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nonperson 02-08-2023 06:56 PM

Jenna also found my dad on twitter!

Pi.R^2 02-08-2023 07:02 PM

That was so funny though. I was like ‘want to see something funny your dad tweeted’ and np was like ‘my dad doesn’t use twitter’ but when I asked if his name was X she conceded that it was and I introduced her to her dad’s twitter :P

Oh wow Dawn, I realise it’s kinda how borders work but it’s so cool when you can see a different country in the distance!

I like seeing France when I’m in the south.

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:06 PM

You like seeing land over bodies of water

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:07 PM

Yes that was a good moment XD I had seen it though because I knew about the post from my work that thought I was a young child!

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:07 PM

The sight of Essex has never delighted anyone more

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Elmer (Post 4359336)
You like seeing land over bodies of water

I feel like this needs more explanation.

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:08 PM

Also, Jenna is a super dedicated stalker, so be careful np

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:09 PM

Oh! Essex from across the estuary in Kent? That is a beautiful view.

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:09 PM

If Jenna can see land in the distance over sea, it's France

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4359341)
Oh! Essex from across the estuary in Kent? That is a beautiful view.

It is :)

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Elmer (Post 4359340)
Also, Jenna is a super dedicated stalker, so be careful np

It's ok. She checks in with me when she thinks it's going too far.

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:11 PM

I wouldn't say Southend looked like France though...

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:12 PM

Try telling Jenna that :')

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:12 PM

Or Canvey! Jesus...

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:13 PM

I mean, not gonna lie, it's making me feel kinda nice that someone has confused my home county for France... but still...

Elmer 02-08-2023 07:15 PM

That is quite nice!

Pi.R^2 02-08-2023 07:19 PM

Even I accept that I was pushing it when I told K that the wreck of the old pier just off the coast in Brighton was France

Pi.R^2 02-08-2023 07:20 PM

The other places are France for sure though

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:23 PM

There are more places??

not_so_insig 02-08-2023 07:37 PM

I saw the Isle of Wight from the mainland when I was on holiday.

nonperson 02-08-2023 07:48 PM

Nah, that was France.

Pi.R^2 02-08-2023 07:52 PM

Yes! I was going to list the alleged places that people had claimed France was and that was one of them, you’ve got the idea of this =D

long road 02-08-2023 08:45 PM

I see London isee France I see a pair of underpants.. :p

nonperson 02-08-2023 08:55 PM

Is Ireland also France?

What is that from Jen?

Pi.R^2 02-08-2023 09:00 PM

No. You can’t see Ireland from the south coast silly.

long road 02-08-2023 09:00 PM

It's a rhyme not sure where it comes from. although usually you say someines's name's underpants. I decided to not be mean. It's like a playground thing stuck in my brain.

In other news I am ill and frustrated.

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:04 PM

Sorry I didn't realise that only places you can see from the south coast can be France! I thought the logic could apply to anywhere on the mainland coast seeing as you were facing the entirely wrong direction in Kent.

It's Jenna's underpants. You can say that Jen. This thread is all about mean at the moment >=)

I'm sorry you're ill and frustrated. I did read your thread but didn't know what to say that would help. =(

long road 02-08-2023 09:10 PM

Knowing people read helps. I just need to reset.

I don't have capacity to cope with being mean. Too sensitive today about it crossing line from banter into actually nasty. So you can be mean on my behalf np :p

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:13 PM

It'll get better <3 Ride it out as best you can for now.

Well, it's probably better not to be mean anyway. Banter is a tricky thing to get right on the best of days!

I don't need an extra helping of mean but thank you XD

long road 02-08-2023 09:23 PM

Trying to ride it out without breaking down.

Cacoethes 02-08-2023 09:40 PM

Just tempted to go into a swearing rant like the religious girl in Paul when she discovers she can swear

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:44 PM

I have never seen Paul.

I'd quite like to see your bleeped out swearing rant. =)

Cacoethes 02-08-2023 09:50 PM

Assing hairy boobs poop farting buttholes **** a roo that was the best titty ****ing sleep I've ever had

Direct quote

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:51 PM

That was disappointingly not bleeped out enough.

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:53 PM

I'm gonna try Blink 182's "Family Reunion":

****, piss, ****, ****, ----------, mother****er, tits, fart, turd, and ****

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:53 PM

Oh my. I fear the editing wrath of Jenna already... =|

Elmer 02-08-2023 09:57 PM

This is delightful, you guys are excellent

nonperson 02-08-2023 09:58 PM

I felt too much shame and edited!

Cacoethes 02-08-2023 10:01 PM

Or daisy may cooper in one of the games in taskmaster. Even one word that was beeped out of the late night version XD

nonperson 02-08-2023 10:02 PM

Oh I liked her on Taskmaster! Can't remember that task though, what did she say that was so bad?!

Cacoethes 02-08-2023 10:12 PM

C word, i assume. Literally all other 4 letter words (part of the task) were uncensored

nonperson 02-08-2023 10:16 PM

Is the c word really worse than the others? o.O

long road 02-08-2023 10:37 PM

In Australia no. Here yes. C word is one swear word I actually won't use.

nonperson 02-08-2023 10:44 PM

It's definitely one I don't use often and take more seriously.

Why is it ok in Australia!? o.O

long road 02-08-2023 10:56 PM

Australians stereotypically use it as punctuation / as a bit of a friendly insult. Bit like wanker is sometimes used here.

nonperson 02-08-2023 10:59 PM

Ah I getcha.

long road 02-08-2023 11:02 PM

Night NP. I am going to try and sleep and hope my brain lets me. Hope you feel better about whatever you do or don't do in your day tomorrow.

nonperson 02-08-2023 11:08 PM

Goodnight! I'm willing good relaxing brain vibes your way.

And thanks, we shall see what tomorrow holds! =)

Pi.R^2 03-08-2023 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4359382)
Oh my. I fear the editing wrath of Jenna already... =|

*drafts stern PM*

tamobhuuta 03-08-2023 09:28 AM

Morning you sweary people. I've got horrible stomach ache.

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