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MammaMia 29-03-2010 06:29 PM

*cuddles April* Please look after you & your cuts :( *cuddles some more*

Scarletdreamer 29-03-2010 06:36 PM

I don't want to look after me and my cuts... :( R/v thread updated. I'll try to take care of me etc. though... at least for now. :(

How're you, Helen? *cuddles up next to*

Doikers 29-03-2010 06:39 PM

*hugs April* Are your wounds gonna be ok? please be careful and keep it clean , I know you know that already

Whats an NP? sorry to be dense

Sorry we must have been typing together * Edit*

one_step_closer 29-03-2010 06:41 PM

I wish that I was back in hospital, life is too hard.

Doikers 29-03-2010 06:50 PM

*hugs one step closer *
I think that sometimes , I just want to be in hospital again sometimes .Just to let you know you're are not alone :)

MammaMia 29-03-2010 07:00 PM

*cuddles April tight* Please try? For me? :) I'm hanging in there, somehow. Been a better day I guess. Been distracted :)

*cuddles Mark & Lindsay*

SoMuchMore 29-03-2010 08:25 PM

I spy Mark! lol *hugs*

*hugs april* im sorry that you cut :-( And please take care of yourself like everyone has said. *more cuddles*

*hugs helen* Glad that today hasn't been so bad and that u've been distracted.

*hugs lindsay* hang in there hun. I know its hard.

*cuddles hayley and kahlia*

Trying to get myself to leave my apartment... Its hard today. I feel like I am falling apart. Life is trying to break me..

MammaMia 29-03-2010 08:28 PM

Never felt so alone in my life

SoMuchMore 29-03-2010 08:33 PM

*cuddles helen so maybe she feels a bit less lonely*

Kahlia1981 29-03-2010 09:37 PM

*huggles everyone*

Tdoc appointment today ... blech. Got to catch a bus in less than two hours and then walk the rest of the way there. *sigh* Time to start getting up-and-at-'em I suppose.

*huggles everyone then ducks out into the smoking shelter for a quick drag*

MammaMia 29-03-2010 10:23 PM

*cuddles everyone and hides in denial tent*

Can't cope with this on my own.

Scarletdreamer 29-03-2010 10:26 PM

I bandaged the cut... it's in a bad place and I'm scared that people will get angry with/concerned about me if they find out... especially my parents as they have no idea that anything "bad" is going on right now.

Am so ****ing anxious... hate it.

*cuddles LauraStar* What's up, sweetie?

*cuddles Hels* Maybe that makes you feel not quite so alone? ♥

I spy you!!! :D

MammaMia 29-03-2010 10:42 PM

We must have been typing at the same time

*cuddles* Glad you've bandaged it up sweetheart. People being concerned is just them caring about you sweetie? *snuggles*

Scarletdreamer 29-03-2010 11:21 PM

I don't want people to be concerned about me... at least, not my parents... but at the same time, I do. I know I don't make any sense... :(

How are you, love? *snuggles*

The SW I saw today thinks that maybe being so active online is detrimental to my socializing IRL. I don't know. She thinks that I need to seek out, as I put it, "real people" (lol, sorry for that) and hang out with them... not that she doesn't think that it's good I'm getting support from you all. So I don't know what to think about that. :-/

Scarletdreamer 29-03-2010 11:22 PM

Oh and Mark, NP = nurse practitioner. She gives me my meds. (BWAHAHA!!!)

How's everyone tonight??

MammaMia 29-03-2010 11:43 PM

It made sense sweetheart. I get like that...*cuddles*

I'm not good. I'm really tired, so tired that my body is tired & aching. But alas, I cannot get back to sleep. I fell asleep watching tv....

Plus a load more **** has hit the fan. I can't cope as it is, without anymore. ****ing hell man. Can I just die now pls?


Scarletdreamer 30-03-2010 12:06 AM


*huggles Helen* I'm sorry about the more **** hitting the fan... I understand... don't know exactly what's going on with you but I understand the feelings at least.

I'm exhausted... time for bed soon but not yet as we just ate supper & I get panicky if I lie down with a full stomach when I'm like this. I HATE ME... and a friend told me that I DON'T have a plan to kill myself, which made me feel kind of like I'm not really being taken seriously. If that makes sense. I'm sorry, my thoughts are all disjointed tonight... :(

shadowedsoul 30-03-2010 12:10 AM

curls up in corner under a blanket hides form the world.

MammaMia 30-03-2010 12:32 AM

Barlowgirl <3 I love their mirror song :D

*cuddles everyone*

SoMuchMore 30-03-2010 03:58 AM

*hugs kahlia* hope ur tdoc appointment went okay.

*cuddles april* im sry if u feel that ur friends arent taking you seriously. If it helps at all, we take u seriously here, and it only really matters whether u think u need to be taken seriously or not. Just b/c ur friend cant see it doesnt mean its not true (ok i dont mean to sound like u should be not okay.. just that dont let ppl invalidate ur feelings) Anyway, i'm glad u bandaged ur cut.. keep taking good care of it.

*cuddles helen* im sry things took a bad turn today... its hard when it feels like **** is hitting the fan...

*hugs jill*

I would do almost anything to escape from life right now. I dont understand... I keep trying to figure out what to do.. and i cant concentrate.

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