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Cacoethes 04-07-2023 05:37 AM

Ah i see!

Morning guys!

long road 04-07-2023 07:55 AM

Morning Beckie!

How are you today?

I am a bit rough, had a non epileptic seizure and fell out if bed last night. Going to try and rest some more as my head hurts but I am very awake right now. We shall see!

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 07:58 AM


I'm ok thanks.
It's freezing today! 12?c!
It's july!!!!

That sounds rough. Can you get plenty of rest today?

long road 04-07-2023 08:04 AM

Brrrr that is cold for July. It's 14?C outside according to weather app but much warmer in my flat thermostat in the hall (warmest part of flat) says like 22?C.

Going to try and be sensible and rest as needed. Only thing happening today is partners parents coming over for a coffee/ tea and a chat. And they are chill with me not interacting with them if I need rest. Would like to go outside as per routine at some point.

But for now rest, so I will love you and leave you!

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 10:06 AM

Morning guys. Sorry you had a difficult night lr, rest sounds good.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 10:30 AM

I'm on my way, Beckie! (Not really).

You were up at an insane hour. It is kind of cold today but I went for my prescription wearing a long sleeved top, a short sleeved top, a zipper, and my jacket and came back sweating. What are you doing today?

Sorry last night wasn't a good one for you, Jen. I hope you can get all the rest you need today.

Hi, Tamo. How are you?

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 10:37 AM

I'm in a t shirt, hoodie and woofly blanket :)

I am ok. Debating whether to email my gp about some of my meds.

long road 04-07-2023 10:42 AM

I am up and sitting on my sofa under my favourite blanket. I feel a bit rough but not too bad. Think I will be ok to do a bit.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 10:58 AM

Sounds cosy, Tamo. Don't move all day! If you've got questions/worries/need to chat about your meds it's fine to get in touch with your GP. Are they the best person to ask, not your psych or CPN?

Don't be pushing yourself too much, Jen. What would you like to try today?

Lol at your edit! How on earth do you run on your sofa?

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 11:12 AM

Gp is best person, it's about a couple of my supplements. I've still got a month's worth left so I might leave it for now.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 11:20 AM

Do whatever suits you, Tamo. Would a pharmacist be able to answer your questions? I know there's a lot of emphasis now about speaking to a pharmacist first.

long road 04-07-2023 11:46 AM

Typos is how running on sofas works XD

IRL faceplants is the only result of attempting to run in a sofa.

I would like to go outside and later do my physio

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 12:01 PM

I just need to ask if I need a blood test or can just order the meds on repeat.

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 12:52 PM

Hey everyone!
Just casually disappeared for a bit.
Went to the gym, then my friend said she was going shopping if i wanted to meet her at asda before she goes to work, i needed to get a couple of bits anyway.

Anyone got any plans for today?

long road 04-07-2023 01:03 PM

It is rainy so I am currently staying inside.

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 01:04 PM

Just my normal routine, including watching Casualty.

not_so_insig 04-07-2023 01:17 PM

Afternoon all.

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 01:32 PM

Hey insig, how are you?

not_so_insig 04-07-2023 01:53 PM

Apart from my right ear feeling blocked I am ok. Have some otex will try it out later.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 03:55 PM

Yo Dudes. (why on earth did I say that?)

How are you getting on with the things you want to do, Jen?

You're not going to tag along with your friend while they're shopping are you, Beckie? I hate shopping with other people!

Are you enjoying Casualty, Tamo?

Hope the otex helps, Dawn.

I was late for the gym group because the bus I was waiting for didn't arrive then I was walking and panicking that they wouldn't wait for me and then there was no one there. I even checked in the gym and the changing rooms. Then the worker came five minutes later and it was just me and her and she had hurt her neck so we just rearranged our voluntary work discussion to that time and didn't go into the gym. Afterwards I decided to look in the charity shop for books but got none which is disappointing.

long road 04-07-2023 04:24 PM

Well I went outside for a little bit despite the rain and sat under my gazebo. Then when I came in I lay down Nd ended up napping for 2 and a half hours. I clearly needed it but I missed lunch by falling asleep. Going to grab a snack now

Gym group fiasco sounds stressful Lindsay.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 04:37 PM

That sounds ok, Jen. Could you hear the rain on the top of the gazebo? I love hearing the rain. How are you feeling after your nap? I hope you choose a tasty snack.

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 05:45 PM

I've received the timetable for my retreat! Can't wait, but I'm getting nervous about eating with strangers.

long road 04-07-2023 05:52 PM

I could hear the rain it was nice.

I have a headache probably from hitting my head when I fell out of bed last night. And am rather tired still. Had a cinnamon and raisin bagel which I enjoyed.

Is there anything you could do to help prepare you to be comfortable eating with strangers? Maybe go to a restaurant alone a couple of times to practise?

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 05:53 PM

Tell me more! When is the retreat? What's on the timetable? I hope you will be able to get used to the people around and be able to eat without too much anxiety.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 05:54 PM

Your poor head, Jen. Did it knock some sense into you though? Eww raisins. Glad you enjoyed it though.

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 06:00 PM

I did tag along with friend when she was shopping, but thankfully she is another one who knows what she wants and gets it! It was just nice to have a catch up. She's been having a tough time.

I've just had another nap....
This is becoming a thing and i don't like it!
Have glow beatz soon!

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 06:03 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed your catch up. Napping is ok if you need to and you obviously need it since your body is actually doing it when you couldn't nap before. What is it you don't like? Have fun at Glow Beatz.

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 06:07 PM

I just feel lazy!
I know i don't sleep well but still.

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 06:10 PM

It's definitely not due to laziness but I can understand that it might not feel that way. You need to be more kind to yourself which I know can be extra hard!

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 06:39 PM

I know. I'm just not used to everything being so slow!

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 06:42 PM

Osc - there'll be talks about some of the writings of St John of the Cross and meals and prayer times together. Also time alone to meditate, pray and relax.

long road 04-07-2023 06:53 PM

I think I did the opposite and knocked sense out of me! Not been particularly with it today. Will keep an eye on it an see how I go., I have taken painkillers but still have a bit of a headache.

Napping isn't lazy, but I totally get how it can feel frustrating when you weren't planning a nap and your body just springs it on you!

That retreat sounds cool Tamo.

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 07:13 PM

That sounds like a nice retreat tamo!

Yeah i know logically it isn't lazy. And I'd never think it lazy of literally anyone else to have a nap! Just me. Lol.

long road 04-07-2023 08:10 PM

Mental illness and logic don't always go together I guess!

I am feeling rough. Might try another nap / an early night

one_step_closer 04-07-2023 08:11 PM

Slow is a need sometimes, Beckie! I know it's hard to apply things to yourself sometimes.

I hope you enjoy the retreat, Tamo. Sounds like there will be lots to do. Have you been to one before?

Oh dear, Jen. Look after yourself and your head. I hope tonight and tomorrow are better.

tamobhuuta 04-07-2023 08:34 PM

Osc, yes but at a different place. It's with the Friars in Aylesford in Kent.

Cacoethes 04-07-2023 09:23 PM

Good point jen!
Hope you manage to get a decent sleep

That's true lindsay
Exhausted now!

Cacoethes 05-07-2023 06:34 AM

Got up at 6am today, which is actually pretty good!

long road 05-07-2023 09:24 AM


I am feeling a little better this morning. *Crossed fingers it lasts*

You got anything on before axe throwing this evening?

Cacoethes 05-07-2023 09:27 AM

I'm so glad you're feeling better jen!
Just try not to overdo it!

Need to go and get prescription, which I'll do shortly.
L is coming at 11 and we're gonna just chill for a bit. Maybe go for a coffee before heading off.

tamobhuuta 05-07-2023 09:58 AM

Morning guys. I'm glad you're feeling better LR and that you got a bit more sleep Cacoethes.

long road 05-07-2023 10:06 AM

I am definitely not overdoing it. Git hit with a wave if tiredness so have popped back to bed for a lie down.

Have fun at axe throwing! Has L met the boys properly yet?

How are you Tamo?

tamobhuuta 05-07-2023 10:29 AM

I'm ok thanks lr. Got a tummy ache though.

Cacoethes 05-07-2023 10:37 AM

Morning tamo!
Have you got any peppermint tea? That's meant to be good for tummy ache

Yes she has jen, she's been to my house a couple of times now

tamobhuuta 05-07-2023 10:58 AM

Good idea Cacoethes, thanks. I'm drinking normal tea at the moment.

Cacoethes 05-07-2023 11:02 AM

Hope it eases up soon
Tummy ache is horrible!

one_step_closer 05-07-2023 12:45 PM

Afternoon everyone. Sending good day wishes.

I actually felt ok at some point but because I felt ok I then felt not ok which I don't know how that works but it is very unfair.

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, Jen. Take it easy when you need to. Is there anything nice you'd like to do today?

Oh my goodness Beckie is planning on chilling! Is that even a thing for you? Lol! I hope you have a lovely day and have lots of fun at axe throwing. Just please don't then go to a shop to buy an axe to practice at home!

I hope you feel better soon, Tamo. Look after yourself.

tamobhuuta 05-07-2023 12:48 PM

My tummy feels better thanks :)

I've got a load of my brother's classic doctor who dvds to watch when I run out of casualty.

one_step_closer 05-07-2023 12:56 PM

I'm so glad you're feeling better now. Well, you've certainly got your viewing schedule sorted for a while! Have you seen the classic doctor who episodes before?

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