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look out a piano 25-10-2015 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by CaiteeBug (Post 3964125)
Clowns will eat me.....


Eir 26-10-2015 10:27 AM

The pixies took my brain today.
I'm at work and they stole it. Ii get by on routine well enough to fool them, but scratch the surface and I'm not there, or is it here? I don't know.
It's all fuzzy and fluffy round the edges and it scares me

raining_inmyhead 28-10-2015 03:01 PM

It's started... I don't know how it's going to end...

Kahlia1981 29-10-2015 11:24 AM

Hello all.

Mood dropping rapidly. Both my husband and I are screwed up right now. Our hot water system died giving us a massive electricity bill and we can't pay our normal, weekly bills. The price of everything goes up but our pay doesn't....

Depression, switching, voices, and the list keeps going and they keep getting worse. I just want to die. To finally be in peace.

*disappears into her pillow fort*

midnite 30-10-2015 10:26 PM

checks in to hide, can't believe i'm here again, 18 moths after total discharge and i'm struggling again. need to find somewhere safe, this looks like a good place to start

Eir 01-11-2015 12:14 PM

Fml. Over it. Not a danger, don't worry. Just need some peace to build the facade.
I wish I didn't have to hide.

Eir 03-11-2015 04:16 PM

Can't switch off. I need to. I have an exam tomorrow and I need to study more....

Eir 09-11-2015 04:08 PM

Hiya. Welcome back, I hope we help and that your safe. What was your old name? Sorry stuffs made you feel like you needed to return, but we also like people who've recovered, or are recovering or have relapsed, or feel as though they are about to relapse. Or even those seeking ideas to help loved ones. Or those not necessarily ready to recover.
Sorry if I am a bit... Ok I need to stop typing.
Buttttt.... I'm an oldie too and I returnEd. It's helping. Better being here than considering ways to hurt myself when I'm still awake at two am. Or four am. Or whenever. Even if I just lurk and not post.
Ok. That's enough now.

raining_inmyhead 11-11-2015 10:11 PM

Cant. Hides.

Eir 12-11-2015 03:10 PM

*hugs raining*
Do you want me to guard you from what youre hiding from? I'll try.

raining_inmyhead 17-11-2015 04:55 PM

Please... thank you... I messed up... hello guilt, hello panic... oopsie

Margo 17-11-2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by raining_inmyhead (Post 3972142)
Please... thank you... I messed up... hello guilt, hello panic... oopsie

*pokes you in the eye and bites hard* 😬

raining_inmyhead 17-11-2015 11:28 PM

Thank you... sorry... I'm a muppet :-p *hangs about*

Eir 18-11-2015 02:39 PM

*squidges raining*

Eir 18-11-2015 02:40 PM

*pokes Matthew*

Eir 18-11-2015 02:52 PM

Make it stop makeit stop makeitstop makeitstopmakeitstop....
Round and round and it's gotta stop pleasepleaseplease!!!

Devil Girl 19-11-2015 10:58 PM

*Comes in and hides under blankets* Just wanting to be around people.

Staticx_xSilence 20-11-2015 06:09 AM

*sneaks in and hides in corner* I have been gone from ryl for quite awhile and finally went to the doctor about my depression and anxiety attacks and am now on meds but downside is after almost a year with no slips I have recently started self harming again and I don't know why. It's like as soon as the meds started helping the depression and anxiety I fell back to self harming which makes no sense. My mind hates me I am sure of it. I shall just hide in here until life makes sense again.

raining_inmyhead 20-11-2015 05:43 PM

*makes tea for everyone* *hides in the corner*

Eir 24-11-2015 01:43 PM

*lurks* sadangryuselessashamedhidingflat

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