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long road 05-05-2023 06:55 PM

Aww tiny secret guinea pig clocks!

Not planning on pushing too far but would be nice to do something today. Currently lying in bed chilling until dinner. We are having Nudelauflauf!

tamobhuuta 05-05-2023 07:06 PM

Oo tastey!

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:08 PM

Would be adorable tbh!
Could be like in chicken run, where they just hide everything when the humans come XD

I'm glad your friends are understanding. Do you do it at home or do you go somewhere?
Ooh yum!

nonperson 05-05-2023 07:17 PM

Evening all.

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:19 PM

Np! Hello!
How are you?

nonperson 05-05-2023 07:24 PM

I am tired and wondering how essential it is to do a shop tonight... =/

How're you?

long road 05-05-2023 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4349308)
Would be adorable tbh!
Could be like in chicken run, where they just hide everything when the humans come XD

I'm glad your friends are understanding. Do you do it at home or do you go somewhere?
Ooh yum!

The secret life of guinea pigs <3

We used to meet in person but have being playing online from home since Covid. We kept up playing online as one of our friends doesn't live locally. So I can play from the sofa or even propped up in bed if I need to. We just use voice chat so don't need to worry how I look.

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:31 PM

Have you got enough to last you until tomorrow np?
Asda was fairly busy earlier but i didn't have to venture too far in today.

I'm ok thanks. Tired!

Ah ok. That's convenient!

one_step_closer 05-05-2023 07:37 PM

Watched a tiny bit of Taskmaster but couldn't focus so have come back online. I don't know if it's a good idea or not.

What's Nudelauflauf?

Hi NP. If you didn't do a shop tonight would you go tomorrow? Is it Tesco or somewhere else? If you Google the supermarket some of them have a little box bit on Google with the times and when it's usually busy.

nonperson 05-05-2023 07:37 PM

Yeah I've got plenty of food, but it's not food I'm after. =/

I was wondering if it would be busier than usual tonight or not! Gah.

Are you sleeping better now you're home?

nonperson 05-05-2023 07:39 PM

Ninja Lindsay - it's unlikely I'll be able to go tomorrow. I was thinking Sainsburys and they do have that busy chart thing! I like using that.

Taskmaster is good but I have to be in the right sort of mood to watch it.

tamobhuuta 05-05-2023 07:40 PM

Nudelauflauf is pasta bake osc :)

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:45 PM

Just vibe it lindsay!

Ah that's always annoying np!

nonperson 05-05-2023 07:48 PM

Why is it not just called pasta bake?

tamobhuuta 05-05-2023 07:50 PM

There was a thing here a few years back for German pasta bake / nudelauflauf. I don't remember what started it! Ask Pi!

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:51 PM

It was a whole thing here years ago!
I think it's german for pasta bake or something

Jenna is currently busy but I'm sure this will summon her later!

one_step_closer 05-05-2023 07:52 PM

Another RYL thing I have no recollection of! It's too hard to spell, pasta bake is easier.

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:54 PM

A lot of **** was happening for me back then so i don't think i was as into it as others!
Vaguely remember having cheese and tomato pasta in hospital and asking if that counted XD

one_step_closer 05-05-2023 07:55 PM

And did it count?

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 07:58 PM

I think so!
This must have been a very long time ago because i think i was in Hertfordshire and possibly pregnant?

one_step_closer 05-05-2023 08:00 PM

RYL is so old!

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 08:02 PM

And so are we now XD
The age demographic of this site has changed immensely!

one_step_closer 05-05-2023 08:05 PM

I forgot that also means we're old too! Yeah, we used to all be little people but no little people come here any more so it's a different age range.

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 08:07 PM

Probably for the best.
If i came across 14 year old me here, I'd get so irritated!

one_step_closer 05-05-2023 08:10 PM

I wouldn't be too happy with my past self either!

We're all a lovely family now :-D (Remember RYL families?)

not_so_insig 05-05-2023 08:29 PM

Sorry I have been quiet been struggling all day so not up for prolonged conversation. But have been following the posts.

long road 05-05-2023 08:29 PM

Yep Nudelauflauf is the German for any kind of pasta bake. And it became a thing I think because Lana taught us the word and we thought it was an amazing word and then making pasta bake became a trend. As official RYL historian Jenna will fill in more detail as necessary I am sure!

I am roleplaying now and feeling mostly human :)

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 08:38 PM

Pretty sure i had an ryl family back then!

Glad you're feeling better jen

Hope you feel ok soon dawn

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 09:39 PM

Ah, another victim of the ryl caps thief!

Your kitchen?
Did i miss something?

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 09:47 PM

Ohh awesome!
Well done!
Sorry, my memory and attention span are crap XD

Cacoethes 05-05-2023 09:55 PM

Redecorating is always exciting!

long road 05-05-2023 10:53 PM

My lungs are getting grumpy now, nothing too bad but bit of a tight chest. Have had a very good time roleplaying this evening we are just about to finish for the night.

Redecorating is fun what colour did you go for Tash?

Ahimsa 06-05-2023 01:20 AM

Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence this evening. One of the vets saw me having a bit of a sad minute and invited me for dinner tonight and I've just got home!

I hope everyone's okay?

Insig I'm sorry you're struggling - please talk to us if you would like?

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 06:40 AM

Glad you had a good time jen
Hope your lungs let you sleep ok!

Aww that's lovely of them beth!

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 06-05-2023 09:26 AM

Morning! How are you?

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 10:41 AM

Morning! I'm ok thanks
Just got back from taekwondo and having breakfast because i wasn't hungry this morning

How are you?

tamobhuuta 06-05-2023 11:29 AM

How was taekwando? I'm ok. Watching the Coronation with some of the family. I'll probably go do some mindfulness after this cup of tea, I want to keep to my normal routine.

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 11:34 AM

Really good thanks!
Did the new pattern for the first time. Everyone else has been learning it for a while. Was ok though!
And practiced kicks which is always fun. Was sweating by the end!

Sounds like a good plan!

tamobhuuta 06-05-2023 11:37 AM

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?

one_step_closer 06-05-2023 12:44 PM

Afternoon everyone, I hope you are having a good day and it continues.

I hope you feel better after your dinner, Beth.

I hope you struggle less today, Dawn, but I can understand it might be difficult especially today. Look after yourself.

I hope you can stick to your routine, Tamo.

I'm glad you're getting on well with taekwondo and enjoying it, Beckie. Was it not difficult because you hadn't had breakfast? What did you have for breakfast afterwards? I always want to have an exciting breakfast but stick to cereal because it's easy. Are you doing anything else today?

I felt really upset when I was outside to go for my prescription. Becoming the usual now and it's hard. Luckily I won't have to go out tomorrow or Monday. Done some housework and washed my hair. I'm supposed to be on 2mg of Risperidone until Wednesday but in today's prescription there was only 1mg. I hope it was a mistake just in that one bottle.

tamobhuuta 06-05-2023 12:48 PM

I've done my usual morning mindfulness etc, now I'm watching the end of the Coronation.

Do you need to go back to the pharmacy osc?

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 12:50 PM

I'm getting a tattoo at 3pm and then tesco between 8-9pm. I'll pop to asda too because tesco didn't have a few bits.

It wasn't difficult. I just got very hot! A lot of movement. I just felt so horribly full this morning and probably safer to not have eaten breakfast in case it didn't stay down! I did get very hungry halfway through though!
I had protein porridge, butterscotch flavour. Very easy to make!

I'm sorry you felt so upset.
At least you'll get a couple of days break!
Well done for getting stuff done!

one_step_closer 06-05-2023 12:53 PM

Oh yeah, I just remembered your tattoo. I hope you have a good day.

I probably won't go back to the chemist, Tamo. I should probably check the other bottles and if they're wrong I should go back. I just don't really want to go out again and I don't usually go to them about mistakes. This might be important though.

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 12:59 PM

Thank you!

I'd say it was pretty important lindsay!
I understand not wanting to go out again though. I only live 10 mins away from town, probably not even that and i can never be bothered to go out again for something like that!

I love teal!
Sounds amazing!

It's just porridge but made to have a lot more protein.
I had it from before i went into hospital, i was doing a lot of exercise and the protein helps to heal/build the muscles or something like that. Something to do with muscle building!

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 01:10 PM

It's probably my second favourite! After purple

You just mix 2½ scoops with 200ml water and stick it in the microwave for 2 mins. I'm so lazy when it comes to food! It's a bit finer than actual porridge oats but definitely proper oats!

one_step_closer 06-05-2023 01:34 PM

Porridge is even too much for me because you have to measure it and put it in the microwave, I'm so lazy!

I did go back to the chemist and got things sorted.

Cacoethes 06-05-2023 01:43 PM

They provide you with a scoop! I couldn't be bothered with scales and measuring etc.
I put it in the microwave so it's done while I'm getting the boy's breakfast. I hate waiting for things.

Well done!

I forgot to turn on substitutions on my tesco order
They only didn't have basil, bananas and thyme. Not the end of the world. However, this means my order is now £48, so i have to pay £5 for being under the minimum order amount! I'm pretty annoyed about this.

not_so_insig 06-05-2023 01:44 PM

Hello all. I am feeling much better today than yesterday. Thanks for the support everyone. My cat has been a comfort to me.

not_so_insig 06-05-2023 01:45 PM

Oh how annoying Beckie. I never have that problem as I end up spending tons.

Ahimsa 06-05-2023 01:55 PM

I'm glad you're feeling better Insig!

I may be joining Beckie on the new tattoo today train! My artist has some walk in space and I've just messaged her.

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