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one_step_closer 13-06-2023 04:03 PM

Yes, very. There is a nice breeze today though. I don't like sitting out in it but had to for quite a while today. I especially don't like the heat on my head but I think I'd look silly wearing a hat.

Is it still hot with you?

not_so_insig 13-06-2023 04:06 PM

Yes it's very hot here too. Staying indoors because it's cooler and far too hot to be outside. It's currently 27 degrees according to my phone.

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 04:07 PM

Thanks Dawn!
Honestly I'm so relieved i could cry! (Again XD)

Still very warm here.
I'm going to be a puddle by the end of glow beatz! Though the instructor is bringing ice pops for afterwards!

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 04:10 PM

I'm glad you didn't get any bad news, Beckie.

You should eat your ice pops while you're working out. I'll say enjoy but really can't see where the enjoyment lies in exercising hard on a too hot day!

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 04:34 PM


We get them afterwards lol
I don't think I'd be able to eat an ice pop, hold glow sticks and do the leg and arm moves all at the same time! XD

I think you have to be slightly insane to enjoy it tbh

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 05:16 PM

Well it's definitely a fit for you then :-p

Is anyone else doing something more sane with the rest of the day?

tamobhuuta 13-06-2023 05:23 PM

I'm going to try reading, if that doesn't work I'll find something on the telly. I'm giving up on doctor who, jodie whittaker is too talkative.

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 05:25 PM

What are you reading at the moment? I hope it's something you can get stuck into and enjoy. If not, I hope you can find something on TV. Do you watch much TV apart from Doctors?

not_so_insig 13-06-2023 05:27 PM

I am thinking what to have for tea. It's far too hot to be cooking.

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 05:33 PM

Thanks lindsay. I think :tongue2:

It's more salad and quiche kind of weather.
Alas, i have neither!

not_so_insig 13-06-2023 05:37 PM

I have neither either Beckie.

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 05:42 PM

I had breaded chicken and veg. The same as yesterday.

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 05:46 PM


Did you enjoy it lindsay?

I had a plant based lasagna

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 05:58 PM

Yeah, I really like the chicken steaks and they are only one pound something in my local shop for a pack of 2. They have a security sticker on them though so I always set the alarm off when I walk out.

What was the plant based lasagne like?

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 06:01 PM

That's a good price!

I KNEW it was spelled lasagne! My phone autocorrected.
It was really good!

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 06:15 PM

What was even in it?

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 06:21 PM

Idk. Lentils, vegetables, cheese that wasn't cheese, fake mince.
Was nicer than it sounds XD

long road 13-06-2023 06:29 PM

I spent my afternoon napping in front of a fan. It was much needed after my garden centre adventure.

And now to have lunch for dinner because I had dinner for Lunch.

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 06:32 PM

Sounds like a good afternoon!!

What's for dinner lunch?

long road 13-06-2023 06:34 PM

Haven't decided yet. Probably some form of sandwich and some cucumber sticks and houmous. Although I just remembered I have some leftover pasta bake I could have as pasta salad. Hmmm....

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 06:37 PM

Both sound like excellent options!

long road 13-06-2023 06:40 PM

Hence the indecision!

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 06:43 PM

Oh no, decisions are hard. Get your partner to make the decision for you!

long road 13-06-2023 06:57 PM

I went for sandwich. Decided I was in a bread kind of mood. Having ham and smoked cheese. Will have pasta bake leftovers tommorrow

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 07:08 PM

Ham and cheese is one of the best sandwich combos

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 07:20 PM

Sometimes it's a bit hard to eat though if you don't put mayo or something in it.
I hope you enjoyed it, Jen.

I am feeling so unwell with hay fever. Please give me some sympathy.

long road 13-06-2023 07:25 PM

I did enjoy it. If it wa sregulat cheese I would have added caramelised onion chutney but I find the smoked cheese brings enough flavour and the butter stops the sandwich being dry.

*Showers Lindsay in sympathy* Do you have any decongestant nasal spray or tablets? They are what help me most when I get symptomatic with my hayfever.

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 07:28 PM

That sounds like a very posh sandwich for ham and cheese!

Luckily my nose isn't blocked just itchy and sneezy. I take antihistamines daily throughout the year for various things.

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 07:29 PM

There are literally like 12 people here. Normally 25+

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 07:32 PM

At Glow Beatz? So most people are being sensible then!

long road 13-06-2023 07:33 PM

Well I am just finishing up the posh cheese counter smoked cheese. Back to regular cheddar tomorrow and chutney is amazing and much tastier than pickle in my opinion.

Yay for not being blocked, boo for itchy and sneezy. I once sneezed for 30 minutes straight it was decidedly not fun. I also once sneezed so hard I fell over, that was kind of funny XD

Have you tried putting vaseline around your nostrils before you head outside? It's meant to trap some of the pollen.

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 07:36 PM

I don't think I have much experience of chutney. Sneezing is definitely not fun. Wow, must have been the worlds most powerful sneeze! Did anyone capture it for submission to the book or world records? I think I have tried the vaseline trick before and I may have ended up just snorting it. :laugh:

tamobhuuta 13-06-2023 08:04 PM

We had pasta with tomato and mozzarella salad, yum.

I've been watching W1A.

one_step_closer 13-06-2023 08:14 PM

Glad you enjoyed it, Tamo. Sounds very summery.

What's W1A about?

tamobhuuta 13-06-2023 08:57 PM

The BBC. The lead is Hugh Bonnevile as Head of Values. It's funny.

long road 13-06-2023 08:58 PM

Would not recommend snorting vaseline XD

The big sneeze falling over fiasco happen years ago before camera phones were a common thing so the moment was not captured there was a lot of laughter though and some disbelief it had happened!

Tomato and mozzarella salad is amazing, I am a little jealous Tamo!

I just did my new physio exercises, felt like a proper workout. I have post exercise muscle ache but the good kind that means you worked hard.

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 09:16 PM

It was the smallest glow beatz class I've ever seen! Especially on a Tuesday!

Could you even snort vaseline if you tried??

Well done for doing your physio jen!

not_so_insig 13-06-2023 09:19 PM

Perhaps the heat put people off exercising?

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 09:26 PM

That was definitely the reason!

not_so_insig 13-06-2023 09:28 PM

Did you have your ice pop?

Cacoethes 13-06-2023 09:33 PM

I did! It was tasty!

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 06:03 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 10:10 AM

Morning :) how are you?

not_so_insig 14-06-2023 10:27 AM

Morning all. It is gonna be hot today methinks.

long road 14-06-2023 10:36 AM


I am up and have already showered, about to grab a coffee and go sit outside for a bit before it gets crazy hot
Although it's only meant to get to 28°C today rather than the 30°C it hit yesterday.

How is everyone? How are you coping with the heat?

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 10:42 AM

I'm ok thanks. Just been to town to get my prescription and a cucumber.
They were incredibly busy in the pharmacy but it's fine.

How are you guys? Any plans for today?

I'm struggling with the heat tbh! Been feeling rather light headed and nauseous. Even this morning! It's not even that hot yet!

long road 14-06-2023 10:59 AM

Prescription and a cucumber that could be the start of a dirty joke XD

I have roleplaying this evening and I think partners parents are coming over for a chat this afternoon.

Have you tried making your own rehydration solution yet?

Cacoethes 14-06-2023 11:01 AM

It could indeed! XD

Sounds like a nice day!

I completely forgot about that *facepalm*
I have switched to sparkling water though, which will be a lot better for hydration than diet cola

tamobhuuta 14-06-2023 11:08 AM

I've got to wait downstairs for a couple of parcels. Currently drinking tea with my dad who is back from France.

long road 14-06-2023 11:27 AM

Switching to flavoured sparkling water is a good start but you do probably need some sodium. Do you want me to try an remind you next time you go shopping?

Drinking tea with your Dad sounds lovely Tamo. How long was he in France?

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