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-   -   The 'I need a distraction' thread. (https://www.recoveryourlife.com/forum/showthread.php?t=243064)

nonperson 08-04-2023 09:21 PM

I was also thinking a serious chat sort of thread might be useful.

I didn't realise that was a today list... =o Is there a reward if you get it all done today?

long road 08-04-2023 09:40 PM

Yeah I think a separate serious chat could be a useful thing. Might help keep this one more light

Ahimsa 08-04-2023 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ahimsa (Post 4345476)
1) Sort the pile of letters on the desk DONE
2) Take the glass jars and bottles to the recycling DONE
3) Buy a new kitchen bin (They didnt have the size I want, this is not my fault!)
4) Dust the shelf unit
5) Clear out the fridge DONE
6) Do the next load of washing
7) Go through 1 drawer and organise it DONE
8) Drop the spare car key at my parents DONE
9) Organise the cupboard under the sink
10) Organise the tea cupboard DONE

3 things to go!!! Before midnight, otherwise it doesn't count as today ;)


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345478)
I was also thinking a serious chat sort of thread might be useful.

I didn't realise that was a today list... =o Is there a reward if you get it all done today?

Yeah, that's a today list! No such reward as I'm at both jobs tomorrow!

nonperson 09-04-2023 10:00 AM

Maybe a delayed reward then. Did you get it all done?!

Morning everyone. I can gladly report back that my hot cross bun toast was a superb breakfast.

tamobhuuta 09-04-2023 10:10 AM

Good choice np. I, of course, am having a crumpet. But I have a chocolate hot cross bun lined up for afternoon tea.

I'm looking forward to Mass this evening. It should be the normal number of people and normal length, so not overwhelming. I'm going to wear my best dress because it is Easter.

What are people's plans for today?

Ahimsa 09-04-2023 10:54 AM

Yay for best dress Tamo!

I’m working all day, then doing house chores 6-8 and then going to my other job

tamobhuuta 09-04-2023 11:32 AM

That's a lot of grown up ing going on there.

not_so_insig 09-04-2023 11:34 AM

Hello all. I hope that the Easter bunny has been. I have lots of eggs.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 11:56 AM

Congrats on a hot-cross bun-filled post np! Glad you enjoyed your breakfast.

Hope work goes ok Ahimsa!

Wrt a srs bsns thread, does someone want to make it? I can do it if yous want but I don’t want to look like I’m on a power-trip. I’m thinking either it could be in MH or if you want to be able to go as serious as needed at some points then it could just go in Serious?

not_so_insig 09-04-2023 12:00 PM

I think that it should be in mh but if things take a bad turn then it can always be moved to serious.

tamobhuuta 09-04-2023 12:10 PM

Maybe have it in MH? And if things get too serious we can encourage each other to make their own posts in Serious Discussion? Or would that not work for people? Do people need a Serious Space to chat?

one_step_closer 09-04-2023 01:48 PM

Afternoon everyone, Happy Easter. You all seem to be having yummy treats and I have none. Not fair. I hope you all have a good day.

I don't know how a serious space to chat would work. Would it be like the virtual psych ward thread or other similar threads if there are any? I think we have a good balance here but I'm not against having another thread, would just have to get used to it.

nonperson 09-04-2023 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4345502)
Serious Space to chat

That's the title right there. Serious probably works if it gets serious and also it would still cover mental health sort of stuff too would it not? I imagine it to be a place to just reach out without having to make a full on srs bsns thread or necessarily asking for help. I do however wonder if it means it would split up the already few chatty posters into two groups and could maybe end up being monopolised... but that could just be me catastrophising a bit *shrug*

Also what counts as too serious for this thread?

(I am clearly overthinking everything which may be a clever tactic that my brain is employing to keep me busy inside in safety and not have to go outside and do garden stuff...)

tamobhuuta 09-04-2023 02:57 PM

I think "I'm having a tough day" is fine, but going into detail and needing support is beyond what this thread was meant for - distraction.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 03:09 PM

Go go go, out to the garden np!!

nonperson 09-04-2023 03:20 PM

I appreciate the encouragement but it's not going to happen today, especially as I've just put on the extended edition of LotR.

Ahimsa 09-04-2023 03:21 PM

I agree Tamo, its difficult because you’re like ‘I need distractions but can’t say what from?’

Work is almost done, only 2 and a half hours to go at job 1! It’s not been too busy, only 6 emergencies, 8 inpatients and 2 gone to heaven.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 03:24 PM

Oh, oops! Go, go, go hobbits then!

Ahimsa, what's your job?

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 03:24 PM

Wait, something to do with animals I think. Veterinary nurse?

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 03:29 PM

Hmm, but you said heaven not 'rainbow bridge'...

Ahimsa 09-04-2023 03:31 PM

I’m a veterinary receptionist in an emergency 24 hour hospital. I’m the one you get through to first when you call with an animal having a seizure, in labour, attacked, hit by cars, etc. it’s not all puppies and kittens unfortunately ☹️

We use all sorts of phrases for it, sometimes rainbow bridge- I use that more for young ones though.

nonperson 09-04-2023 03:40 PM

I don't think the rainbow bridge is for kids, is it? I find a lot of comfort in it. When my cat was put down after a traumatic illness, there was a huge rainbow in the sky when we left the vets.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ahimsa (Post 4345519)
I’m a veterinary receptionist in an emergency 24 hour hospital. I’m the one you get through to first when you call with an animal having a seizure, in labour, attacked, hit by cars, etc. it’s not all puppies and kittens unfortunately ☹️

Oh wow! I think we went to one a bit like that when our chinchilla first got sick - it was a PDSA hospital but at night it became the out of hours place to cover a whole bunch of local practices.


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345520)
I don't think the rainbow bridge is for kids, is it?

No, I don't think so - our vets sent us a card when said chinchilla died and it said rainbow bridge and we're both adults. Personally I don't like the expression but I'm glad you find it comforting :)

long road 09-04-2023 03:57 PM

Hey guys,

I am not doing so great. Trying listening to some music but yeah.

Love LOTR.
They are taking the hobbits to isenguard!

Do you get a good break between Job 1 and Job 2 Ahimsa?

nonperson 09-04-2023 04:04 PM

I didn't really get the whole rainbow bridge thing until that moment to be honest. It's was probably just a coincidence but a strange experience to process nevertheless.

I'm sorry to hear about your chinchilla, Jenna =(

long road 09-04-2023 04:09 PM

I made a poll asking where people think serious space to chat thread should live / should one exist. Tis in general chat. Thought it would be easier to collate opinions this way.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345524)
I'm sorry to hear about your chinchilla, Jenna =(

Thanks. It was time. Arguably a little later than it should have been but she was such a little fighter so we kept going with probably silly levels of intervention!

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4345526)
I made a poll asking where people think serious space to chat thread should live / should one exist. Tis in general chat. Thought it would be easier to collate opinions this way.

I vandalised your poll…

long road 09-04-2023 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4345529)
I vandalised your poll…

I have reported you. To yourself.

one_step_closer 09-04-2023 04:52 PM

So it'll be like having a thread that anyone can come to to post their struggles if they don't feel like they need a thread of their own to do so?

I don't know how this will work out and how to keep on track with both threads. I know we're going for it now though and hopefully it will fall into place.

long road 09-04-2023 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4345533)
So it'll be like having a thread that anyone can come to to post their struggles if they don't feel like they need a thread of their own to do so?

I don't know how this will work out and how to keep on track with both threads. I know we're going for it now though and hopefully it will fall into place.

I think so. We can always trial it and get rid of it / lock it if it doesn't work. There is an option on the poll for if you think it isn't a good idea of a thread and all opinions are welcome.

Apart from perhaps from people who vandalise polls...

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4345532)
I have reported you. To yourself.

Btw, if you do enough 'troll' reports you get your own thread in modland where I store all of your troll reports :P

long road 09-04-2023 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4345539)
Btw, if you do enough 'troll' reports you get your own thread in modland where I store all of your troll reports :P

*Giggles uncontrollably*

Don't tempt me.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 05:17 PM

3 people already have that great honour

nonperson 09-04-2023 05:53 PM

Aaaand they are??

Ahimsa 09-04-2023 06:03 PM

I hope you've all day a good day and the Easter Bunny has been kind?

I'm home from work now, I didnt finish my tasks yesterday so they're added on to todays list. I leave at 8:15 for my other job.

From yesterday:

Clean the shelf unit
Organise the cupboard under the sink


1) Vacuum the living room
2) Clean the bath
3) Clean the living room windows and window ledge
4) Drop a present at my friends house
5) Cats litter trays
6) Fold the laundry
7) Weigh out the cat food
8) Make tomorrows smoothie
9) Batch cook for next week
10) Clear out the pile of stuff on the table shelf.

nonperson 09-04-2023 06:05 PM

In two hours? =/

nonperson 09-04-2023 07:04 PM

What's on TV tonight folks?

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345556)
Aaaand they are??

Lana, Lio and Emma. I've decided I'm permanently unable to remember which Emma is which so have not put the corresponding number.


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345559)
In two hours? =/

THIS. Surely that's not possible! The batch cooking alone would take me two hours!


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345563)
What's on TV tonight folks?

Do you mean what's like, on the TV live or am I allowed to give a list of the shows I'm watching on iplayer??

Ahimsa 09-04-2023 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345559)
In two hours? =/

Before bed, so as much as I can before I go back out tonight.

From yesterday:
Clean the shelf unit (DONE)
Organise the cupboard under the sink

1) Vacuum the living room
2) Clean the bath
3) Clean the living room windows and window ledge (DONE)
4) Drop a present at my friends house (DONE)
5) Cats litter trays
6) Fold the laundry
7) Weigh out the cat food
8) Make tomorrows smoothie (DONE)
9) Batch cook for next week (DONE)
10) Clear out the pile of stuff on the table shelf. (DONE)

We're getting there!

nonperson 09-04-2023 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4345564)
Lana, Lio and Emma. I've decided I'm permanently unable to remember which Emma is which so have not put the corresponding number.

THIS. Surely that's not possible! The batch cooking alone would take me two hours!

Do you mean what's like, on the TV live or am I allowed to give a list of the shows I'm watching on iplayer??

Didn't realise I asked so many questions in a row there!

So... did not expect an answer for who had their own troll report threads but on seeing the answer I realise I didn't really need to ask =P

And TV in general, streamed or live. After only getting through half of the first LotR extended edition I've now settled on Apollo 13.

long road 09-04-2023 08:37 PM

Did the hobbits make it to isenguard before you stopped?

I am about to eat the wispa from my Easter egg and was very disappointed to discover it was a multi pack size bar and not a full sized bar.

nonperson 09-04-2023 08:46 PM

Nah I made it to "Nine companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring" and then it asked me to continue on disk 2 which I will do tomorrow.

Wispa is still nice whatever size it is!

long road 09-04-2023 09:02 PM

Disc 2 is a good point to stop. I do like the Apollo 13 movie.

Wispa was still delicious I was just expecting it to be bigger. Lol that's what she said!

nonperson 09-04-2023 09:17 PM

Apollo 13 is one of my absolute favs.

Lol XD

long road 09-04-2023 10:40 PM

It's very atmospheric!

not_so_insig 09-04-2023 10:42 PM

Hello all. I have a sore foot due to doing walking around a town. Bought a present for Lorraine whilst I was out.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4345568)
Didn't realise I asked so many questions in a row there!

So... did not expect an answer for who had their own troll report threads but on seeing the answer I realise I didn't really need to ask =P

And TV in general, streamed or live. After only getting through half of the first LotR extended edition I've now settled on Apollo 13.

Oops lol, I did consider not telling you because confidential but basically I am sensitive to peer pressure!

Hope you are enjoying/enjoyed Apollo 13! We started watching the new series of Unforgotten this evening which I am very pleased about. This morning I started a documentary series about The Peace Process (in Northern Ireland) which makes me feel very intellectual.

Pi.R^2 09-04-2023 10:59 PM

Ahimsa, I won’t lie, I feel genuinely threatened by your productivity :blink:

Cacoethes 10-04-2023 08:24 AM

Morning my G's

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