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midnightphoenix 18-07-2012 03:38 PM

*curls up in corner of ward* I did a bad thing this morning, I'm a danger to myself

sapphire hearts 18-07-2012 07:11 PM

what did you do honey? are you okay? xxx *offers safe hugs to midnight and everyone who wants one*

Gem-Louise 18-07-2012 07:28 PM

so close to give up ..not do good :( im evil

sapphire hearts 18-07-2012 07:30 PM

you're not evil honey, i swear *cuddles*

midnightphoenix 18-07-2012 07:35 PM

I came this close >.< to killing myself

sapphire hearts 18-07-2012 07:41 PM

But you didn't *hugs* you're still here, and we're all so glad xxx

midnightphoenix 18-07-2012 07:55 PM

It was a dog that saved my life - the stream was hypnotising me

sapphire hearts 19-07-2012 02:26 AM

*cuddles midnight* then we all owe that dog a great debt. we need you here honey *hugs* please PM me whenever, okay? I'm so happy you're here :D

xMakeSomeNoisex 19-07-2012 05:56 AM

*lays on couch under a blanket*

Today would have been fun but the other day I was exercising and fell onto my left side so now I have a huge bruise on my left side and it is sore as heck. So basically I went shopping today but my back was killing me and my side was hurting all because I am a clumsy person, not to mention I barely got 2 hours of sleep and I was feeling nausea's all day. So yeah today would have been great if I was feeling well. Than I ended up purging again which sucks but oh well, I am just sleepy and tired but as usual can't sleep.

sapphire hearts 20-07-2012 03:21 AM

lack of sleep sucks *hugs*

i am checking in forever. i shouldnt be allowed around regular people. im dangerous. im so sorry.

risenfromperdition 20-07-2012 03:41 AM

love you sweetie :(

xMakeSomeNoisex 20-07-2012 05:00 AM

*curls up in corner*

I feel so horrid, I have been feeling nausea's all day and was having stomach aches on and off throughout the day. When I went grocery shopping I felt so tired and sick, I got dizzy as heck as well. My side is still sore and now my back has started causing me a lot of pain. I just feel so bad physically and am exhausted and in a horrid mood. It sucks but I think I am getting sick.

sapphire hearts 21-07-2012 04:27 AM

*hugs everyone who wants one*

i am so awful
i said something, and now she won't respond. i am so evil

happiness...its all a lie 21-07-2012 04:14 PM

*hides in corner* bad bad bad

midnightphoenix 21-07-2012 06:21 PM

*hides under table* the train ate me earlier while I was coming back from town - I freaked out in it as it was approaching the station and had to get out the moment the doors opened - it wants to get me again

risenfromperdition 21-07-2012 07:21 PM

you're NOT evil sweetie, i promise promise promise.

*sits with midnight*

Gem-Louise 21-07-2012 08:22 PM

:( not gunna b safe tonite i got a plan cant do this nomor

happiness...its all a lie 21-07-2012 09:10 PM

im scared want to cut, want pain. Bad nasty girl.

midnightphoenix 22-07-2012 10:40 PM

He's going to get me and I'll suffer *hides under bed*

happiness...its all a lie 23-07-2012 10:34 PM

*leaves cuddles for all*

is very sleepy tonight, curls up and sleeps.

ratboy75 24-07-2012 12:39 AM

* safe cuddles for all *

Darkness is only the absence of light, our lights banish even the shadows it shines so strong! :)

sapphire hearts 26-07-2012 03:11 AM

what is the ****ing point? it is too late for me.

Twisted_Illusions 26-07-2012 09:37 PM

Good evening everyone....

*cuddles Sapphire hearts* (if thats ok?)

midnightphoenix 26-07-2012 10:02 PM

*slinks into ward with duvet and curls up in corner pulling duvet over head* am I safe in here? Will anyone hurt me? Tonight even numbers are out to get me and I'm scared and anxious

OMG this post's an even number as well even numbers keep away from meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Heaven20 26-07-2012 10:26 PM

Is it okay if I check in? I know it's a place for older members, however I've never felt my age and well... at any rate I'm not feeling safe right now. Is that okay? *looks worried she'll upset/offend someone*

Midnight-star I'm sorry my username has an even number in it, but I'm smiling at you underneath see :) *hugs*

ratboy75 26-07-2012 11:15 PM

*crawls in sneakily, finds shadowed spot*

Need some quiet time away from the...

All safe here peeps.

Midnight - I'm an odd number, so it must be safe.

Heaven - totally welcome, all good

Heaven20 26-07-2012 11:16 PM

Thank you :)

*snuggles up to a teddy bear and curls up*

risenfromperdition 27-07-2012 01:34 AM

welcoem. :)
*sits in ward staring at wall*

Heaven20 27-07-2012 09:33 AM

:) Thank you.

Walls are good, I prefer corners....they're kind of magical....I don't know why.

Gem-Louise 27-07-2012 03:01 PM

really feel unsafe went to AandE yesturday after overdosing on quite alot of tablets ...went to see my new mental health worker today and told her about what i plan to do tonight and how low i am feeling and that all i want to do is die she said she was going to let he crisis team know that i am struggling and i may need support ..im just so ready to give up right now

midnightphoenix 27-07-2012 03:56 PM


Gem-Louise 27-07-2012 04:13 PM

thanks hun x

Heaven20 27-07-2012 04:40 PM

I'm so sorry Saphire :( I'm sorry you feel unsafe I just want to hug you and look after you <3 x

Gem-Louise 27-07-2012 04:52 PM

aawwh thankyou hunnie <3 *hugs*

Heaven20 27-07-2012 05:45 PM

That's okay *sleeps on a the floor in a ball* Taking a depressed, agoraphobic, anxiety ridden anorexic food shopping, is incredibly cruel.

happiness...its all a lie 27-07-2012 09:00 PM

*checks in for 2 weeks*

I cant cope and need safety and people that understands.

Bad evil girl being punished.

midnightphoenix 27-07-2012 09:14 PM

you're not a bad person happiness

I'm a nasty nasty girl and have found something else I could use to destroy myself and tempted to smuggle it upstairs to use it later

Heaven20 27-07-2012 09:43 PM

Happiness, Midnight, You're beautiful wonderful totally lovely people.
Happiness *hugs* You'll be okay here, I'll make sure of it :)
Midnight, sweetheart, please whatever it is tell someone physically in your life that you have it. Or throw it/put it away/somewhere safe.

happiness...its all a lie 27-07-2012 10:11 PM

*hides in corner*

ill be quiet and good just dont throw me out please. She is going to hate me more now.

*leaves hugs for everyone*

midnight please get rid of your tool you dont need it. Your not nasty either your lovely. Be safe.

Hi heaven im faye btw

Heaven20 27-07-2012 10:25 PM

Happiness lovely, no one hates you, not here at least. Who do you think is going to hate you more sweetie? *hugs* I'm Lexy. xx

sapphire hearts 28-07-2012 01:03 AM

*hugs faye* hun, you are one of the loveliest people I've ever known. You're not bad or evil, and no one could ever hate you *hugs* love you sweetie

*hugs midnight* you are good hun, I promise. You don't have to use the tool. You don't deserve to hurt honey, ever.

*hugs heaven* hey. hope you're ok.

happiness...its all a lie 28-07-2012 08:21 AM

Hi lexy

My mum we dont always get on and now she has all next week off work and im trying to find a job and i feel like im a burden to her and she doesnt like me. I cant explain it well but i wish she had never had me she makes me feel like im a mistake.

Thanks Katie, hope your ok. I am bad its ok i know it and its ok for people to hate me i dont mind im used to it.

Had BAD BAD dreams last night. *rocks shaking in the corner*

Heaven20 28-07-2012 09:45 AM

*sits crossed legged next to happiness* Do you want to know something sweets, I feel exactly the same about my Dad, except I can't look for a job. I've been signed off of every job in the past like...year :( He adopted me, he makes me feel like had he kept the receipt I wouldn't be here any more. I know how you're feeling, but trust me when I say that your Mum loves you more than you could ever imagine, my Dad would walk through fire for me, he just doesn't realise how upsetting what he says is to me sometimes.

I have PTSD flashbacks, and the other night I had a nightmare about being sectioned. I woke up shaking and crying, so I know how real and affecting dreams can be. But just try and remember that it's NOT real *giant hugs* You're not bad, no one should hate you, you seem wonderful and lovely.

I'm okay, my mum is going into hospital tomorrow evening and then my dad (as the donor) is going in Monday morning...it's weird and I'm not sure it'll hit me till we're driving to drop mum off at the ward.


Louise 28-07-2012 07:23 PM

hugs everyone

midnightphoenix 28-07-2012 07:49 PM

*comes into ward and curls up in corner* Bad bad bad deserve to hurt

ratboy75 28-07-2012 10:36 PM

*curls up in a ball in the corner*

and that's why I'm not supposed to be around people - for a little while I get accepted, then for a bit I'm tolerated, but not spoken to, then I'm ignored - not part of the human race. :(

Gem-Louise 28-07-2012 10:40 PM

why am u such a screw up cant stop feeling suicidal

ratboy75 28-07-2012 11:06 PM

*hugs midnight* you don't deserve to be hurt, no-one deserves to be hurt dear

*hugs Saphire* you're not a screw up dear

YodaBearInterrupted 28-07-2012 11:20 PM

*puts some brownies and cookies on the table for all*

Really struggling right now and really want to SH, my journal isnt helping right now, and the person I reached out to hasnt responded back to me yet...

Gem-Louise 28-07-2012 11:20 PM

:( cant i am so close to just hurting myself feel so scared want all the voices and things to stop

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