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Doikers 14-09-2010 07:08 PM

I NEED to injure . I NEED to injure :S

Perhaps if I go grocery shopping it will distract me until the urges go ??? I don't know who I'm asking. sorry .

Scarletdreamer 14-09-2010 07:10 PM

Awh Mark, hon, you've got to quit telling yourself that you "NEED" to SI. You don't NEED to, you may feel like you do but you've gone days without... this shows that you CAN get by without SI'ing. I know you can do it, I know you have the strength, you've just got to trust that you do and fight for your life.

(Geez, now I'm sounding like Jarrod lecturing me, ahaha... :-S)

*cuddles* I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, it wasn't meant to be. :(

misskitty112 14-09-2010 07:18 PM

Mark, dear, you don't need to injure. I'm around if you'd like to talk.

My printer just had a tragic paper jam. I think I fixed it but it sounds funny now. It cannot quit. I have two chapters of Marketing work to print out for my test tomorrow. =(

SparkleKitten 14-09-2010 07:19 PM

*more cuddles for April and Mark*

Already seen a doctor, I'm awating the hospital contacting me with my specialist appointment.

And Mark, you don't need to, you're strong, you can beat it :)

*cuddles Felicia* Printers suck. Mine actually hates me, it never prints anything.

misskitty112 14-09-2010 07:32 PM

My printer is not fixed. It is ****ed and needs to be taken back.
Lovely, now my work will be late, cause my professor doesn't take emailed work and my uni's not letting us use on campus printers now cause too many people were wasting paper and ink printing out bullshit stuff.
I am going to cry.

Doikers 14-09-2010 07:52 PM

*Hugs April , Felicia and Sarah*

I am running a bath , distraction number 2 , then I am going to eat some ceral I think , thats number 3 then I'll come back here , Thankyou all for being so supportive and April it didn't sound harsh .

*Hands Felicia a Nice clean Hanky*

Doikers 14-09-2010 08:18 PM

Groceries - Done
Bath - Done
Cereal - Done
What can I do now ? Suggestions welcome please I'm quite triggered :S

Scarletdreamer 14-09-2010 08:31 PM

Hmmm... *thinks* You could write, update your r/v or your LJ if you like. Or... try to play WoW, do something mindless on it if you don't feel like leveling (not saying that leveling can't be mindless, but on your first time through it usually isn't mindless), like killing animals/skinning them/working on leatherworking. Just a thought. Ummm... *thinky thinky* You could... ummm... damn it, I am running out of ideas. Haha. Keep posting on here? :P I'll try to respond but I'm thinking about going on WoW in a bit myself... so I don't know how much longer I'll be on the 'net. Oh, and what about bed? isn't it around 8:30pm there?

*cuddles* I'm sorry that you & so many of us are having a rough time. :(

Doikers 14-09-2010 08:39 PM

Bed seems tempting , I'll go around 9 pm , I feel numb , thats the meds making it like that , It's so much better than full blown depression but it's still not nice and it's constant , not numb but nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumb , I hope that made sense ?

SoMuchMore 14-09-2010 08:42 PM

*hugs everyone*

Mark - maybe clean your flat? (i know that sounds like i'm saying it must be dirty, but I really am not.. Sometimes when i'm triggered I wash dishes or dust to keep distracted) or watch a very happy movie?

I am not in a very good place today. sorry for my lack of individuals.

*hugs april, lia helen, sarah felicia, kahlia, and everyone else *

Scarletdreamer 14-09-2010 08:46 PM

Bed is a good idea I think. Sleep is usually safe although I'm sorry that you had bad weird dreams last night. :( Maybe you'll be meeting me for a meal in YOUR dreams tonight. ;) Lol. That would totally be weird. (Oh and have you ever had/do you like buffalo wing pizza? because that's what we had in my dream last night... lulz...) Hmmm... yes, I think what you said makes sense. Hehe. *cuddles*

Got some carrots and Southwestern ranch dip today and I want moooore, so damn "hungry" (that isn't really hungry I don't think?)... no idea. I just want some more carrots and dip. At least it's pretty healthy... :) In moderation at least. My mum and I went grocery shopping and that was nice, although I was "in a mood" for awhile (giddy/giggly/hyper, I'm blaming it on the pancakes we made for breakfast, lol), and then later I realized that I have to monitor my moods more carefully than a non-bipolar person because even the littlest swing can mean something bad is "just around the corner." Blahhhh. :(

*cuddles all*

Scarletdreamer 14-09-2010 08:47 PM

Aw Laura, hon, what's up?? *big cuddles* If you want to talk, well, you know how to reach me. <3

Doikers 14-09-2010 08:54 PM

No I've never had buffalo wing pizza April , or it's vege alternative hehe , I've never even heard of it before :P It would be quite an occurence if we dined in my dreams tonight though :)

SoMuchMore 14-09-2010 08:57 PM

*cuddles april* thanks hun.

I don't really have time to go into details right now since i have to leave for class in a few minutes... plus maybe it should go into my r/v thread anyway since i feel like if i start typing about it it may just turn into a rant. I'll let u guys know if i update it later.

SparkleKitten 14-09-2010 08:59 PM

like to paint when I'm triggered or ill. Tonight I finally painted the clay cat I made in brown with ickle tiger stripes and pink ears. So I'm happy with that.

Hungry but my gallbladder won't let me eat. Grr.

*cuddles all*

one_step_closer 14-09-2010 09:02 PM

*group hug*

I'm waiting for the crisis team to phone me, at 9.30. I have no idea what i'm going to say to them.

Scarletdreamer 14-09-2010 09:08 PM

*glomps Lia, Mark, Sarah, and Crimson* (I spy all of you!! <3)

Hmm Mark... they do have vege chicken out there (and it is REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!) so I suppose buffalo wing pizza could be made vegetarian. Mmmm. That is making me hungry. :P Try thinking about pizza before bed and maybe I'll pop up in your dreams. ;) Heehee. :P

Sarah, I'm sorry that you can't eat. :( That sucks especially if you want to be able to eat. *cuddles*

Laura, fair enough. :) Take care of yourself though, hon. Please? Or at least, try your very hardest... we're here for you if you need us. <3 *huggles*

SparkleKitten 14-09-2010 09:13 PM

*glomps April* Yeah I'm starving but not sure I should risk it. All I've kept down today are my meds and a cookie. Great.

*hugs Lindsay* hope it goes okay for you today, I could never do that, I hate phone conversations

*cuddles Laura* hope your class goes well and you feel better soon

*hugs Mark* I want pizza more now, darn :p

*hugs Felicia* Hope you get it sorted out without too many problems.

Edit - I've just been struck with a really awful mood, I feel terrible :(

xxjuliexx 14-09-2010 10:01 PM

-hides from all the yelling and stuff and holds up a teddy for lia?(think that who it was...)-

misskitty112 14-09-2010 10:35 PM

Awww, Owen, I'm sorry you don't like the yelling. I hope it stops soon.

*hugs everyone*
On a random side note, I wanna pop up in someone's RYL dream. That would be EPIC!

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