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Scarletdreamer 05-10-2010 01:31 AM

*cuddles all*

Sorry not been about for a bit... Mark, 's true, you are amazing, as are you, Lia, and Sarah, and Felicia, & everyone else!!! :) <3 You ALL (yes, even the newbies!!) are wonderful!!

Ohhh and Joc, welcome back!! (I know you posted quite a few pages back but... wanted to send welcomes and cuddles your way!!) *big cuddles*

*hides in the warren to cry where no one will hear her* :'(

shadowedsoul 05-10-2010 03:01 AM

cuddles all.

Doikers 05-10-2010 09:19 AM

*Hugs April*

*Hugs Nicole good luck at college today*

*Hugs Sarah* Good luck at college for you too .

*Hugs LJ*

*Hugs Lia*

*Hugs Jill*

Well I just got up to find last nights meds still sitting in their cup waiting to be taken , Oops! , So I took them , then I took this mornings meds , I don't feel as groggy this morning and I forgot one particular med that makes me groggy last night , coincedence? hmmm. I took it this morning , I mean I took ALL my night meds as I won't be taking them again until tonight.

SparkleKitten 05-10-2010 01:33 PM

*cuddles all* I don't want to leave the house today, I tried, I just can't. I don't have the motivation to get dressed. :(

Doikers 05-10-2010 02:42 PM

*Cuddles Sarah*

shadowedsoul 05-10-2010 02:53 PM

hugs everbody. nevermind being stuiped. curls up and hides hoping no one will find me.

SparkleKitten 05-10-2010 03:07 PM

*cuddles Mark* my Fiance and I had a bit of a row this morning, so my day freaking sucks. Seeing my counsellor this evening though.

*cuddles Jill* you okay hun?

misskitty112 05-10-2010 03:31 PM

I'm going to Creative Writing. I'll have to read a scene from my story, none of which are finished cause they're so damn painful to write.

Then I go to counseling. Today sucks.

Doikers 05-10-2010 03:50 PM

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Jill*

*Hugs Sarah*

Sorry I have no words right now , I cut and I want to again and again. I don't like myself right now:(

Scarletdreamer 05-10-2010 03:59 PM

Mark, sorry to hear that you're feeling so, well, poopy. :( *cuddles* Is/are your cut(s) okay? I mean, taken care of etc.? You're usually pretty careful about that but I thought I'd ask anyway. *extra big cuddles*

Sarah, sorry that you and your fiancé had a row. :( That bites. Hopefully it can be remedied?.... I don't understand people who say that they don't want to be around their "friends" or family because those people are feeling low and that brings the other people down. If you LOVE them then shouldn't you WANT to be around them, help them the best you can, etc., etc.? Or am I just weird, because I want to help people & see hope for everyone? :( I don't want to think that, because that means that this world is in an even sorrier state than I thought... *cuddles tight*

Felicia, I hope that the reading aloud of the short story goes okay. :( Was that the short story that had something to do with the skeletons in your closet, so to speak? I'm sorry, memory is like a sieve. :( I also hope that counseling goes okay. I go tomorrow... finally... after 2 weeks without, it's going to be a relief to see her again and be able to blab about stuff. I know that I NEED counseling and am lucky to have found a wonderful therapist. :-/ I just hope that, well, it goes okay for both of us. :)

Hee, I'm listening to Christmas music. ^_^ It makes me happy inside, all warm & fuzzy. :) I love Christmas, love love love LOVE IT!!! and it can't get here fast enough, although I definitely am NOT looking forward to the snow... bleh. I mean, I can't wait until the first snow, but it's a pain having to clear off my car before I go anywhere, and being careful driving around here. So many hills, which I adore, but... can be a pain since neither Jarrod nor I have 4WD. Grrrr. But I <3 snow... so pretty. I just don't like the annoyance that it brings. IF that made any sense I will be astounded. :P

I woke up feeling fine then having some GI issues... ugh. But I'm feeling better now (don't worry, no puking, and also, I don't think it's infectious, am pretty sure that it was just nerves about my upcoming job training ACKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Erm anyway, am doing okay now. Have had some ginger tea (omnomnom!!!) and some canned peaches for breakfast (weird I know but I'm being gentle with my tummy, lol). *sigh* I'm nervous still though, feel kinda like jumping out of my skin even though I've had a Klonopin. Bleeehhh. I've journaled some already today as well so I think I need to journal some more... :-/ It really helps with getting out my "blah" feelings.

*cuddles all not mentioned* I hope Hels is having an okay time at her bestie's. :)

shadowedsoul 05-10-2010 04:00 PM

cuddles all. erm no not really, dont really care tho, so its all good

Doikers 05-10-2010 04:07 PM

*Hugs April* The cut is taken care of if a little sore , It will leave another little scar , fantastic :S (sarcasm)

SparkleKitten 05-10-2010 04:37 PM

*cuddles Felicia*

*cuddles Mark* Hope you're okay :(

*cuddles Jill*

*cuddles April* It should be easily sorted, he needs someone to talk to that isn't me about all of this, so I just hope he gets that. Its been such a hard day today. I just wish everything was okay again, so he didn't have to resent every happy couple he sees or my friends and family because I can lie to them so easily... I don't know what to do anymore :(

Doikers 05-10-2010 04:45 PM

*Hugs Sarah just because*

SparkleKitten 05-10-2010 04:48 PM

Thanks Mark. I'm calming down now. *hugs*

shadowedsoul 05-10-2010 05:04 PM

hugs mark back.
hugs ribenalion. curls up

SoMuchMore 05-10-2010 06:05 PM

*hugs mark, sarah, april, nicole, lia, jill and everyone else*

I know i havent been around much.. im sorry anyway.

that's all for now. *hides away*

Doikers 05-10-2010 06:46 PM

*Hugs Jill*

*Hugs Laura*

I'm so triggered , sorry.

SoMuchMore 05-10-2010 06:50 PM

*hugs mark* here if you need to talk.

Doikers 05-10-2010 06:57 PM

Hey Laura :) I injured cak-handedly , I'm odd today , maybe because I didn't take last nights meds until this morning , thats so unlike me to forget totally to take a dose even if it's later that same day but to totally forget is odd .

How are you Laura?

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