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long road 22-11-2023 04:11 PM

Hello everyone!

Just popping in. Am enjoying my time with my parents but finding the socialising is tiring me out a bit. I just woke up from a nap!

one_step_closer 22-11-2023 04:54 PM

Did you enjoy your visit, Tamo? Good luck for tomorrow.

I'm glad you can still nap while your parents are there, Jen.

There's a couple of boys playing kerby outside my house which is fine because I used to do that as a child (although not on the kerb outside someone else's house) but I am dreading when the ball ends up in my garden. Oh! I just jinxed it, it has and the boy put his face right up at my window and looked in. I am on edge now because they're continuing to play and yet again the ball is in my garden.

not_so_insig 22-11-2023 05:04 PM

Oh dear Lindsay.

Afternoon all.

one_step_closer 22-11-2023 05:06 PM

How are you getting on, Dawn?

They have moved on now thankfully.

not_so_insig 22-11-2023 05:16 PM

Oh that is good Lindsay. I am not so great today. The weather is dull, cold and windy here so doesn't exactly help. I was cold going to and from the bins. Tomorrow is ordinary bin day so had to drag the wheelie bin to the collection spot so was out longer than usual.

tamobhuuta 22-11-2023 05:52 PM

I'm glad the youths have moved on osc.

I had a good time with my dad.
While the art room was open I made bracelets for my sisters.

Did the nap help LR?

Have you warmed up from doing the bins insig?

not_so_insig 22-11-2023 06:02 PM

I am slightly chilly still tamobhuuta. Had a coffee and put the heating on.

Cacoethes 22-11-2023 06:37 PM

Evening everyone

long road 22-11-2023 06:42 PM

Nap helped a bit.

Still pretty shattered but it did help.

tamobhuuta 22-11-2023 06:44 PM

Evening Cacoethes, what are you up to? I had a vegan burger for dinner, I didn't really like it but I was hungry.

Cacoethes 22-11-2023 06:55 PM

I'm not up to much.
Just keeping warm and watching greys anatomy.

Sucks to get disappointing food tamo

tamobhuuta 22-11-2023 07:21 PM

I've never watched greys anatomy, how does it compare with house?

YellowCalx 22-11-2023 07:24 PM

Hello everybody. I think i may have had a virus (how exciting) but it has mostly cleared up now and left me exhausted. And aching. My back is full of crunchy goodness. I feel like my shoulder has fallen out with the rest of my body and declared itself independent while all my connective tissue shouts for help.

Cacoethes 22-11-2023 07:31 PM

House is definitely better!
Because hugh laurie is the GOAT
But greys is ok.

That doesn't sound comfortable at all!

one_step_closer 22-11-2023 07:42 PM

The weather definitely doesn't help with mood etc, I agree Dawn. I'm feeling it too. Although I don't mind going out too much with my jacket and hat on.

What kind of bracelets did you make, Tamo? That's a shame about your dinner.

I stopped watching Greys Anatomy ages ago but still have a reminder in my phone of what series/episode I'm on!

Cacoethes 22-11-2023 07:52 PM

That's quite impressive lindsay!

tamobhuuta 22-11-2023 07:58 PM

Sorry about your aches and pains Yellow.

Osc they are beaded bracelets.

tamobhuuta 22-11-2023 10:14 PM

I was so keen to get my meds I sat outside the clinic for 45 minutes!

Cacoethes 22-11-2023 10:20 PM

Waiting for meds is one of the absolute worst things about hospital

tamobhuuta 22-11-2023 10:29 PM

I really miss just taking them when I want.

Cacoethes 22-11-2023 10:32 PM

Yeah, it's weird the little things you miss about being at home!

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 06:09 AM

Morning all. Looks like I beat Beckie :laugh:

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 07:19 AM

Weird how you always acknowledge that

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 07:55 AM

Yes because you are usually the first to post!

How are you?

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 08:05 AM

I'm ok thanks

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 08:11 AM

Apart from being frustrated I am ok thanks. Just killing time until it's a reasonable hour to start hoovering. Don't think the neighbours would appreciate me starting at this hour. Also I have some stuff to take outside to my shed but again I don't think now is a reasonable time.

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 08:13 AM

Yeah waking up early sucks
I'm lucky that my neighbours can't hear anything from my house so i can do whatever

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 08:19 AM

Yes that's the downside to living in a block of flats. My shed is right by a bedroom window so I don't want to be responsible for waking someone up. Otherwise I would do it now.

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 08:30 AM

Yeah that's tricky
I live in a cluster house. So i share a wall wth 2 other houses. They must be really good walls though because i can't hear anything and no one hears me!

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 08:34 AM

That's good.

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 08:39 AM

Tis indeed

Any plans for today?

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 08:45 AM

I have hearing voices group later. Other than that is to finish my cleaning (have done half of it) later.

I was watching Blankety Blank on Saturday and a Tracey who owns a ladies fashion boutique from your town was on it. Idk if you know her?

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 08:54 AM

I don't know her personally, but it was the talk of the town!
I walk past her shop most days.

tamobhuuta 23-11-2023 10:54 AM

Morning guys. I managed so crawl out of bed at 9am so I'd be ready in plenty of time for ward rounds. I'm quite nervous. But on the plus side my support worker texted me saying she'd like to visit me tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy your group insig.

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 11:13 AM

Thanks tamobhuuta.

one_step_closer 23-11-2023 11:36 AM

Morning everyone. I hope you all have good days.

Not many houses/flats have good walls, lol! You're lucky, Beckie.

Hope your group goes well Dawn and you get your cleaning finished.

Good luck with your ward round, Tamo.

It's absolutely mentally windy here. Was up half the night with it and also worrying that my paper/cardboard bin would blow over and stuff would go all over the street. It stayed upright all night then fell over when I got up but luckily I was dressed and I ran out before things blew everywhere.

not_so_insig 23-11-2023 12:45 PM

It's windy here too Lindsay. A lot of recycling has been blown away and the bin men have yet to come.

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 01:20 PM

Hey everyone

Good luck in ward round tamo

I am very lucky with my house!

Windy here too!

tamobhuuta 23-11-2023 01:46 PM

Ward round was ok, a bit odd, but I didn't get upset.

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 02:03 PM

Glad you didn't get upset
Are you up to anything for the rest of the day?
Any visits?

tamobhuuta 23-11-2023 04:10 PM

I did a wordsearch in the therapy room because the nurse said being with people would help my anxiety. It didn't but watching doctors did! L is visiting me this evening. What are you up to?

one_step_closer 23-11-2023 04:58 PM

Well done for trying to be with people, Tamo. Hope you enjoy your visit.

How is everyones day going?

Cacoethes 23-11-2023 05:11 PM

Hope you had a nice visit tamo

I went to sleep
Just got up

Hey lindsay
How are you?

tamobhuuta 23-11-2023 05:57 PM

Was it a good sleep Cacoethes?

Thanks osc. How's your day going?

Ahimsa 23-11-2023 09:30 PM

Evening all,

I am home from work!

tamobhuuta 23-11-2023 09:32 PM

Evening Ahimsa, long day?

Ahimsa 23-11-2023 09:34 PM

9 hours, no longer than normal.

However some of my shifts have changed so I can have my therapy so some days will be 10 and a half instead, so 9 isn't long in the grand scheme of everything else.

How are you?

Cacoethes 24-11-2023 06:11 AM

Morning everyone

Zurg 24-11-2023 11:08 AM

Very late goodmorning, Beckie :)

The storm seems to have passed now. Sooo much Wind yesterday!!! I didn't even bother going grocery shopping.
What are you up to, today??

long road 24-11-2023 11:09 AM


My parents have just headed home. And I am considering going back to bed. Been nice having them visit but it has tired me out.

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