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one_step_closer 22-01-2023 02:33 PM

Hi everyone, I'm sorry to hear that some of you are struggling. Take care of yourselves, even the people who may be doing ok.

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 02:34 PM

I hope church is a positive experience for you, Tamo and helps you on your recovery journey. Will you be going with your family?

tamobhuuta 22-01-2023 02:34 PM

Hi osc how are you?

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 02:36 PM

I think we're ninja-ing each other hard here, Tamo!

I'm dreading psychotherapy tomorrow and then trying to get out of bed for the gym group on Tuesday.

How are you?

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 02:40 PM

I think most people dread therapy.
I always did!

I need to spot clean the cage but Pippin is death napping on a pile of hay and I don't want to disturb him!

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 02:47 PM

I didn't mind psychology because I had a good relationship with the therapist and it wasn't first thing in the morning.

Does he nap for long? Is not waking a napping guinea pig a rule like not moving when a cat is on your lap?

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 02:59 PM

Fair enough!

He's still napping...
Yes pretty much! I do need to do it though!

long road 22-01-2023 03:35 PM

Hope your psychotherapy goes well tomorrow OSC, hopefully over time you can build a good relationship with new therapist which will make going easier. I share your dislike of early mornings but I do like how you have the rest of the day for yourself when you have therapy in the morning.

I finished stage 38/40 of the Legoland colosseum! Only the finishing touchesto go! It's looking really cool if I do say so myself.

Pretty tired now and considering a nap. But for now watching some more Australian Survivor. I still feel physically eurgh but building Lego has lifted my mood a bit.

Your guinea pig has the right idea Beckie Sunday afternoon is a good time to nap. Zzzz

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 04:09 PM

Sounds awesome!

Nap if you need to!
Day of rest and all that!

Tis indeed!
I have changed my bedsheets and done a quick cage clean. The small fleeces are in the wash. Also had a sweep up.
All i have left to do is shower! Will do that this evening.
So a very chilled day for me today!

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 04:34 PM

Thanks, Jen.

I think big Lego projects would make me cry but I'm glad you've got something that helps.

Is Sunday your bedding change day, Beckie? It is mine.

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 04:43 PM

It is!
I used to just vibe it and change when i remembered/could be bothered. But I've found having a set day helps!

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 06:07 PM

Now everyone must change their bedding on Sundays so we can have an RYL bedding change day as well as an RYL bin out day.

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 06:16 PM

Yessss! :-D

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 06:17 PM

We'll basically be living the same life soon. :laugh:

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 06:21 PM

Haha! XD

I'm back scrolling tinder. Idk why i still freak out whenever i get matches. Because that is literally the point of tinder XD

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 06:23 PM

I think it's reasonable to freak out. It comes out of the blue even though you're kind of expecting it at some point.

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 06:31 PM

I'm awful at messaging first also!
Always feel like i should say something clever. 'Hi' is so boring!

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 06:42 PM

I would be awful too. Hi is an ok enough start though!

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 06:49 PM

So unimaginative though!
I could start by saying 'hello there' and hope they reply with 'general kenobi'

one_step_closer 22-01-2023 06:51 PM

I wouldn't respond in that way because I have no idea what it means! Can you just wait till they message first?

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 06:55 PM

It's a star wars thing! Lol
Yeah i usually do

Zurg 22-01-2023 07:09 PM

Anything remotely related to dating freaks me out. People approaching me in real life both perplexes me and freaks me out. Just please stop it!!! Do NOT invade the sphere of my personal space!!! It's rude!!!
Yes, i have been single since 2003… XD

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 07:12 PM

I've been single for like 8 years
Never felt the need for a relationship but it would be kinda nice to have one i think!

Zurg 22-01-2023 07:14 PM

I am one of those oddballs who prefers to be alone.
Too many knobheads out there!!! Better not risk it!!!

I do realise i am the minority. I am cool with everyone else wanting a significant other :)

tamobhuuta 22-01-2023 07:20 PM

I've no interest in a partner/dating either.

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 07:41 PM

There are indeed a lot of knobheads out there!
I do agree with that!
Dating in your 30's is no picnic.

long road 22-01-2023 08:01 PM

I find Lego is good because it keeps my hands busy as well asmy mind so it's a very good distraction. I built Stage 39 as well because I was having so much fun.

No nap in the end but I did manage to rest for half an hour listening to my audiobook. And I just updated the basket for our click and collect order.

I have been with partner for nearly 10 years so I'm not interested in dating either XD
Relationships are good if you find a good person and I am lucky I have. Can't imagine doing the whole tinder thing though, my partner was a friend first and then we were 'totally not dating' for 6 months and have been in an official exclusive relationship since August 2013 and living together since 2018. Much more relaxed and easier to find out if he was a knobhead before committing (to clarify he is the opposite of a knobhead!)

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 08:05 PM

I don't really meet men anywhere tbh!
All my friends are at work or exercise classes and are mostly female or in the case of work, much younger than me!
So dating sites are really the only option
Tinder does seem mostly for hook ups though

long road 22-01-2023 08:09 PM

I met my partner at a board game /roleplaying club when I was at uni. Was a lot easier to meet people at Uni, although he was a local.

I can see how dating sites are the main option these days I just don't think I could hack it.

Cacoethes 22-01-2023 08:25 PM

That's cool!

Yeah it's not ideal tbh
I did meet a really lovely guy on PoF years ago but it was at a bad time in my life and didn't work out.

long road 22-01-2023 11:15 PM

Maybe something like match.com or PoF would be a better option than tinder then? I am sorry you found someone good but due to complicated times it didn't work out.

I hope you find a relationship one day if that's what you decide you want.

Cacoethes 23-01-2023 09:01 AM

I'm sure something will work out eventually!

Morning everyone!

one_step_closer 23-01-2023 12:21 PM

Morning, Beckie. How are you?

I'm 100% never going to date anyone.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2023 02:09 PM

Good afternoon everyone. I didn't get to bed till 1am due to ECGs - it didn't help that the machine was temperamental. How are you?

one_step_closer 23-01-2023 02:20 PM

Wow, I hope you're ok. It must have been serious if they had to get it done so much that you were up that late. How are you today?

I'm feeling quite low. Finished my psychotherapy assessment sessions and the therapist concluded I'm too vulnerable for psychotherapy right now.

tamobhuuta 23-01-2023 02:28 PM

Sorry to hear that. Hug?

It's just because I have a high heart rate, low blood pressure and sometimes stabby chest pains. I've finally started a med for it today, I should've started last week but they didn't have any. Today they stole some from another ward!

one_step_closer 23-01-2023 02:45 PM

Thanks for the hug.

Stealing of other wards meds always goes on in hospitals from what I've experienced! I hope they help.

Zurg 23-01-2023 03:06 PM

Sorry Lindsay :(
Did he have any suggestions about where to go from here??? Alternative therapies, other Weekly appointments, anything???

Sorry they kept you awake, Tamo :(
Hopefully they won't need to repeat the ecg's now every night/day.

How are you Beckie?? Has anyone done anything cool/exciting/nice today??? :D

not_so_insig 23-01-2023 03:56 PM

Afternoon all. It's freezing here. I gave in and put a thick fleece plus the heating on. Considering a coffee.

Zurg 23-01-2023 04:40 PM

It's cold here too, Dawn. I've put the heating on in every room because i'm freezing!!! Think it might be time for a hot shower soon…

not_so_insig 23-01-2023 04:57 PM

Hope the shower helps zurg!

tamobhuuta 23-01-2023 05:40 PM

L got me a weighted blanket, it's both soothing and warmer than your average blanket.

long road 23-01-2023 06:02 PM

That sounds lovely and snuggly Tamo.

Hello the thread!

one_step_closer 23-01-2023 06:16 PM

Kat, in his letter to my psychiatrist he's suggesting I see a CPN again. I don't know if it'll happen, plus he's saying I found my previous CPN helpful but I can't see them allocating her to me again and the other CPNs just want to do worksheets and things I don't find helpful. Will see what happens.

I hope you can warm up, Kat and Dawn.

I've got a weighted blanket too, Tamo. I think I might have ordered one that was too heavy though. I don't really use it and I wouldn't use it in bed because it makes it hard to move positions. I hope yours helps you.

Hi, Jen. How are things with you?

not_so_insig 23-01-2023 06:25 PM

I am warm now thanks Lindsay. I did have a gingerbread latte though. I managed to get superglue on my thumb and finger though. Fortunately I havent glued them together.

long road 23-01-2023 06:50 PM

Gone non verbal which is frustrating, my words just aren't working. Trying to chill because they never come back if I stress about it to much. But apart from that not bad just tired.

Sorry to hear about you not getting any more psychotherapy OSC I know you were hoping it could be a good thing and help you out.

Gingerbread Latte sounds fun Dawn did you make your own or buy it?
Thank goodnes your digits aren't glued together!

one_step_closer 23-01-2023 07:06 PM

Superglue goes everywhere and only a tiny bit where you were wanting it to go!

Sorry to hear that, Jen. I hope you can relax and feel better soon.

Cacoethes 23-01-2023 07:32 PM


long road 23-01-2023 07:47 PM


I am fairly chill, sitting watching Australian Survivor snuggling my large cuddly lion.

Cacoethes 23-01-2023 07:59 PM

Sounds very chill!

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