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Eska 14-11-2018 11:46 AM

Buttons I can imagine that's upsetting! I would be most unhappy.

I'm ok. Work is being manageable which is good.

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 01:04 PM

Hey guys

Eska 14-11-2018 01:04 PM

Hi Beckie, how are you? Up to much today?

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 01:14 PM

Im ok thanks
Just swimming and asda I think

How are you?

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 02:32 PM

OMG all the spam. I'm especially annoyed at the amount on the support boards. Is this actual people deliberately posting this? So selfish. Rant over.

Eska 14-11-2018 03:21 PM

I'm ok thank you :) Work is suspiciously quiet right now! How was your pizza last night?

Lindsay, it is ridiculous. I don't know whether it's actual people or a bot... Either way not good!

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 03:36 PM

My pizza was good thanks!

I dont know Lindsay but it is extremely annoying!

I had a bit of a weird episode in the pool and had to be retrieved by a life guard. Not cool body, not cool!
Home now

Buttons. 14-11-2018 04:52 PM

Glad your pizza was good Beckie. Sorry about the funny turn when swimming, that sounds concerning!

I know the spam is annoying Lins.

Don't say the 'q' word at work Eska, it'll get busy!!

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 05:00 PM

How are you?

Buttons. 14-11-2018 05:03 PM

I'm okay thanks, watching the Shrek/Rumplestiltskin film and trying to stay awake to a semi reasonable time :P

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 05:06 PM

I like that film
Tired then?!

Buttons. 14-11-2018 05:13 PM

Me too!

Always tired atm, cannot get a decent sleeping pattern despite PRN and temporary sleeping tablets.

Aubergine 14-11-2018 05:14 PM

Can you tell me how the spam looks now? I think there are a couple of us trying to battle it!

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 05:15 PM

That sucks buttons :(

I think its gone Aubergine
Thank you guys for your hard work!

Aubergine 14-11-2018 05:18 PM

Thanks Beckie! I can still see it in places, but think it should all be moved or invisible now. Please keep reporting. Nasty spammers.

Eska 14-11-2018 05:19 PM

It's gone! Thank you Aubergine!

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 05:22 PM

It wasn't even entertaining spam!
The nerve!

Aubergine 14-11-2018 05:26 PM

No discount Uggs. :(

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 05:29 PM

Or multi coloured dog poo bags!

Aubergine 14-11-2018 05:32 PM


How very disappointing.

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 05:35 PM

It is!

Ugh why is it dark

Eska 14-11-2018 05:50 PM

I was let out of work half an hour early so it was actually light when ai left!

I agree though, it's miserable that it's dark now. Bring on the solstice...

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 06:07 PM

Thats good!

It is miserable!

chinahorse 14-11-2018 07:01 PM

That's good eska.

Yeah it's dark so early now :-(

Omg there are teens singing on the bus I may be in prison soon.

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 07:11 PM

How irritating Lillie!
Silly youths

zombiehunter 14-11-2018 07:31 PM

challenge them to a sing off :-p

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 07:35 PM

Mod spam heroes!

Singing on the bus is not ok, especially from teens.

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 07:37 PM

It is actually lovely without all those spam threads, so clean and tidy and not pushing away support threads. Love you mods!

zombiehunter 14-11-2018 07:38 PM

hi OSC :-D

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 07:49 PM

Hey Lindsay and zombie!

We need to come up with a nickname for zombie, seeing as he's got one for all of us!

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 07:49 PM

Hi Zombie, how you doing?

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 07:50 PM

Hi Beckie. Zombie's nickname must have ****ing in it for sure!

zombiehunter 14-11-2018 07:52 PM

all good here thanks ODC :-D

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 07:54 PM

Yes definitely Lindsay!!

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 08:15 PM

What's everyone getting up to this evening?

zombiehunter 14-11-2018 08:19 PM

absolutely **** all :-D


Cacoethes 14-11-2018 08:19 PM

Not a lot!
Just watching prison break

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 08:22 PM

Those sound like good evening plans both of you.

I'll be watching GPs: Behind Closed Doors when it comes on and then Holby.

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 08:28 PM

I quite like the GP programme!
And holby was pretty intense

one_step_closer 14-11-2018 08:39 PM

When the Gaskell storyline started I was quite bored but then all hell broke loose! I will try and prepare myself for a rollercoaster.

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 09:03 PM

It was a good episode!

Aubergine 14-11-2018 09:05 PM

Eww. Hospital programmes. :P

not_so_insig 14-11-2018 09:07 PM

Hello all.

I have been swimming. Apart from the annoying person who thankfully found another victim it was good. I did 16 lengths without stopping.

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 09:13 PM

Haha Aubergine!
They're not for everyone!

Glad you've been swimming dawn!

Aubergine 14-11-2018 09:24 PM

Swimming sounds good, Dawn!

I am tired. But I now have a tidy flat. I don't know why I let it get in such a state. And it always happens SO QUICKLY!

Cacoethes 14-11-2018 09:30 PM

Well done for cleaning!!
I really need to do mine as well :/

Eska 15-11-2018 09:04 AM

Morning everybody

not_so_insig 15-11-2018 12:12 PM

Urgh the spammers are back. Especially as they have drowned out my very important news :angry:

Eska 15-11-2018 12:46 PM

Boo spam :(

How are you otherwise, Dawn?

not_so_insig 15-11-2018 01:52 PM

I am ok thanks Eska

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