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one_step_closer 17-10-2023 04:10 PM

Where do you get the pizza bases? I have never found any nice ones.

Hope the phone call goes well.

long road 17-10-2023 04:28 PM

I get them from Tesco. They are called Tesco Sourdough Pizza Bases but they aren't purely sourdough as they have yeast in them. They are not as good as.making your own dough but a similar or slightly better quality as bases of the pizzas you buy from chilled section.

I just hope he calls as close to oon time as possible. Waiting around is the worst part!

long road 17-10-2023 05:00 PM

GP rang early. So now I can relax a bit more as not waiting about. Call went pretty well

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 05:03 PM

Glad your call went well

Can't beat homemade pizza bases!

long road 17-10-2023 05:13 PM

It is true. Homemade is best, I used to make my own dough when I was at uni but I categorically ain't got time for that anymore.

Just stuck some tunes on my headphones and am going to try and rest for a bit.

tamobhuuta 17-10-2023 05:17 PM

Enjoy your homemade pizza lr! It's almost my dinner time.

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 05:23 PM

We used to do it when i lived with the fam.
Also i did it on the mother and baby unit when it was my turn to cook.
Mainly as a **** you to social services who seemed to think i couldn't even get myself dressed in the morning without assistance :eyeroll:

tamobhuuta 17-10-2023 05:43 PM

Lol stick it to 'em.

I had quorn curry.

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 05:49 PM

They sucked

Was it nice? Or at least nice by hospital standards!

tamobhuuta 17-10-2023 05:50 PM

Yeah it was fine, not too spicy.

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 05:59 PM

That's good

When i was veggie years ago, the only veggie meals available were also the halal ones, so always very spicy curries!

tamobhuuta 17-10-2023 06:03 PM


I'm listening to Eminem, takes me back.

nonperson 17-10-2023 07:18 PM

Evening all.

Love a bit of Eminem =D It's very nostalgic for me too.

long road 17-10-2023 07:27 PM

Eminem reminds me of of my ill judged and short lived rap career as a 13-14 year old... :p But is also quality.

Just put the oven on for the pizza, managed a nap fro around an hour and a half. Feeling a bit more with it now.

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 07:28 PM

Eminem is not my usual genre of choice but i do like some of his stuff
Mostly for nostalgia

Hellooooo np!
How be you?

long road 17-10-2023 07:41 PM

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

nonperson 17-10-2023 07:42 PM

Rap career XD

It's not my normal style of music either but you can't deny he's banged out a lot of hits.

Helloooo. I'm pretty good this evening =)

long road 17-10-2023 07:48 PM

It was a laughable rap career. XD

Nice hear you are doing pretty good NP.

What's for dinner this evening?

nonperson 17-10-2023 07:55 PM

I had a macaroni cheese ready meal. Not great at all but it was simple, quick and warm.

long road 17-10-2023 07:57 PM

Fair ready meals do the job. And I bet it was better than the Mac and cheese I had at the hospital a couple of times recently!

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 08:08 PM

Rap career omg XD

Glad to hear it np!

Mac and cheese is a winning meal tbh

The hospital mac and cheese in the luton general wards was actually amazing tbh

nonperson 17-10-2023 08:13 PM

Sometimes the cheap stuff tastes better for some reason.

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 08:32 PM

I agree!

tamobhuuta 17-10-2023 08:36 PM

Our L makes the best macaroni cheese, she uses whatever cheese we have in the fridge and doesn't bake it because she knows I hate baked cheese.

long road 17-10-2023 08:37 PM

There may be video evidence but I am not telling you how to find it just in case it's still online ...

The taste of the hospital Mac and cheese was really good. The pasta was just a bit softer than ainwould prefer but I did choose it a couple of times over my various admissions.

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 08:40 PM

During a manic episode once, i walked to the 24 hour tesco to get the stuff to make a cheese sauce from scratch at 3am for mac and cheese. Also jelly.
And I'm sure there was an avocado involved.
I miss that tesco. Many a late night hair dying and/or cooking sesh.
Oh and purple bread. So basically i made bread and put a **** load of food colouring into the mix.
Turned out with kinda a purple marble pattern in it. But not totally purple, which was disappointing

long road 17-10-2023 08:43 PM

I believe you have shown me a photo of the purple bread. It looked cool but I get why it disappointed you. Purple food is so exciting if I have any frozen blueberries left I might make purple prridge for breakfast tomorrow

Cacoethes 17-10-2023 08:48 PM

Quite possibly!

Purple porridge is awesome

long road 17-10-2023 09:34 PM

I have a sad feeling that I ate the last of my blueberries though and I didn't think to order more in this shop, so may have tow waiting for purple porridge.

Just took my meds including higher dose of Olanzapine, hoping I might get a better night's sleep

nonperson 17-10-2023 09:35 PM

I found purple pesto the other day.

long road 17-10-2023 10:09 PM

What on earth do they put in purple pesto???

nonperson 18-10-2023 05:17 AM


Cacoethes 18-10-2023 06:12 AM

Morning everyone!

nonperson 18-10-2023 06:20 AM


Cacoethes 18-10-2023 06:34 AM

How are you?

long road 18-10-2023 08:54 AM


Aubergine is a weird thing to put in pesto.

Cacoethes 18-10-2023 09:06 AM

Love an aubergine

Morning jen!
How are you?

long road 18-10-2023 09:08 AM

Not sure yet. Okish I think.

Just trying to decide on what to have for breakfast, I couldn't find any frozen blueberries so purple porridge is not an option.

Cacoethes 18-10-2023 09:09 AM

Ah that's disappointing!
Do you have fruit bread?

long road 18-10-2023 09:23 AM

Also no.

Might have Weetabix with warm milk. It's a cold morning so something warm would be nice.

tamobhuuta 18-10-2023 09:23 AM

Morning guys.

Cacoethes 18-10-2023 09:36 AM

Sad times

Weetabix with warm milk is an underrated breakfast!
Used to love it

Morning tamo
How are you?

tamobhuuta 18-10-2023 09:59 AM

I always use cold milk....

I'm ok, listening to the radio until my dad comes. What are you both up to?

Elmer 18-10-2023 09:59 AM

Mmm, warm weetabix. I'd forgotten that was a thing

Morning guys :)

long road 18-10-2023 09:59 AM

Weetabix in general is underrated. It's one of my staple breakfast items. Weetabix has been eaten and now drinking a coffee and trying to work out what to do with my day. It's a grim looking day but might ask partner if he is up for a drive to the coast to watch the waves. Have roleplaying this evening

Morning Tamo! Morning Lio!

Cacoethes 18-10-2023 09:59 AM

Is your dad bringing you costa?

I need to get ready to leave for my appointments
Leaving at 10:30

Morning Lio!
How are you?

Elmer 18-10-2023 10:02 AM

Love wintery wave watching! Will you get fish and chips as well?

What radio station do you listen to Tamo?

I've had an eventful morning - woke up to a phone call from Housemate's colleague telling me they'd called an ambulance for her, but she's OK now

Hi Beckie! I hope your appointments go well, I know it's a big day

tamobhuuta 18-10-2023 10:03 AM

He might or maybe latte from home.
I hope you're ready in time!
That would be a nice day lr.
Hi Elmer.

Cacoethes 18-10-2023 10:08 AM

That sounds like a horrible way to wake up lio!
Glad she's ok

Thank you <3

Yeah I'm ready now
I don't take long!

Elmer 18-10-2023 10:37 AM

It wasn't my favourite way I've ever woken up, but I am mostly just happy she's OK.

Hopefully you're en route now

Enjoy your latte Tamo :)

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