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Cacoethes 04-02-2018 04:39 PM

My credit rating is 'stable' so not horrifc but bad enough that I don't qualify for any loans or credit cards or anything!!

Yeah, you should probably start shredding stuff!
I don't think they are too expensive.
And I find them quite entertaining (that's probably me being a bit sad though!)

Aubergine 04-02-2018 04:58 PM

That's probably a good thing, Beckie. Getting things on credit isn't a great idea. I have a credit card, but only because it's safer when buying things online. I pay it off as soon as I've spent anything on it. The thought of being in debt terrifies me.

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:00 PM


Shop didn't have the blinds I wanted *frown* but I bought curry and samosas for dinner *thumbs up*

Where do you people keep finding chocolate oranges?!

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:01 PM

It is a good thing I think!
I have periods when I am VERY irresponsible with money so I would be guaranteed to get into £££££s of debt!
Sounds like you're very sensible though!

Ah thats a shame about the blinds nonperson!
Yay for samosas and curry though!

They're in special offer in asda!

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:07 PM

Welcome back! Hooray for curry! What kind?

I am too scared of being in debt to be silly with money! And I don't ever have the periods of mania (or however you describe it), so never have been unwell in that way where I'd spend too much money. We had absolutely no money when I was growing up. All clothes from charity shops etc. Once I was home alone and the bailiffs knocked on the door. Mum's new boyfiend (my now step-dad) lived just up the road and my Mum was at work 20 miles away, so I called him and he came and sorted it out. He was so cross with my Mum for not telling him! Still married her though and they've been together for 17 years!

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:11 PM

Aw I didn't go to Asda this week, should have!

Chicken makhani curry. =)

I'm a sensible money person too. We also used to have bailiffs turning up - ours was called Mr Flowers. =P

tiptoes 04-02-2018 05:11 PM

I feel so lucky that my manic spending is usually restricted to stationary books and music so it would be very difficult to spend enough to get into trouble!

Jealous of the chocolate orange! Not had one in years! My gran used to get us one every Christmas until we got too old :(

Buttons. 04-02-2018 05:12 PM

Stationary and books win life :P

I love Asda, especially their soups.

Sketchy 04-02-2018 05:13 PM

Sarah I’ll share my chocolate orange with you.

Ooh curry. I love a curry.

Hello all. I’ve been lazy today. Not long up. Still tired.

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:14 PM

I am rather extravagant with my mania!
Trips abroad and expensive electronics and stuff!

Buttons. 04-02-2018 05:17 PM

Yeah I remember the Amsterdam trip :P

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:17 PM

You are NEVER too old for a chocolate orange!

Hey Lorraine. :) It's OK to have a lazy day.

Bailiff solidarity, Person. :D

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:19 PM

Chocolate oranges are life

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:23 PM

35 minutes to go, Emma. You're on the home stretch now!

Buttons. 04-02-2018 05:23 PM

I confess...I dislike chocolate oranges *goes into hiding*

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:24 PM

That is madness. You must leave this place immediately.

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:24 PM

That is madness. You must leave this place immediately.

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:24 PM


nonperson 04-02-2018 05:30 PM

Didn't we have this conversation before?

I think Buttons is the only one who doesn't like them?

one_step_closer 04-02-2018 05:32 PM

Haha, back to the chocolate orange debate which is never a debate because Buttons is the odd one out!

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:32 PM

I can't remember. We're in a thread full of people who can have problems with recall. We repeat things lots. :P

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:33 PM

Yeah we do seem to repeat things a lot XD
Especially about food!!

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:35 PM

Food subjects are always worth repeating.

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:35 PM

I don't think there could ever be too many conversations about chocolate oranges, repeated or not!

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:36 PM

I agree Aubergine!

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:37 PM

I'm enjoying this chocolate orange convo a bit less than normal because I don't have one. =(

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:39 PM

I have ice cream, Person. That do?

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:40 PM

It's not really a substitute for choc orange. =(

I have to be in the right mood for icecream.

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:42 PM

I want another chocolate orange.
I could literally eat them all day

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:42 PM

No, chocolate oranges are pretty awesome. They're on offer for £1 in Tesco! Go buy one!

one_step_closer 04-02-2018 05:44 PM

I was tempted to buy one when I was at Asda yesterday but I told myself no because I'd eat it all very quickly. Was going to get one of the Nestle Easter eggs that are 75p at Tesco but they were smaller than I expected so I didn't bother!

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:46 PM

What?! They're in Tesco too?! I had my supermarket blinkers on last night, didn't see anything except for what I needed to see.

Wish I'd seen £1 chocolate oranges!!

nonperson 04-02-2018 05:48 PM

Ooh you know I think I do need to make a Tesco trip in the week so I'll try to get one.

And by one I mean I'll buy enough to keep me stocked up til next Christmas. =P

Cacoethes 04-02-2018 05:52 PM

They're £1 in asda too!!

one_step_closer 04-02-2018 05:55 PM

Are we going to have an Asda vs Tesco war now?!

Aubergine 04-02-2018 05:57 PM

Go! Stock up. Never, ever run out!

My friend just sent me this: "You are one of the smartest, kindest, funniest and most resilient people I have ever met. . ;o)"

She is a keeper.

one_step_closer 04-02-2018 05:58 PM

Aww that is a lovely message, and from what I've seen of you around here it's most definitely true.

nonperson 04-02-2018 06:01 PM

Agreed. =)

I'm not loyal to any particular supermarket. I like them all for different reasons. But there seem to be more Tescos than anything else round here.

one_step_closer 04-02-2018 06:03 PM

Me too. There is a Tesco where I live so I go there most of the time but I like to go to different supermarkets for a change or when they have good deals on.

Aubergine 04-02-2018 06:05 PM

Thank you. <3

I have levered myself off of my bed and into my front room

Emma! It's home time!

I shop online, but they both have different price limits, so it depends if I'm restocking the freezer or not.

Sketchy 04-02-2018 06:07 PM

I live near all supermarkets, but my local Asda is a big one. I sometimes get the train to Morrisons for a change.

I’m naughty. Can’t be bothered changing out of onesie and going to the shop, so I’ve phoned for a pizza.

Cheryl88 04-02-2018 06:07 PM

Hello, how is everyone?

I'm feeling flattered, I got ID'd for beers in Aldi earlier today. :D

zombiehunter 04-02-2018 06:08 PM

wht beers did you get? :-O

Sketchy 04-02-2018 06:10 PM

Yum beers. I get asked for ID too. I’m 36! I think it’s because I’m short with pink hair.

Hey zombie how’s it going?

Cheryl88 04-02-2018 06:10 PM

None, I couldn't be bothered going to Tesco. I've still got a 660ml bottle of Becks left, that'll do me tonight. I need to drive my great aunt to view sheltered housing tomorrow morning so I can't get steaming.

Cheryl88 04-02-2018 06:12 PM

Hi Lorraine.

I told the girl at the checkout that it's my 30th this month but it made no difference. Maybe it's God telling me to drink less.

Sketchy 04-02-2018 06:12 PM

Enjoy your beer Cheryl. How are you doing?

Cheryl88 04-02-2018 06:14 PM

I'm doing better. My mum got moved to the Golden Jubilee and they're putting a stent in to open her windpipe and talking about radiotherapy because the tumour's grown. When she was told it was terminal cancer they never offered anything but a clinical trial and now we're discussing treatments again to buy time, I feel pretty optimistic.

Aubergine 04-02-2018 06:15 PM

That's good news, Cheryl. :)

I think it's OK to order pizza every now and then. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Sketchy 04-02-2018 06:16 PM

I hope your mum is getting all the help she needs. I hope you are taking care too.

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