it's been a ****ing awesome Christmas :-D
Good to hear zombie!!
You two *shakes head*
That's good to hear zombie. |
How are you Lillie? |
I'm ok enough thanks. Don't wanna go back to work tomorrow :'( or shower lol
Awww no that sucks :(
It is sucky.
What's you up to?
I'm getting groomed by a cat. |
I'm watching the BFG
Aww sweet! |
You enjoying it?
I wasn't a fan of it myself when I saw it a while ago. |
Yeah it's not bad!
I used to like the original I have a friend who is terrified of it! |
Hello all.
Relatives have gone but have invited us over for Nye. 15 adults plus 5 children is a nightmare for me. Hoping that my parents say no but knowing my luck probs not. |
You're an adult you can say no yourself.
Yeah but how can I say I can't be dealing with peopling without appearing rude or antisocial? My parents don't understand that I can't deal with peopling all the time and that I don't like kids. They just don't get it.
Something like thank you for the offer but I think this year I would prefer to spend it X and have a quiet evening on my own.
Keep it simple, worth a try? They might say ok in which case you benefit or they might persuade you to go anyway which case you are no worse off. Merry Christmas all! |
Thanks for the advice tiptoes I will try that.
Very good advice!
I'm invited to a party but will say no. Mainly because I'll have done a full day at work and don't think I'll be able to stay awake! |
My kitty peed on my bed including my duvet. Trying to figure out if it'd be cheaper just to get a new duvet. Life sucks
Belated merry christmas to everyone
Eww, cat pee stinks. :(
Merry Christmas Eska. How are you all today? |
I'm ok, back in work, boo.
Huge boo. You working for long today?
Just a normal day, so 8:45 til 5.
How are you doing? |
Hello everyone
Hiya Beckie, how is life treating you?
Not bad thanks!
I'm going to be cheating on asda today and going to Sainsburys as I have a gift card! Even though it is further away. Hope asda doesn't find out! How are you? |
How dare you cheat on asda Beckie! :-P
I know, I'm a terrible person :p
Asda will always be number one in your heart though.
Hope work is going ok Eska. I'm ok. My brother is still here so I need to exist around him. Waiting in for a delivery anyway. |
Hope your delivery comes soon! There is nothing worse than waiting all day for one. You can guarantee that second you go out then it comes.
That is true Lindsay!
Waiting for deliveries is annoying! |
Waiting for deliveries is irritating.
I went to my group thing today and it was actually quite fun. Now just chillaxing with a can of coke, dog and big fat quiz of the year. |
Glad you enjoyed your group Buttons.
Sounds good Buttons!
Glad you enjoyed your group :) |
Quiet in here this evening!
I was out. But am back.
Where did you go? |
Hallo all.
How are you? |
Hi Lillie!
Im ok How are you? |
Knackered but have achieved lots.
Well done!!
Bed soon then? |
Mostly disnt have a choice. Bertie peed on my duvet at 5am so I had to get a new one so decided to spend some christmas money on a bag and some leggings then get the duvet and some food. Though all I seem to have nommed is crisps :/ and obviously I had to wash and change all my bedding. With a say at work squashed in between.
I'm in bed now. Will you be off to bed soon? |
What a pain!
Naughty kitty Sounds like a very busy day Yep I'll be going to bed in a minute I hope you manage to sleep well! |
I'm sure I will when I manage to wind down a bit. I don't wanna go work tomorrow :-(
And I hope you sleep well too beckie!
Morning all.
Afternoon all. There is roadworks outside my parents house.
I'd take roadworks over being at work!
Roadworks are annoying!
What time do you finish lillie? |
All times are GMT +1. The time now is 04:01 AM. |
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