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one_step_closer 26-05-2022 10:52 AM

Morning. How is your trip going so far Beckie? Did you have a nice comfy bed and sleep well? What are your plans before seeing Russell Howard?

How is everyone else today?

Zurg 26-05-2022 11:07 AM

In a Way i want to go on a vacation too and sleep in a hotel. But then i'd have to actually travel. And i Am not really a fan of that. And then i'd have to actually stay in a hotel. Which would annoy me because no vaping and all my stuff would be at home….

Think i'll just stay here!!! Seems a bit easier, lol.

My stomach is still being silly but i am doing laundry anyway just to show that it's not the boss of me!!!!
How are you Lindsay??

one_step_closer 26-05-2022 11:21 AM

I'm a bit like that too Kat.

Sorry you're having stomach problems, does nothing help? You are the BIG BOSS! I hope you will allow yourself to take care of yourself.

I'm worried about lots of stuff. Plus waiting on an Asda order and I'm really anxious about it, my heart races every time I hear a van. Don't know why it's making me anxious.

tamobhuuta 26-05-2022 11:32 AM

Hi guys x

Cacoethes 26-05-2022 11:44 AM

I did have a good sleep thanks!
I went to the supermarket this morning for snacks and drinks!
You need to scan your receipt in order to actually be allowed out of the shop! There's a barrier!
I booked a walking tour which is at 1:30
Also went to a chocolate shop to get Jasmine some chocolate. He gave me a sample. It was delicious!
And he was handling all the chocolate with white cotton gloves!
I wanted to go to the zoo but it's too expensive :(

Yeah travelling is a lot of effort!
And it is annoying not being able to vape!

I hope you can have a restful day zurg! Stomach problems are never nice!

Sorry to hear that Lindsay
Have you got anything nice coming?

Hi tamo

one_step_closer 26-05-2022 05:10 PM

Hi Tamo, how has your day been?

That's heavy security in the shop Beckie! How was the walking tour? That must have been very special chocolate. What are you doing till Russell Howard?

How are you doing now Kat?

I got some frozen ice cream cone things but I'm wishing I had got something else.

Cacoethes 26-05-2022 05:31 PM

The walking tour was brilliant thanks!
So interesting!
All the chocolate looked amazing! Belgium is known for its chocolate after all.
I'm just chilling now.
I get paid tomorrow so will pick up some Belgian beer too!
In the supermarkets here, you don't have to buy an entire pack of drinks. You can just open the pack and take one out and buy it separately!

Ice cream is always good!

Zurg 26-05-2022 07:04 PM

I don't feel a lot better. Trolled majorly by my own body!!! :-( Rude!!!

Beckie, do you mean that in the uk, you can't actually buy individual drinks if they are prepacked??? Oh my gosh!!! Inconvenient much!!

Having a coffee right now while being really insulted by my body's behaviour. I Think i want to divorce me at some point. I am getting on my own nerves….!!!
And just like every night, there's nothing on tv i would want to watch. Pah!!!

Cacoethes 26-05-2022 07:08 PM

Sorry to hear that zurg :(
I hope you get some respite from it soon!

No we cannot!!!
It is very inconvenient!

Russell Howard is about to start!

nonperson 26-05-2022 08:31 PM

Russell Howard is one of the few comedians who actually makes me laugh out loud.

Cacoethes 26-05-2022 09:28 PM

I was literally crying with laughter the whole way through!!!
I'm sooo glad I went. Impulsive decision work out sometimes! Lol!
Was so surreal seeing Russell on stage after watching his shows on tv for so many years!

nonperson 26-05-2022 10:26 PM

It's always like that seeing TV people in real life!

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 08:03 AM

It is!

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 27-05-2022 10:35 AM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 10:36 AM

I'm good thanks!
At Brussels midi waaay too early lol!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 27-05-2022 10:41 AM

Lol, it sounds like you've had fun.

I am ok. I got a letter with an appointment for physical obs

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 11:05 AM

I have!

Always good to keep a check on these things!
I have one in July.

one_step_closer 27-05-2022 11:34 AM

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Beckie, hope it's an easy journey home. I remember seeing Derren Brown for the first time and I was just like 'woah he's a real person and he's so close!'

Do you both (Beckie and Tamo) have physical obs checked regularly? When I was seeing my CPN she said I should make regular appointments for them but the GPs are just too busy.

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 11:45 AM

Thanks :)
Yes that's exactly the feeling!!

Yeah I do.
Just bp, ECG and bloods.

one_step_closer 27-05-2022 11:46 AM

What point are you at in your journey home?

tamobhuuta 27-05-2022 11:56 AM

We have them once s yesr and they're now with the CMHT.

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 12:24 PM

Through security now. Still got ages!
I'm the first and only one here!
It's really really creepy!
But good thing is I got through the security in less than 5 minutes!

one_step_closer 27-05-2022 04:54 PM

Better early than late.

What's everyone doing with their evening?

nonperson 27-05-2022 05:26 PM

Hullo all. How's everyone?

I'm pondering getting my food shop out of the way tonight. Hm.

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 05:28 PM


I am now back in the UK and on the train home

What are you up to?

Ninja np!
I say do the food shop! Get it out of the way

nonperson 27-05-2022 05:38 PM

I'm working this weekend and dog walking too so it would make my Saturday evening less busy.

Aw boo to being back in the UK.

That didn't come out right. I mean... Welcome back! but you probably don't want to be here after having a good time away =P

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 05:48 PM

Doooo it!!!

Nah I don't particularly want to be back! Especially with my cpn hassling me the moment I get back!!!

nonperson 27-05-2022 05:53 PM

I dunnoooo. I'm so tired now.

At least you have some one who cares about your well-being and whereabouts =)

Cacoethes 27-05-2022 06:17 PM

Yes but you'll probably be even more tired on Saturday evening after your activities!

True! Does get annoying though!

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 06:20 AM

Morning everyone!

Zurg 28-05-2022 07:37 AM

Morning Beckie.

I could have slept a couple of more hours…..

How are you?

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 07:47 AM

I really wish I could have slept more!
The days are so long when you get up early!

I'm ok thanks!

tamobhuuta 28-05-2022 11:28 AM


Cacoethes 28-05-2022 11:34 AM

Hey tamo
How are you?

one_step_closer 28-05-2022 11:59 AM

Almost afternoon everyone.

How are you all and what are you doing today?

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 12:16 PM

Hey Lindsay!
I'm just doing some washing
Quite enjoying a day where I'm not doing anything! First in a while!

How about you?

one_step_closer 28-05-2022 01:12 PM

You've been so busy, a quieter day is needed!

I cleaned the kitchen and washed my hair. Think Kat has passed her stomach issues over to me. Will be starting a new book soon, hope I can get into it. I've been reading lots lately.

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 01:22 PM

Yep! My First quiet day for a while!
Oh I do have an Amazon delivery coming too. And need to put my washing away. And meds in dosset box.

Well done!
Oh nooo. Stomach issues are never fun!

one_step_closer 28-05-2022 01:34 PM

Another Amazon delivery :laugh:

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 01:35 PM

Yep! XD
I have my caramel coffee sachets and hand soap coming!

one_step_closer 28-05-2022 01:38 PM

You'll be well stocked up as you always are.

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 01:43 PM

I do like to keep a good stock of toilet roll and toiletries!
Works out cheaper

one_step_closer 28-05-2022 05:18 PM

I'd have no room to stock up.

What are you doing with your evening?

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 05:22 PM

Still need to put.washin away!
And put meds in box
But I'm tired and also not tired!
Will do it now. Have to really!
Otherwwise I won't

one_step_closer 28-05-2022 05:23 PM

You can do it, get it over with.

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 05:37 PM

All done!!+
And.took bins and recycling out!

nonperson 28-05-2022 08:02 PM

Evening anyone who might be here.

I'm watching a special Top of the Pops from 1999... but it's more talking than music annoyingly. =(

not_so_insig 28-05-2022 08:05 PM

I have been sitting outside. Currently cold so have moved indoors.

Cacoethes 28-05-2022 08:07 PM

Top of the pops????
Mot.seen that in forever!!!

not_so_insig 28-05-2022 08:09 PM

I hate programmes where there's a lot of talking and not much action. Most modern programmes seem to be like this. I usually record and fast forward the talking.

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