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Eska 06-10-2018 10:08 AM

Morning Lillie! How are you?

chinahorse 06-10-2018 10:15 AM

Alive and avoiding looking at my bank balance.
Yourself? Got plans for today?

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 11:24 AM

Feel you on the bank balance thing Lillie!

Hey everyone

Eska 06-10-2018 11:35 AM

Aw Lillie, yeah, I know the feeling.

Beckie, how are you?

I'm ok. Watching the qualifying. Need to go out to pick up my prescription.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 11:37 AM

Im ok thanks.
Watching Brooklyn 99.
Going to head off to the pool after this epsiode

chinahorse 06-10-2018 11:49 AM

That sounds good beckie, hope you enjoy the swim! You're getting a lot of use out of the pool!

Sounds like a chilled day for you then eska. Glad you're ok.

Ugh, why is housework and laundry and the need to buy things for housework and laundry never ending?

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 12:00 PM

I really like swimming. It's good exercise and helps my ankle!
It's chucking it down with rain outside :/

I know, it sucks Lillie.
General adulthood sucks
Hope you can find some time to relax today

chinahorse 06-10-2018 12:23 PM

You're going to end up wet anyway :-P
And thats great.

Yeah I'm chilling in between slowly doing chores. Need to go to town but not sure if I should this weekend or wait till wednesday when I'm off work.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 12:37 PM

That is true! :p

Chilling is good.
Do you desperately need to go to town?

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 12:39 PM

Someone has taken MY locker!!
I am not happy

not_so_insig 06-10-2018 01:08 PM

That sucks Beckie but it could be worse they could take your changing cubicle!

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 02:05 PM

That is true!
Thankfully my changing cubicle was free!

one_step_closer 06-10-2018 02:24 PM

You should change the lock on your locker Beckie and have a key that only you can use.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 02:42 PM

I totally would but I think it may be frowned upon by the pool staff!

Its so cold and windy I decided to take the bus from pool to town instead of walk it.

What's everyone else up to this afternoon?

chinahorse 06-10-2018 02:57 PM

It is cold out. Just went to the shop and regret not putting a jumper on under my coat.

Was the pool busy beckie?

Eska 06-10-2018 03:22 PM

I just made a Thai green curry :)

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 03:36 PM

It is cold and very wet!
I was soaked through!
Now home and in comfy, dry clothes!
Nothing better than putting on dry socks!

It was pretty busy at the pool Lillie

Sounds nice eska!

not_so_insig 06-10-2018 04:02 PM

It's lovely and sunny here. Not cold at all.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 04:11 PM

Freezing here!
And it's been raining all day
At least now I don't have to go out again and I can snuggle up with a blanket!

Eska 06-10-2018 04:35 PM

Sunny here too.

I just watched Have I Got News For You and am now on to Mock the Week.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 04:41 PM

Good programme choices eska!
Love both of those

chinahorse 06-10-2018 06:16 PM

I agree with beckie, good shows both of em.

More knackered after my nap than before.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 06:38 PM

Oh no Lillie!
Hope you are able to rest some more
Not nice being so tired

chinahorse 06-10-2018 07:02 PM

I want to go to bed but cba to put the sheets on.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 07:11 PM

Ugh that is effort
Will be worth it though!

chinahorse 06-10-2018 07:24 PM

Possibly :-P

It is so dark and cold!

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 07:30 PM

I know!
Winter is upon us!

chinahorse 06-10-2018 09:01 PM

Until it decides to get really warm in the day but only when I'm at work grr

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 09:05 PM

Ah that would be annoying!

Its been freezing all day!
I very nearly put the heating on!

chinahorse 06-10-2018 09:07 PM

It has been! My heating has been on for a few weeks now. I work too damn hard to be cold in my own home.

And apparently it'll be 18 degrees where I live on Wednesday.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 09:11 PM

I'm too stingy to put on the heating yet :p

18 degrees would be nice!

chinahorse 06-10-2018 09:32 PM

Lol. I should be more stingey I think.

Cacoethes 06-10-2018 09:34 PM

It probably won't be long until I give in!

one_step_closer 07-10-2018 10:43 AM

Welcome to Sunday everyone. How are you all?

Cacoethes 07-10-2018 01:03 PM

Hey Lindsay
I've just got up!

How are you?

chinahorse 07-10-2018 01:27 PM

Hey guys. Me too beckie though I did get up at half 6 for an hour.

It's super sunny out!

Eska 07-10-2018 01:38 PM

It's sunny here too!

chinahorse 07-10-2018 01:42 PM

Still fairly chilly though.

What're you up to today?

Cacoethes 07-10-2018 01:42 PM

Its sunnyish here!

one_step_closer 07-10-2018 01:48 PM

It's raining here. There is a weather warning for rain on Monday and Tuesday.

Eska 07-10-2018 01:50 PM

I'm currently catching up on No Offence. Already done some washing and been into town so I'm having a quiet afternoon! I didn't get that much sleep last night.

chinahorse 07-10-2018 01:58 PM

Very productive!

Oh no! Hope the weather doesn't turn out to be as bad as theyve forecast.

one_step_closer 07-10-2018 02:01 PM

No Offence is a comedy right? You've been doing loads. Hope you have a better sleep tonight.

What are you getting up to Lillie?

I have just put my heating on grudgingly but I'm excited about having some warmth for a short time!

chinahorse 07-10-2018 02:15 PM

Haha heating is such a guilty pleasure to us all. Mines been on for a few weeks and I've not stopped feeling guilty yet.

I feel poorly so am sat in my armchair trying to not feel bad about not doing anything.

one_step_closer 07-10-2018 02:18 PM

Oh no, poor you Lillie. It's definitely ok not to do much when you're not feeling well. Will resting help a bit? Is there anything else that you can also do to feel better?

chinahorse 07-10-2018 02:27 PM

Thanks for the reassurance lovely.

It's a fibromyalgia unwell so it's a balance of not doing anything extravagant but doing bits and pieces so I'm not sat still too long. Getting out of bed took 3 hours but I feel better for it. Even though Id give anything to go back to bed again.
I will at some point shower and hoover my bedroom and clean the shower as I did everything else over the last few days.

zombiehunter 07-10-2018 03:38 PM

last night was officially Deadpool night :-D

Cacoethes 07-10-2018 04:04 PM

I love deadpool
And me and Wade Wilson share the same favourite pizza topping! Olive and pineapple!

zombiehunter 07-10-2018 04:07 PM


but yeah the first Deadpool was on the telly last night so I watched that and then my special edition Deadpool 2 blu ray and had a couple of beers and a ****ing big bag of crisps too :-D

Cacoethes 07-10-2018 04:15 PM


That sounds good!
I've not seen deadpool 2 yet

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