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Cacoethes 06-12-2022 11:13 PM

Why do people feel the need to talk so loud on trains.
They are sitting on OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE AISLE and shout talking. Can hear them even though i have music as loud as it can go.
Just sit next to each other and talk at a normal volume!!!
So aggravating

Cacoethes 07-12-2022 07:25 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 07-12-2022 11:01 AM

Morning, how are you?

Cacoethes 07-12-2022 12:19 PM

Morning! I'm at work.
Gonna be fairly busy today. Plus walk ins and bar so...lol

not_so_insig 07-12-2022 12:19 PM

Morning all. I had a lie in today when compared to yesterday.

one_step_closer 07-12-2022 02:06 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I hope it's not way too busy for you at work today, Beckie.

Did you enjoy your lie in, Dawn?

I'm feeling like I just have a mild cold now and I have no fever so I went out to pick up my meds today.

tamobhuuta 07-12-2022 03:42 PM

Nurse: was that your mum or your dad visiting this morning?
Me: my mum
Nurse: you look really like her


Cacoethes 07-12-2022 03:54 PM

I got told I look like my dad a ridiculous amount yesterday. And also by a colleague today who saw a pic of him....so.

It has been busy. But not overly stressed. On break now. I am so so so tired!

one_step_closer 07-12-2022 06:01 PM

People who knew my Mum always say that to me too. You're bound to look like someone or many people in your family though!

When do you finish work, Beckie?

one_step_closer 07-12-2022 06:10 PM

Crookshanks is walking all over me and licking my face and generally getting in the way because he wants his dinner. Dinner time is at 5.30pm.

one_step_closer 07-12-2022 06:13 PM

I'm the only member online. Come back people, I need you. It's weird and lonely.

not_so_insig 07-12-2022 06:22 PM

My cat told me off for being late with his tea. Tbf I had left him alone for just over 2 hours.

one_step_closer 07-12-2022 06:25 PM

Aww. Is he settling in ok?

not_so_insig 07-12-2022 07:15 PM

Yes he is mostly. He seems quite confident and he has the full run of the flat already.

Cacoethes 07-12-2022 07:22 PM

I'm back!
Finished just after 5 but took a detour to asda on the way home. So just in and changed.

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 08:32 AM

It is -3° apparently! Brrrr!

tamobhuuta 08-12-2022 10:14 AM

-2 here. How are you?

Zurg 08-12-2022 11:09 AM

Hi Tamo and Beckie :)
How are you guys?

It's bright and sunny outside but also really, really cold. Torn between wanting to get some sunlight or staying inside where it's warm….

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 12:19 PM

Hey guys!
I'm ok. Did not want to get out of bed today!

It is sunny. Just cold!

not_so_insig 08-12-2022 12:20 PM

Hello all. It's freezing but I have been outside already to check if they had collected the recycling. I am warm inside however.

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 12:29 PM

I've been out. Had double pilates, then picked up prescription, went to asda, went to aldi and also to a cafe for a hot chocolate.
It's actually not too bad once you're out and doing stuff.
All I have to do now is clean out the boys, taekwondo later and shower. Need to tidy the house a bit too

one_step_closer 08-12-2022 12:41 PM

Sunny, cold and frosty here. There was also a tiny flurry of snow but not much.

I'm glad I'm over the covid chills, those on top of the already cold might have been hard to deal with. Went to the chemist and staying in the rest of the day except to move the bin when it's been emptied.

Do you have a quick walk route you could go, Kat? Just wrap up well. Then you could come home and get cosy again.

That was a zoom of activities, Beckie! Don't be doing too much.

not_so_insig 08-12-2022 01:01 PM

Lindsay your card came today! Thanks for the lovely message.

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 01:03 PM

Are you feeling better lindsay?

It's fine. Once I clean the boys out and tidy the house, I don't have anything to do until 6.
I am stupidly tired!

one_step_closer 08-12-2022 04:39 PM

You're welcome, Dawn. I'm glad it arrived ok.

Yes, I just feel like I have a mild cold now.

Do you know what's making you tired, Beckie?

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 05:00 PM

That's good.
Well, not good but at least you're feeling better!

Just lack of sleep and being busy I think.
I don't have anywhere to be until 11am tomorrow morning so hopefully I'll be able to have a lie in. 8-8:30 would be amazing!

one_step_closer 08-12-2022 05:40 PM

I hope you have a good sleep tonight and manage to lie in for a bit. Doesn't all your busy-ness get you off to sleep?

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 06:10 PM

You'd think it would, but sadly not!
I get all the tired and none of the sleep!

tamobhuuta 08-12-2022 06:27 PM

I hope you sleep well tonight Cacoethes.

I'm quite sleepy already. But recently I've been sleepy but not able to actually sleep.

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 06:28 PM

I probably won't though lol

Zurg 08-12-2022 06:34 PM

Evening all :)
Sorry for disappearing. That seems to be a thing these days….

It's Dark almost all the time. It messes with my head.
I ain't eating right. Haven't been for a wee while. It's this strange thing that i do get hungry but at the same time almost all kinds of food disgusts me.
I was advised to get a light therapy lamp. Tried one a million years ago, it gave me the most awful and persistent headache.
So i end up feeling like a run over gazelle most days. Or maybe, make that an orstrich…!!!

I sit here and am amazed at the stuff you guys manage to get done!!!! I try to praise myself for just leaving my bed in the morning. And it feels quite silly because i'm kind of SUPPOSED to leave my bed. Ack!!

Anyways, i need coffee…

tamobhuuta 08-12-2022 07:11 PM

Always give yourself credit for the little wins.

one_step_closer 08-12-2022 07:13 PM

Just do what you can, Kat. And don't be so hard on yourself. Enjoy your coffee. :-)

Zurg 08-12-2022 08:16 PM

I did enjoy my coffee, Lindsay :)
And thanks Tamo :)

I'm having a cup of tea now.
I just felt very spacey for some reason so decided to Ground by sitting a minute on my balcony. Man, that was rather chilly, brrr…. Even Findus who likes to roam around out there, decided that it was too cold for his wee, furry paws and ran inside. But i saw a star!!! And it is ridiculously hard to spot any when you live in the middle of a city so i am Well chuffed :D

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 08:20 PM

We all have different capacities to do different things zurg!

Zurg 08-12-2022 09:49 PM

True dat, Beckie.

I just end up always feeling like i'm behind with things. I have friends with full time jobs, hobbies and they are even social in their spare time. How the hell that is possible is Well beyond me.
Maybe they're thinking 'how the hell does she survive day after day???'

My perspective might be a bit tainted by my crazyness…. ;)

Cacoethes 08-12-2022 10:06 PM

I've been in both situations!
I used to not really do anything. And definitely needed days in a week where I literally just watched tv!
But now I'm pretty sure I'd go insane if i tried that now XD
just different ways of living and different personalities and stuff!

Cacoethes 09-12-2022 09:11 AM

Morning everyone!
I kind of got a lie in. Got up about 7:30

Zurg 09-12-2022 11:38 AM

Woop, woop for a lie in :)

Are you doing anything exciting today???

The peak of my excitement so far has been to clean Findus' litter box XD

Cacoethes 09-12-2022 12:33 PM

Not really!
Just work. Boooo!
I almost volunteered to work tonight, but we have a table of 36 booked in for their xmas meal tonight. So that's a hard NO!

Ooooh you party animal! XD

one_step_closer 09-12-2022 01:02 PM

Sounds like something to stay well away from, Beckie!

I think I'd rather clean a rabbit's litter box than a cat's litter box.

Cacoethes 09-12-2022 01:11 PM

Most definitely!

Cat poop is much worse than rabbit poop!
I remember having to clear out the barn (where the cats lived) and they used to go by the horse rugs. Gross. We'd also find disembowelled small animals (mainly mice and rabbits)

not_so_insig 09-12-2022 01:12 PM

Afternoon all. My cat is such a good boy so far. Didnt wake me up and has so far left the Christmas tree alone.

tamobhuuta 09-12-2022 02:46 PM

Hi everyone! I hope my sister gets a new cat soon, I miss Zs cuddles. And his naughtiness!

one_step_closer 09-12-2022 03:24 PM

Cats are mostly great.

What a good boy you have there, Dawn, are you sure he's a cat?!

Wouldn't you be allowed a cat, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 09-12-2022 04:32 PM

I'd be allowed one but I'm not sure I want the responsibility.

one_step_closer 09-12-2022 06:00 PM

Ah, yes. They do need a lot of care etc. You had it good with seeing your sisters cat then. Do you think she'll get another?

Zurg 09-12-2022 07:40 PM

If i lived in a big House on a big property, i'd have loads of pets.
Dogs, cats, chickens, birds, snails, bunnies, a cow, an alpaca, an emu or orstrich, a huge tortoise and mini goats and and and…. Well…. It's probably a good thing i'll never get that opportunity ;)

Maybe i should just find a zoo and move into that??

Tamo, i'm like that with kids, lol. They are great and awesome but i don't need my own ;)

Cacoethes 09-12-2022 09:05 PM

I tried to buy a baby emu once.

Hey guys!
Just home.
Was SUPER busy today! Then stayed for a couple of gins after work.
Rhubarb and ginger gin with lemonade. Delicious!

Zurg 09-12-2022 09:12 PM

Woah!!!! You tried to purchase an emu??? Was it on the black market??? Did someone smuggle a baby emu out of Australia??? And then casually attempted to sell it???? What did it cost??? Or was it still in an egg???? Soooo many questions XD

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