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pixie*lyssie 29-01-2008 04:28 PM


88shelz 29-01-2008 04:32 PM

*pokes Zed*
why u rocking?? im gonna join!!
its my comfort motion.

~*forever_broken*~ 29-01-2008 06:34 PM

*hugs emma, dance dance, jetforce, zed, michelle, and anyone else that needs it*
Thanks emma, no there's nothing to be done :crying: damnint I don't know how I'm going to pull it all togeather to graduate this spring...

Michelle please be safe sweetie... I know, easier said than done...

*cries in her corner and just wishes she would disapear*


Zedebee 29-01-2008 07:15 PM

*holds shel and rocks with her*
Tisn't important really....

*cuddles Ally and wipes away tears*
I don't want you to disappear.... You wanna talk to me about why?

Buttons. 29-01-2008 08:30 PM

*cuddles Zedebee and everybody else who needs it*

I haven't been in here in forever, how are you guys?

*paints picture in a corner*

~*forever_broken*~ 29-01-2008 09:41 PM

*offers Zed a watery half smile*
Thanks it's just one of those times you know... Hate the thought that I'll have to go to my meds appointment this week and say life still sucks these aren't working... :crying:

flick 30-01-2008 12:40 AM

*is super scared of being here* i miss you guys so much ..i hate having no where to turn

Buttons. 30-01-2008 12:54 AM

*cuddles Flick* whats going on sweetheart?

Seraphsigh 30-01-2008 07:00 AM

*curls up and covers ears*
Stop the whooshing!!!
My heart hurts. Help, please. It can't be over. What the **** am I going to do. Want to die.

Pomegranate 30-01-2008 05:14 PM

*hugs everyone, especially Monark* Are you ok? x

~*forever_broken*~ 30-01-2008 06:42 PM

*moves over in her corner and invites Monark over*

What's up sweetie?

*hugs everyone and offers around tea and biscuts then returns to her corner and cries*

Good lord...

Pomegranate 30-01-2008 07:38 PM

*pokes Ally in her corner* Do you want to talk hun or do you want to be left alone? x

MammaMia 30-01-2008 10:53 PM


*hugs everyone*

Pomegranate 30-01-2008 11:25 PM

Are you ok hun? *hugs* xx

MammaMia 31-01-2008 12:45 AM

Not really :(

Bella_forever 31-01-2008 01:10 AM

I think I might be a danger to myself... cause I don't want to eat...

Jetforce 31-01-2008 01:15 AM

*hugs helen* wat's up?

Bella...i dunno what to say really...but u need to eat to keep urself healthy and alive... *hugs*

Pomegranate 31-01-2008 01:51 AM

*hugs* Helen what's up hun?

Bella...please try to eat *hugs*

~*forever_broken*~ 31-01-2008 04:58 AM

*offers Emma a half smile*

Thanks much Emma dear but there's not much to say... seems I didn't make as compleate a climb out of this last episode of major depression as I thought I had and it's biting me in the butt... making Uni rather difficult atm and causing a bit of worry about whether or not I'm actually going to be able to graduate this spring... *sigh* ah, well...
LOL Looks like maybe I DID want to talk about it :-)

Many thanks

*grabs a cup of good tea and goes to her corner to try and get some sleep*

Kahlia1981 31-01-2008 09:48 AM

Falling down now. Still sitting quietly but really not in a good headspace. Just want to get out. Want to end it make it go away.

Hugs to all in pain.

*Hands around teddy bears and blankies to everyone*

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