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Cacoethes 22-10-2023 02:09 PM

Hey everyone!

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 02:25 PM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 02:31 PM

I'm ok thanks
Feeling more with it now!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 03:05 PM

I'm ok. Worrying about ward rounds tomorrow because I don't know what I want. But my mum's going to be there so that'll help.

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 03:06 PM

Glad your mum will be there

one_step_closer 22-10-2023 03:49 PM

I've never read Vogue. What is it like? I hope your ward round goes well. Take some time to think about what you might like to say today if you can.

How's your day going, Beckie?

tamobhuuta 22-10-2023 03:56 PM

It's full of very pretty, very expensive things.

I will give it some thought.

How are you?

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 04:08 PM

My day is ok thanks!
Though I'm still rather floaty and spaced out XD

How are you lindsay?

long road 22-10-2023 04:27 PM

Hello everyone!

I am feeling less with it but that would be combination of concussion and having just taken the stronger painkillers! I am floaty as well Beckie, we can float together!

Partner is cooking a roast this evening, we are having gammmon, I am looking forward to it.

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 04:29 PM

Hey floaty buddy jen!

I'm ok if i don't move XD

Ooh a roast! Nice!

long road 22-10-2023 04:48 PM

*floats next to Beckie*

I am ok when the painkillers kick in and less ok when they wear off. Have made a nest in bed of blankets and pillows. Hope you are cosy and don't have to move!

Might snooze a little more before dinner.

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 04:51 PM

I am just sat on the sofa with oodie and hot water bottle!

Good idea

I just can't wait for bedtime!
Only slept 2 hours!

long road 22-10-2023 05:00 PM

I would love an oodie. But ever since FND I overheard really easily. So I would probably only be able to wear it in the depth of winter. Does sound super cosy though.

My sleep has been lots of little naps interspersed with being zoned out or having non epileptic seizures. Like in the actual nighttime I maybe got a hour or two of sleep split into little chunks while in A&E. And since got home around 5am have woken up briefly every 2- 4 hours. Think this is longest I have stayed awake, been up around an hour.

Hope you get a better than average sleep tonight to make up for it.

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 05:04 PM

Or you could just take it off when you get too hot?

long road 22-10-2023 05:07 PM

That would be an option but I feel like I wouldn't get to wear it for more than a couple of minutes before getting too hot. I have only just got to the point in the year where I can sleep under a 7 tog duvet most of the time without overheating.

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 05:13 PM

Ahh ok, that makes sense!
Sorry, brain is still not functioning at full capacity XD

long road 22-10-2023 05:32 PM

Don't worry about it neither is mine! XD

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 05:49 PM

It's ok, we'll just have to muddle along with half a brain between us XD

long road 22-10-2023 05:53 PM

Which way is up again? XD

I am slightly tripping on the painkillers that I took for absolutely legitimate painkilling reasons. I don't really like it but it's better than being in pain.

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 05:55 PM


Yeah i guess some painkillers just do that!
But as long as they are doing what they're meant to!

long road 22-10-2023 06:02 PM

They are managing the pain and what little pain is left I currently don't care about! XD

And managing the pain is extra important because the pain was triggering my FND and causing lots more seizures and other neurological symptoms.

The roast dinner is cooking, I can smell it and I am looking forward to it! I am very lucky to have my partner

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 06:17 PM

Well it sounds like they're doing what they are prescribed for!

Oooh yummy!
I hope you enjoy it!

long road 22-10-2023 06:25 PM

It's a novelty meds doing what they were prescribed for XD

I am looking forward to the roast parsnips the most. I really really like roast parsnips

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 06:26 PM

Very true XD

Ooh i love a roast parsnip!

long road 22-10-2023 06:35 PM

I could probably eat an entire plate of roast parsnips. I have been informed my dinner should be ready in about 10 minutes.

*Plays I am so excited song*

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 06:42 PM

Honey roast parsnips for sure!
Normal ones are good too though


nonperson 22-10-2023 07:00 PM

I had roast parsnips today. They were lovely =)

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 07:01 PM


How are you np?

long road 22-10-2023 07:24 PM

I have eaten my roast dinner and it was delicious. I also had ice-cream for dessert.

Greetings NP!

nonperson 22-10-2023 07:25 PM

Tired after a weekend of cleaning and peopling!

nonperson 22-10-2023 07:31 PM

Greetings, Jen!

long road 22-10-2023 07:38 PM

I read your firs tpost wrong and thought you had been cleaning people for a second XD I had ... Questions...

Was the peopleing at least fun if exhausting?

Cacoethes 22-10-2023 07:40 PM

Sounds fabulous jen!

Has it been a successful weekend np?

long road 22-10-2023 08:35 PM

I am fabulous *swishes scarf*

But yes very enjoyable dinner.

I should try and rest some more but feeling very odd.

long road 23-10-2023 07:27 AM


I am up early for my once a week medicine where I have to sit bolt upright for 30 minutes after taking it and during that 30 minutes I cant eat or drink anything. It's a fun medicine.

not_so_insig 23-10-2023 07:41 AM

Sounds fun Jen. I got woken up by a sore roof of mouth. I hope that i am not starting a cold.

long road 23-10-2023 08:11 AM

Sore mouth sucks because you can't avoid using your mouth. Hope you aren't coming down with something Dawn.

My 30 minute timer is up so I am having breakfast and doing the rest of my morning meds. Then I may lie down again, undecided as yet.

Cacoethes 23-10-2023 08:18 AM

Morning everyone!

long road 23-10-2023 08:47 AM

Morning Beckie!

Any exciting plans today?

Most exciting thing about my day is we are getting our click and collect order and I ordered fruit loaf this week!

Cacoethes 23-10-2023 08:56 AM

E might be coming over later to watch cocaine bear.
Also need to get prescription

Yaay fruit loaf!

long road 23-10-2023 09:08 AM

That movie did look absolutely insane and hilarious at the same time! I hope you enjoy it if you do watch it.

I knew you would appreciate why I am looking forward to my shopping so much!

My head feels a little better this morning although still a bit dizzy and spaced out and have a headache. But I managed to get out of bed and stay out of bed which is an achievement. And I haven't fallen over today.

Just sitting with a coffee for a bit now and deciding whether I want to go back to bed or not

Cacoethes 23-10-2023 09:11 AM

I love movies like that tbf so should be interesting at least XD

Fruit loaf is always exciting

Glad you're feeling a little better at least!

long road 23-10-2023 09:15 AM

I was going to say it reminds me of some of the giant shark based movies I know you like! Apart from this one is based on a true story! (They have exaggerated it for comedic effect but there legimately was a bear that found cocaine and ate it).

Yeah it's only a small bit better but I will take it. Trying not to do all the things because I am slightly better. And remind myself to rest and take it easy. Last thing I need is to hit my head again because I have another seizure

Cacoethes 23-10-2023 09:19 AM

Yeah exactly
I know, but irl, the bear just died. Which isn't as entertaining.

Definitely rest!

long road 23-10-2023 09:27 AM

Yeah that's just sad.

I am trying! I have poor impulse control though and just want to do things.

Cacoethes 23-10-2023 10:34 AM

Know the feeling XD

tamobhuuta 23-10-2023 10:47 AM

Morning people. I've got ward rounds at about 1pm, dead nervous. If I've got the right streaming service I'm hoping to watch Fantastic Beasts to destress afterwards. And if she discharges me I'll get to watch it at home!

Cacoethes 23-10-2023 10:52 AM

Good luck for ward round!

not_so_insig 23-10-2023 10:53 AM

I think that I have caught a cold. Feel rotten and have a slightly sore throat. Am doing a covid test just to be sure though. I blame the cold theatre.

not_so_insig 23-10-2023 11:08 AM

I tested negative for covid. So the chances are it's the common cold.

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