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Jetforce 08-05-2010 05:56 AM

Hey..hope everybody is keeping well

*leaves some hugs and some snakes behind*

xxjuliexx 08-05-2010 06:39 AM

*whines alots and lots*

lynx 08-05-2010 07:49 AM

Happy birthday Oliver!

*Hugs everyone*

I'm going to work then I'm off to Ghent so you won't hear from me all weekend. I'll be OK though, I'll be at Tom's.

xxjuliexx 08-05-2010 07:50 AM

*husg lynx*how a good weekend hun

xxjuliexx 08-05-2010 07:56 AM

happy birthday oliver
happy birthday oliver
happy birthday oliver
happy birthday oliver

Kahlia1981 08-05-2010 08:30 AM

*offers hugs to all who want/can accept them*

Feel really bleh. Talked to my housemate about my su stuff. We're trying to work something out.

*leaves some safe hugs and some no-cal chocolate on the table*

frenchhorn 08-05-2010 10:08 AM

thanks for all the birthday messages guys :)

*hugs all who want hugs*
sorry no time for individual replies got up a bit later than I meant to and need to go out in about 20mins.
Hope you all have a good day/night

mouse in darkness 08-05-2010 10:21 AM

*Hugs for everyone who would like them*

*Crawls under a bed*

one_step_closer 08-05-2010 11:17 AM

*Joins Nicole under the bed*

Doikers 08-05-2010 11:55 AM

How does it feel to no longer be a teenager?

*Hugs to all my wardmates who need them*
*Waves for Owen*

PFFFT My e-mail account seems to have gone hinky , I think I'll have to set up a new one and then go all over the net changing my address on websites . too lazy to do that now , I'm hopeing it will fix itself .

I need to shave today , I avoided shaving yesterday but I don't want to put myself near razors today hmmm.

one_step_closer 08-05-2010 11:59 AM

Just grow a beard Mark!

Doikers 08-05-2010 12:05 PM

I can't i'm too fair , when I was a child I was naturally bleach blond colour . It doesn't grow evenly. :( pet peeve , I would like to have the option to grow a beard though :) *Hugs Lindsay*
EDIT: I just tried to go out , got part way down my road and HAD to turn round and come back to my flat :S I've no energy and it just freaked me out being out :(

Strawberry.Bananas 08-05-2010 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Scarletdreamer (Post 2284017)
*cuddles Vicki* Sorry sweet, no words of advice, but plenty of cuddles where those came from. Only one question though - objectively are you sure that you "lost" him? *more cuddles* That is, if you can be objective at the moment.


Originally Posted by Fallinstar0317 (Post 2284082)
*hugs little laura, tineke, vicki, hayley, nicole julie and anyone i missed*


Originally Posted by frenchhorn (Post 2284088)
*hugs Julie, JK, Nicole, Crimson, Tineke, Mark,Vicki, Hayley, Kahlia, little Laura*

How do you mean?

*hugs everybody*

Thanks for your support guys.

Kahlia1981 08-05-2010 12:17 PM

*hugs everyone then curls up in the deepest, darkest corner where no-one can see her and cries*

Scarletdreamer 08-05-2010 12:23 PM

*cuddles all*

I just feel so bad about the mixup last night. :( I don't know how to fix it either... I just tried, but their business hours are M-F so I have to wait until Monday for them to get that email. *sigh*

Anyway. I spy a Vicki, a Kat, and a Mark!! *cuddles*

Mark, I'm sorry that your email's screwed up... what type of email do you use? I've used Hotmail since 2003 I think and it's not ever screwed up on me, so maybe you could switch to that one? I dunno... just a thought. And do you have any questions about WoW so far? what kind (race & class) of toon do you have? :D *cuddles* I leveled my night elf hunter this morning... she's level 28 almost 29, can't wait til level 30. :) Just because it's nice to reach a landmark like that. :) It's an achievement... I dunno. Kinda hard to explain. But anywhoo... here's what she looks like. The tabard is a guild tabard. :) *curls up next to*

Vicki, Kat, how are you two doing?? Vicki, any better than last night? *cuddles both*

And everyone else? how are you all doing? *ginormous cuddles*

Scarletdreamer 08-05-2010 12:24 PM

Vicki, I take it the question was aimed at me? What I mean is, stepping OUTSIDE yourself and your emotions at the moment, are you sure that you've lost him? or can you "get him back"? I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense either... am very tired still. Heh. :-/

*finds & holds Kahlia gently and rocks back and forth, as long as it isn't minded* Wish I could be there IRL for you, for all of you...

Doikers 08-05-2010 12:48 PM

April , I currently switching all my details from umpteen websites to my new Hotmail account .
as for WoW
I'm a Human Warrior , Level 5 :) I hope to get him to level 6 later :)

Edit: I'm sorry this mail is so short , I'm stressed out ugh

Scarletdreamer 08-05-2010 12:55 PM

Awh, level 5. :D I have a level 5 priest on Grizzly Hills... except she's an Undead. Ugly as hell but she will serve the purpose of getting my blood elf hunter to 60 as soon as we decide to powerlevel. Lol. So we shall see... :) We made a Refer-A-Friend account for leveling purposes... will be interesting once we get to around level 45 due to the dungeons we'll be leveling through, since I HATE THEM. Heh... :-X

Glad you started a new email account etc. Hopefully won't take too long to get things sorted!! *cuddles* Why are you so stressed out?? just a bajillion different things?

Am planning on going to my parents' house to do laundry in a bit. I'm so freaking tired though, will probably end up falling asleep... haha. I got up at 5:45am today... so no wonder I'm tired, even though we went to bed relatively early (around 8ish).

Anyone have interesting/exciting plans for the day?? *cuddles all who want them*

xxjuliexx 08-05-2010 01:13 PM

-yawns and curls up-

Doikers 08-05-2010 01:24 PM


Why are you so stressed out?? just a bajillion different things?
Yes , at least a bajillion . Benefit medical , Power company , Presription unfilled , E-mail packing up .*Sigh*
April if you can figure out how to change you WoW e-mail can you PM me the details , I'm so stuck and getting more and more frustrated:( EDIT: Oh I Think , THINK, I've done it .

*Waves to Owen*

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