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nonperson 06-11-2022 12:55 PM

Mmm, honey sandwiches sound very comforting.

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 01:38 PM

It is no longer raining!
Still grey though. But not cold!
Just had a fully loaded hot chocolate! (Marshmallows, cream, flake)

tamobhuuta 06-11-2022 02:27 PM

That's amazing!

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 02:39 PM

Been thinking about hot chocolate all morning! Decided to treat myself!

Do you have any more visits today?

nonperson 06-11-2022 02:51 PM

I had a hot chocolate for breakfast... but it now seems rather unimpressive compared to yours, Beckie.

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 03:06 PM

I always forget how tasty hot chocolate is!
I have them at work sometimes.

It is raining again! Rather heavily this time!
Glad I don't have to go out again!
Nice and dry and warm, with my hot water bottle and fluffy blanket!
I have started putting the heating on before bed. Only for about 30 mins though!

one_step_closer 06-11-2022 03:32 PM

I've seen no rain today.

NP, are you building flat pack for someone else? I hate flat pack.

I haven't had a honey sandwich for years, you've put me in the mood for one, Tamo. I hope you enjoyed your visit.

Your hot chocolate looks very tasty, Beckie. I'm glad you treated yourself. You sound very cosy. My heating goes on when it's 16.5 whatever measurement that is. I think it comes on through the night. I don't put it on at all but I've just had to top up. It's annoying.

Hot chocolate for breakfast, NP? Did you have some actual food too? I had a waffle topped with cadburys caramel chunks and Nutella a long time ago when the dessert shops around my area were good.

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 04:01 PM

I used to like a banana and honey sandwich!

It was very tasty!
I've put fluffy socks on too!
I'll probably put the heating on a bit earlier tonight so I can have my shower without freezing before I get in and when I get out!

That sounds amazing lindsay!
Wish we had a dessert shop here!

tamobhuuta 06-11-2022 05:28 PM

I did have a good visit :) and L is visiting later with veg hot pot made by Mum.

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 05:30 PM

Sounds lovely!
Can't beat home cooked food!

tamobhuuta 06-11-2022 05:31 PM

I'm very lucky :)

one_step_closer 06-11-2022 05:32 PM

I find fluffy socks/any fluffy thing actually makes me feel colder. It's the way it feels on my skin. I'm just weird I think. That's a good idea of when to put your heating on. We didn't have dessert shops here forever and then two came close together. The management keeps changing so some things change and aren't as good as before or are better. They all get bad reviews these days.

2 visits in one day, that is a good day :-) I hope you enjoy seeing L and the hot pot.

tamobhuuta 06-11-2022 05:35 PM

2 visits is normal for me!

one_step_closer 06-11-2022 05:37 PM

You're very lucky. I'm glad you have such a supportive family.

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 05:48 PM

That's a shame!
Not a dessert shop but a new vegan cafe has opened up in town!
I'm not vegan but i do enjoy vegan food!

I never get visits when I'm in hospital.
Though in my last admission, my best friend visited once! And they let him stay for hours because they felt sorry for me lol

one_step_closer 06-11-2022 06:01 PM

Do they do vegan desserts as well as savoury stuff?

I get rare visits when I'm in hospital. Sometimes my brother comes but not much because he's working. We find it awkward because it's awkward when we meet up in real life and I'm trying to hide a lot of my unwellness.

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 06:10 PM

I think they do cakes!
We have desserts at work though. Keep meaning to try the biscoff waffle! Or the cookie dough.

Ah that does sound a bit awkward.
My brother came to visit once actually!
When i got sectioned in london and he happened to live in london at the time! He bought me coke and chocolate!

one_step_closer 06-11-2022 06:15 PM

I love desserts, I'm coming to your work. :-D

Coke and chocolate are definitely needed when you're in hospital. Plus lots of other nice things. One time my brother and Mike who used to be on RYL sent me cat butt colouring books. I don't know what kind of person they think I am!

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 06:18 PM

Haha! Will give you my discount card :p

Usually the first thing I do is deliveroo an order of coke zero!

Haha! Who doesn't love a cat butt?

one_step_closer 06-11-2022 06:19 PM

In other news I need to read one more book to meet this years target of reading 100 books but I'm in a reading slump. I will hopefully get back to it and read more than 100 books.

Have you gotten far into the book you were trying to read, Beckie?

Cacoethes 06-11-2022 06:24 PM

That seems like a lot of books!

Oh yes! I finally finished it! Very much enjoyed it!

Speaking of books, i ordered a mystery book box (random books, chocolate and coffee) for my best friend's birthday and it hasn't arrived yet. I ordered it 2 weeks ago off etsy. Hm!

Cacoethes 07-11-2022 09:43 AM

Morning everyone!

Zurg 07-11-2022 10:41 AM

Morning Beckie :)
How are you?

Just to add, a colouring book full of cat butts would really cheer me up if i was in hospital XD
I love fluffy butts and i cannot lie ;)

Cacoethes 07-11-2022 10:41 AM

I'm ok thanks!

How are you?


tamobhuuta 07-11-2022 01:35 PM

Afternoon everyone. How are you?

not_so_insig 07-11-2022 01:55 PM

Afternoon all. My cat decided to knock a load of stuff off my chest of drawers. She went to the vet this time last week so I reckon that she must be feeling better to cause mischief.

tamobhuuta 07-11-2022 02:00 PM

Naughty mig mog.

I've got ward rounds to look forward today.

Zurg 07-11-2022 02:20 PM

Dawn, i kind of go by the belief that if your pets aren't up to something, they must definetely be ill!!!! ;)

I hope ward round goes okay, Tamo!!!

I feel tired. Been to the hairdresser and had a visit by my mum. I've gone exhausted now. Contemplating a nap with my zoo…..
Or some snacks. Mmmmm, snacks…. :P

tamobhuuta 07-11-2022 02:35 PM

Snacks then nap?

one_step_closer 07-11-2022 02:38 PM

Hi everyone.

Would you like me to send you another book, Beckie, now that you've finished that one? Have you got in touch with the Etsy seller about your gift? What are you getting up to today?

You need a cat butt colouring book, Kat. Although I never colour when I'm at home and I don't do it much when I'm in hospital either. I used to do it a lot. No wonder you're exhausted. Well done for going to the hairdresser and seeing your Mum. What did you get done at the hairdresser? Snacks sound very good. What snacks do you have?

I'm glad your cat is being a cat, Dawn! They are loveable pests sometimes.

I hope your ward round goes/has gone well, Tamo.

I was going to go to Primark but it's a bit away from me and I felt like it was too late to go when I got up. Just did a washing and will try to reply to a pen pal later depending on how I feel and stuff.

tamobhuuta 07-11-2022 04:47 PM

The doc might not even be in today!

one_step_closer 07-11-2022 05:44 PM

That's annoying. I hope he is in and you've seen him by now.

How are you doing?

Cacoethes 07-11-2022 05:44 PM

Hey guys!
I was at work today!

I'm ok for books thanks lindsay! You sent me a few so that will keep me busy when i get my attention span back!
I'll email the etsy person now!

one_step_closer 07-11-2022 05:45 PM

How was work?

Cacoethes 07-11-2022 06:06 PM

Not bad thanks!
Bit slow!

one_step_closer 07-11-2022 06:11 PM

What are you doing with your evening?

Cacoethes 07-11-2022 06:24 PM

I'm going to a new class! Groovefit! It's at 7:45
Need to have dinner

one_step_closer 07-11-2022 06:25 PM

How many classes are you doing now? *is concerned*

Do you know what you're having for dinner?

not_so_insig 07-11-2022 06:28 PM

I went wild swimming before. The water was freezing cold. It took 2 coffees plus a hot water bottle to get warm. My feet were freezing.

one_step_closer 07-11-2022 07:16 PM

I could never do that, Dawn. I'm a wimp! Does it make you feel good?

Cacoethes 07-11-2022 07:37 PM

Don't want to say here lindsay because i don't want to worry people!

I had sweet potato lasagne and a mango protein yogurt!

not_so_insig 07-11-2022 09:35 PM

Yes the cold water is very therapeutic Lindsay. I find my mh is much better the next day after going swimming outdoors. I dont have the same effect going in a pool.

Cacoethes 08-11-2022 08:15 AM

Morning everyone!

one_step_closer 08-11-2022 12:36 PM

Morning Beckie, how are you and what are you up to today?

Cacoethes 08-11-2022 12:59 PM

Hey lindsay!
I'm good thanks!
I was out this morning, just put some vegan sausage rolls in for lunch, pilates and glow beatz later!

How about you?

tamobhuuta 08-11-2022 01:52 PM

Hi :) I'm having lunch but don't really have much appetite.

Cacoethes 08-11-2022 02:00 PM

Hey tamo!
Anything good for lunch?

tamobhuuta 08-11-2022 02:45 PM

Cheese and pickle sandwich.

Cacoethes 08-11-2022 02:49 PM


I ordered a load of guinea pig stuff this morning!

not_so_insig 08-11-2022 02:50 PM

Hello all. I am waiting for the tesco shopping order to come. 2 substitutions which is quite good for tesco.

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