2018 10:54 PM

You ok Lillie?

chinahorse 26-02-2018 10:57 PM

Hey guys. Really rubbish day, basically got told the promotion I've been working towards since November and have been told Id get by 2 different people, 1 person told me 3 weeks ago it was a yes. And yeah. The company has decided they won't promote anyone in the near future. Never mind I've been doing the job already for months.
Oh and we no longer have paid time to open the shop. We are expected to come in unpaid. And open the doors before we have any equipment going.

chinahorse 26-02-2018 10:59 PM

Sorry am going to make a thread. I've realised this isn't for here.

Aubergine 26-02-2018 11:00 PM

Oh that's rubbish, Lillie. :(

Sketchy 26-02-2018 11:06 PM

That’s awful Lillie. And very unfair about going in unpaid.

Aubergine 26-02-2018 11:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Pomegranate 26-02-2018 11:09 PM

That’s ridiculous Lillie. How is that even legal?

Awwww Aubergine, shes soooooo cute!

chinahorse 26-02-2018 11:19 PM

Thanks guys x

Aubergine she is getting even cuter and I didn't think that was possible!

Sketchy 26-02-2018 11:23 PM

Awwwwww Alice is just too adorable!

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 09:45 AM

That's so unfair Lillie :(

Alice is so adorable!


Buttons. 27-02-2018 09:58 AM

That sucks about the job Lillie.

Snow here, very pretty but inconvenient. My slight inconvenience issues pale in comparison however to what it's done to my dog-she's having a completely psychological meltdown over it and keeps looking at me with big eyes like mum it's all cold and white and weird make it go away pls kthx.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 10:02 AM

We haven't got any snow!

Poor doggy!

chinahorse 27-02-2018 10:52 AM

Nawh your poo dog buttons! Has she never see snow before?

It's so cold! It's minus numbers here this morning which is unheard of as I live by the sea. Like I can see it from my front door.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 11:25 AM

Its minus numbers here too!

Do you ever get snow living by the sea?
I can't imagine a snowy beach

chinahorse 27-02-2018 11:44 AM

It's ridiculous. It's nearly march!

And not in my time here. Im fairy sure.you knowy city beckie? So because of its location it's generally warmer than everywhere else.

Buttons. 27-02-2018 12:03 PM

No don't think she's ever seen proper snow before so is flummoxed.

Snow has now made me miss Drs appointment and can't meet mum for lunch -_-

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 12:20 PM

I think i know where you live Lillie!
(That sounds a bit creepy actually...)

So annoying katy!

Im in maths.

chinahorse 27-02-2018 01:25 PM

Urgh thats not good Katy :( Can the DR do anything over the phone?

Lol a tad Beckie :P
Hope maths is nearly over lol

I have just tarted up my CV, now to do the same for my face and clothing before I go out into the big bad world.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 01:41 PM

Only one class to go!
And its the good science.
Like the anatomy and physiology side of things which i quite like.

Got much planned this afternoon?

chinahorse 27-02-2018 01:45 PM

Ah, jealous! Hope its a good lesson and you manage to get home after! Is there snow where youre at?

Im getting ready to go out and spam my city with CVs. And buy a mothers day card and gift.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 01:55 PM

No snow here at all!

Good luck with the CV spamming!

chinahorse 27-02-2018 02:04 PM

Suppose thats good! Means no disruption! And I forgot to say earlier, well done for making it into college :)

Thanks. Need to put make up on first. So much cba. But first impressions and all that shizzle.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 02:11 PM

Yep I'd be gutted if I couldn't get home!
Thank you :)

Make up is effort!

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 02:35 PM

Blizzard and its settling!
If I cant get home after this lesson then I am going to be PISSED!

chinahorse 27-02-2018 02:36 PM

Can you ask to leave early and have the work sent to you? That used to happen a lot back in my college days as when it snowed due to the fact it was in a forest most of us couldn't get home lol.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 03:10 PM

It's stopped now!
Thank god!
Everyone was having the same issue.
Even the teacher was like noooo!!

Pomegranate 27-02-2018 03:13 PM

Well done for going to college today Beckie :-)

Good luck with CV spamming Lillie!

I’m at home today. Bored lol. Should prob do some housework.

Cacoethes 27-02-2018 03:19 PM

Thanks Emma :)

Housework would be good!

Buttons. 27-02-2018 03:57 PM

Good luck with the CV spamming Lillie

Well done for going into college Beckie, hope you enjoyed the science lesson after dreaded maths.

I know that feeling Emma, you're bored and your housework is just Looking at you waiting to be done but your brain is like meh, not today :P

I did manage to get out for lunch with my mum and had nommy Chicken tikka masala with naan bread when the snow paused for a bit (it's back in full force now), forecast says it's going to get worse rest of this week so I'm going to do my upmost to get into town tomorrow and get plenty of supples. Doctors rearranging appointment will just have to wait until next week.

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