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Eska 29-10-2018 11:09 AM

I don't think the weather noticed it's still October... My friend said it was snowing where she was on Saturday!

Indigo. 29-10-2018 12:04 PM

Jesus, is the weather in the UK turning to winter? I'm in the south of Romania and it's sunny and not too bad. I'd better pack loads of warm clothes when I go back.

Sorry you're ouchy Lillie :(

How's everyone, aside from cold?

Eska 29-10-2018 12:20 PM

It is pretty wintry!

I'm ok. Stuck in work with lots to do but nothing I can actually get on with right now...

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 01:22 PM

It is coollld!!
If that hasn't already been established :p

Aubergine 29-10-2018 02:13 PM

I got 90% in my EMA, which is a distinction. I have absolutely no idea how I managed that.

Eska 29-10-2018 02:15 PM

Aubergine, that is brilliant!

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 02:58 PM

That's amazing Aubergine!
Well done!

not_so_insig 29-10-2018 03:34 PM

Congratulations Ducky

one_step_closer 29-10-2018 04:26 PM

Amazing Aubergine!

one_step_closer 29-10-2018 04:30 PM

When I was out earlier a tiny dog came up to me and it's owner said back devil dick. What?

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 04:42 PM

Wtf?! That's weird

Eska 29-10-2018 04:57 PM

Um. That's peculiar!

nonperson 29-10-2018 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Aubergine (Post 4194010)
I got 90% in my EMA, which is a distinction. I have absolutely no idea how I managed that.

You smart cookie, you! Have more faith in yourself. =)

Lindsay, that is... appalling.. o.O

Evening everyone.

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 07:20 PM


one_step_closer 29-10-2018 07:24 PM

Hello. What is everyone doing this evening?

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 07:33 PM

Watching a film and trying to work up the energy to make dinner

How about you?

chinahorse 29-10-2018 07:44 PM

I've only just got out of a hell ish day at work.

Well done Aubergine!! You super star :-)

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 07:47 PM

Oh no Lillie what happened?

chinahorse 29-10-2018 07:57 PM

Dentist was oof. Short staffed. Had to work the desk by myself a lot. Forced to work late. In pain.

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 08:00 PM

That sounds awful :(
Can you relax a bit now?

Aubergine 29-10-2018 08:03 PM

Thanks everyone. :)

That sounds rubbish, Lillie. :(

chinahorse 29-10-2018 08:03 PM

Need to shower and eat and sleep.

chinahorse 29-10-2018 08:04 PM

Sorry will go moan elsewhere. K ow I shouldn't here.

Cacoethes 29-10-2018 08:12 PM

Its ok Lillie!
Hope you can get an early night x

Eska 30-10-2018 11:07 AM

Morning everyone

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 12:42 PM


How are you eska?

Eska 30-10-2018 12:50 PM

I'm ok. Still waiting for the information I need to be able to get on with my work! So having quite a chilled morning.

How are you?

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 01:01 PM

Chilled is good!

Im ok.
Just about to head off for my swim

Eska 30-10-2018 01:28 PM

Hope you have fun :) Is it half term where you are or is that over?

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 01:37 PM

Thanks :)
Half term was last week

Eska 30-10-2018 01:49 PM

Hopefully no riotous children in the pool then!

one_step_closer 30-10-2018 02:22 PM

Hi Eska and Beckie and everyone else.

How is your day going?

not_so_insig 30-10-2018 02:51 PM

Hello all.

It's freezing outside. My hands are frozen because I went out. Definitely glove weather.

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 03:07 PM

The pool wasnt actually too bad during half term!
There are always separate lanes anyway so there's always somewhere to just swim laps

It is very cold!

one_step_closer 30-10-2018 03:44 PM

It's too cold but it will probably get colder. It's my ears getting cold that bothers me. Most of the time I wear my headphones though.

Are you turning into a mermaid yet Beckie?

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 03:50 PM

It will get colder
Ears getting cold is the worst!
And it hurts my piercings for some reason

Yep pretty much! Bumped into someone from slimming world on the bus (I cheated and got the bus into town from the pool instead of walking :p) and she said I put her to shame! Lol

Got an hour to kill before GP appointment so am having a latte and cinnabun in a cafe

Eska 30-10-2018 04:25 PM

Lindsay I'm in headphones most of the time too! They keep my ears nice and snug. I notice it most in my hands, I think, though they're nothing like as bad as my boyfriend's. He is super sensitive to the cold and his hands get freezing! Ridiculous part is that he likes mountaineering and ice climbing and other stuff that involves being literally freezing...

Hope the gp appointment goes well Beckie.

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 05:06 PM

Ice climbing and mountaineering sound awful tbh!

GP appointment was fine I suppose!

one_step_closer 30-10-2018 07:27 PM

Eska, are your headphones wired or wireless? I have wireless ones and I'm a bit worried about them getting damaged if I wear them when it's really cold or something.

I don't know how your boyfriend could focus on mountaineering and ice climbing with extra cold hands!

I'm glad your GP appointment was ok Beckie.

What is everyone doing this evening?

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 07:30 PM

Hey Lindsay!

I've got slimming world later

What about you?

one_step_closer 30-10-2018 07:31 PM

You're going out in the dark and cold! Hope it goes alright. :)

I'm not sure what I'll be doing. I find it hard to focus on things when it gets dark and I don't like watching loads of TV.

Aubergine 30-10-2018 07:38 PM


Cacoethes 30-10-2018 07:42 PM

Yep I am braving the cold!
Thanks :)

Are you reading anything atm Lindsay?

Hi Aubergine
How are you?

one_step_closer 30-10-2018 07:51 PM

Wrap up warm.

Hi Aubergine, how are you doing?

I've just started reading The Doll Funeral. The clocks going back has made me extra tired!

Cacoethes 30-10-2018 08:48 PM

I know what you mean!
Is it a good book so far?

I'm at slimming world and there's basically no one here!
Maybe no one wants to come out in the cold

Eska 31-10-2018 09:39 AM

How was slimming world in the end, Beckie? Did anyone else arrive?

Morning everyone

Buttons. 31-10-2018 10:21 AM

Morning Eska how are you?

I have fairly cheap lovely dog trainer to help me with my dog's roadside manners (she's lost a few since the kennels whilst I was in hosp and was a bit of a mischief anyway :P) later this morning, and I had nice day with my mum yesterday :) Whare is everyone else up to today?

Eska 31-10-2018 11:52 AM

Aw Buttons I'm glad you had a nice day with your mum, and I hope you enjoy working with the dog trainer! Do you know where you will go?

I'm in work... Boo.

Cacoethes 31-10-2018 12:34 PM

Morning guys

Slimming world was still very empty!

That sounds good buttons!

Ah work sucks.
Hope you have a good day

Eska 31-10-2018 12:54 PM

Thanks Beckie! It's pretty quiet/chilled, I have a load of appointments to book still but not the information I need to be able to make them...

How are you doing today?

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