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Detour. Derail 17-07-2008 11:14 PM

aheehehe :P
or you could just WARN him...then do it...I got away with biting a dentist by doing that ^_^

"ow...that hurt.."
"do it again and I WILL bite you..."
"OW!! *Bites*"

I have to go to bed now :(
Anyone wanna text me?;p

Kuwairo 17-07-2008 11:17 PM

Hayley, that would be brilliant. My mum would love you, she's always on at me =)
Fridges...I always have ours in order, especially at uni, and I always rearrange the cupboards.
Alexx, that's nice to know ta =) I only have one shelf type thing, it's full of cacti =) I love them. I'll text you. As long as I can blame you if I drain my credit!
Hayley I take it back you can kick the doc :p

CrazyHayley 17-07-2008 11:18 PM

Right my lovely people, thank you so much for being here and giving me hugs and someone to talk to. I feel like I can now go to bed safely. I can't say I'm looking forward to going to my mum's, my family all think I'm fine, that my depressions all in the past and I don't know how much longer I can hide it from them, its exhausting. but my mum and brother are ill, so they have enough to deal with without worrying about me, and most of the time I'm 35miles from anyone so they don't really know whats going on with me, thank god.
Anyway, thanks again. I should be back at somepoint sunday but don't know if i'll get online til monday. so bye bye for now. Look after yoursleves and stay safe. *snuggles everyone*

Kuwairo 17-07-2008 11:29 PM

Stay safe too hun.
I know how it feels to not want to worry your mum cos she's ill...is there anyone else you can talk to if you need to this weekend?
Try and have a good weekend

blondiebear 18-07-2008 12:44 AM

My husband and I agree on a three word answer for the painters; "we have plans" And yeah, about the pattern, i have even found one that I think would be fine for the project.

Any of you ocd people want to come and clean my house? I have a kitchen floor you could eat off of...mostly cat food, maybe the odd raisin. My cd's are in that kind of order but my book cases would drive you nuts. We have 7 bookcases in a 980 square foot/two bedroom flat!

blondiebear 18-07-2008 02:08 AM

Uh Oh, did i offend anyone?
btw, i am still worried about my friend. It has just become an ingrained part of me right now. it is just wait and see.

Pomegranate 18-07-2008 02:30 AM

don't thijml you offended anyone Susan *hugs*

*hugs everyone who needs them*

I just burned for the first time in 5 years. It is not bad, or good, or however you want to look at it. Feeling very self destructive. 1 bottle wine and 1/2 bottle peach schnapps down.

Jetforce 18-07-2008 03:44 AM

*hugs emma*

Awww..that's no good :-(

Try and stay safe there xxx

~*forever_broken*~ 18-07-2008 03:59 AM

*snuggles Emma*

Be careful with the drinking and burning luv.

*takes some of your schnaps*

I'm $30- so my house is 'dry' :-(

effervescence 18-07-2008 04:30 AM

my tummy hurts :(

blondiebear 18-07-2008 06:23 AM

*hugs emma*
*hugs chloe*

Yeah, it is the outside of our front door. But the door opens inward. I don't know but what they won't do the stuff around the edge of the door too. Our next door neighbor has a key to our place but that doesn't keep our cat safe. Oh well, don't have to solve it tonight.

Casper_Fading 18-07-2008 09:01 AM


Jetforce 18-07-2008 09:08 AM

*cuddles chloe again*

U know where to find me if u need to chat xx

zowie 18-07-2008 12:46 PM

Hi everyone.
Feeling a lot better today. Beth isn't being violent and I feel good enough to tackle her if she became aggressive. Going out for lunch with my dad which I'm loooking forward to.
Hope everyone's doing okay xxxxxxx

Casper_Fading 18-07-2008 02:19 PM

shhh i'm away and i want to cut... and no one is watching me... shhh don't tell anyone :(

blondiebear 18-07-2008 04:16 PM

I'm about the same as i have been every morning this week. If I can't go back to bed, please pass the diet pepsi.

1ofmany 18-07-2008 05:29 PM

Been feeling **** today. Am supposed to be going to a party tonight that i have been excited about for a bit now but was feeling aprehensive, then my friend who I was going to give a lift to (fancy dress and we where going as a pair) is ill and cant go so i feel even worse and dont want to go now either.
Also the friend i havent seen for just over two weeks and hasnt answered my a few messages i have sent him will be there and i dunno if i want to see him and find out that he hates me now.

Now ive gone and taken up loads of room here and feel an idiot about it! sombody please take my negative thoughts away...

1ofmany 18-07-2008 06:40 PM

Looks like i scared everyone off. Sorry.

zowie 18-07-2008 06:51 PM

You didn't scare me off. Sorry you're not looking forward to the party, will it matter much if you don't go?

alive (sorry, what's your name?) Have you managed to resist the urges?

Susan, did you manage to get back to sleep? And how have you been feeling each morning?

Love to all xxx

1ofmany 18-07-2008 06:55 PM

Its the image more then anything, i have seemed excited about it for a while and people will wonder why i didnt go so i will just end up lying to people (not many people know of how i feel) not long left to decied.

*puts out a pile of blankets and take one*

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