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Cacoethes 31-10-2018 12:58 PM

That sounds annoying!

Im ok. Chilly!
Off swimming in a bit

Eska 31-10-2018 01:03 PM

It is annoying but not a lot I can do right now so just rolling with it! Keeps things quiet in the meantime.

I hope you have a good time swimming!

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 03:11 PM

Quiet is good sometimes!!

I did thanks!
Now having a gingerbread latte in the cafe

Eska 31-10-2018 04:13 PM

Sounds tasty!

I just found out the grandfather of one of my best friends has been admitted to the hospital where I work :/

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 04:36 PM

It was!

Oh no! Hope he's going to be ok

Eska 31-10-2018 04:43 PM

Me too. It's weird, I don't think I expected to be faced with this much of a patient confidentiality issue this soon. Bleh.

Oh well... Hometime in an hour and a bit!

not_so_insig 31-10-2018 04:55 PM

Afternoon all. I have been for coffee with my friend before. Been as the bus isn't running through my village due to the fact that the main road is being resurfaced I had to walk to and from the next village. I took a different bus route going back so I had an interesting route home.

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 05:33 PM

Yay for home time!

Did you have a good time with your friend Dawn?

not_so_insig 31-10-2018 06:39 PM

Yes I did thanks Beckie.

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 07:50 PM

I keep getting pop up ads on my phone for no reason!
So annoying

zombiehunter 31-10-2018 08:03 PM

steak dinner tonight AND slipknot have released a new song :-D

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:04 PM

When are you NOT eating steak?!

Buttons. 31-10-2018 08:05 PM

Pop up ads are so annoying Beckie!

Halloween is really irritating as I can't get to the door in time to give trick or treaters sweets although I did buy some in, and someone's setting off fireworks which in turn is setting my dog off barking *stops whinging*

Buttons. 31-10-2018 08:05 PM

Mmmmm steak.

zombiehunter 31-10-2018 08:06 PM

i'm not eating steak when I'm eating curry :-p

nonperson 31-10-2018 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by zombiehunter (Post 4194216)
i'm not eating steak when I'm eating curry :-p

I was going to say that... o.o

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:10 PM

Thats annoying buttons!
I have had no trick or treaters so looks like I'll be eating all the Haribo myself.....

Fair enough zombie!

Buttons. 31-10-2018 08:22 PM

Curry is also nommy.

zombiehunter 31-10-2018 08:23 PM

*presses buttons*

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:24 PM

Depends what kind of curry!

Buttons. 31-10-2018 08:26 PM

Stop pressing me -_-

That's true Beckie.

nonperson 31-10-2018 08:30 PM

I had curry for dinner tonight. It was nom but... I'm still hungry.

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:33 PM

Do you have snacks np?

nonperson 31-10-2018 08:37 PM

Not really. =(

I'm also not really "hungry" as such... Just want food. =)

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:38 PM

I am familiar with the feeling!!

nonperson 31-10-2018 08:42 PM

Irritating, isn't it. =P

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:43 PM

I only have apples and mini haribo to snack on

nonperson 31-10-2018 08:45 PM

Sour Haribo?

I have Ritz and a Graze box that arrived today... Might make a hot chocolate and have a chocolately snack from that as dessert.

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 08:56 PM

I have sour and normal

Sounds good!

nonperson 31-10-2018 09:04 PM

Sour ones are the best.

It is good. =)

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 09:06 PM

I agree!

zombiehunter 31-10-2018 09:11 PM

*nudges np towards skype*

nonperson 31-10-2018 09:11 PM


Buttons. 01-11-2018 09:23 AM

Sour Haribo rocks.

Morning all :)

Eska 01-11-2018 09:27 AM

Morning Buttons, how are you?

Buttons. 01-11-2018 10:44 AM

I'm okay thankyou, hows you?

one_step_closer 01-11-2018 11:41 AM

Morning Eska and Buttons.

What is everyone getting up to today?

Cacoethes 01-11-2018 12:38 PM

Hey guys

Pouring down with rain today!

not_so_insig 01-11-2018 01:17 PM

It's fine here Beckie. I might go for a walk around the park at the bottom of the road.

Eska 01-11-2018 01:27 PM

The sun has just come out here :)

I'm ok, pottering along. My parents are coming down this afternoon so I will get to see them later :) In the meantime I'm attempting to liaise with IT administrators in work...

Buttons. 01-11-2018 01:29 PM

It's bright here but pretty cold.

A walk in the park sounds good Dawn.

Hope you have a good time with your parents Eska. IT liasion sounds like it could be frustrating though.

I'm hopefully getting my hair redyed this afternoon.

Eska 01-11-2018 02:27 PM

Ooh, what colours Buttons?

Cacoethes 01-11-2018 03:03 PM

Just done wirh my swim

A walk sounds good dawn!

New hair colours is always fun!

not_so_insig 01-11-2018 04:23 PM

Been for my weekly walk around the park at the bottom of the road. It was fine but cold. Had to have a hot chocolate as soon as I got in.

Cacoethes 01-11-2018 04:41 PM

Its not really cold here
Just wet!

nonperson 01-11-2018 06:49 PM

Also a bit warmer here but very wet all day... and it's going to be freeeezing tonight.

Cacoethes 01-11-2018 06:53 PM

I have my heating on plus hot water bottle so I am nice and toasty!

Been quiet in here today!

nonperson 01-11-2018 07:01 PM

I have a cat on my lap instead of a hot water bottle =)

But my feet are cold!

Wonder where everyone is...

Aubergine 01-11-2018 07:02 PM

I am here!

Cacoethes 01-11-2018 07:05 PM

I'd rather have a cat than a hot water bottle!

Hi Aubergine!

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