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jonikd 20-12-2010 07:44 PM

*hugs Crimson, hugs Mark*
*waves at Sarah & Kitty * nice to meet you Sarah

leaves hugs for Laura, thanks chick.

Off to work now, really busy couple of days then Xmas and I can sit for a few days.

You all take care of each other

misskitty112 20-12-2010 07:44 PM

*Hugs Sarah* I'm sorry you had a rough night.

Crimson, that's such a cute gift.

*sigh* I'm listening to If I Die Young by The Band Perry. I love this song, but yeah...
I need to stop thinking about death. It's not pretty.
Also, I'd like to get off this roller coaster of moods. Up... down, down, up, up, standstill, down, up.. It's tiresome.

Doikers 20-12-2010 07:45 PM

Awh , thats a sweet gesture from your Boss Crimson :)

Doikers 20-12-2010 07:46 PM

*Hugs JK* In case I don't run into you before the event.... Happy Christmas JK !!! Take it easy at work :)

SparkleKitten 20-12-2010 07:47 PM

*hugs JK* Nice to meet you

*cuddles Felicia* I hope you're okay hun

Thats a lovely gesture Crimson, all fancy and glittery *cuddles*

*hugs Mark*

jonikd 20-12-2010 07:48 PM

Thanks Mark, all hugs gratefully accepted! Xmas is a tough time, as many on here will attest to. But I'm looking forward to the break that's for sure. Will try and take it easy here, its about 26 degrees and 90% humidity again, today I have a hair appointment and lunch out with my team, so nothing tooooo strenuous..lol

*hugs back*

Doikers 20-12-2010 07:51 PM

*Hugs Sarah* I'm sorry that that happened Hun :( how long has your tummy hurt for ? Could you take any painkillers?

SparkleKitten 20-12-2010 07:56 PM

Been about 2h now, like heartburn and a dull ache mixed. I'll be fine I guess. A blip I hope. I don't want it to happen again, I feel so terrible about it. I think I need help

Doikers 20-12-2010 07:57 PM

*Squishes Sarah*

SparkleKitten 20-12-2010 07:59 PM

*squishes Mark* thanks. I'm feeling a little better being here.

PoisonedApple 20-12-2010 08:03 PM

The following content has been hidden - Reason : whiny female crap
I feel all crampy and bloaty... This Mirena thing is supposed to stay working till Nov of 2011 but I've been having spotting and cramps off and on for a few months now :( It makes me wonder if (like most every other rx) my body has processed the meds faster than it was meant to and is wearing off. I hate this. I want to curl up with a heating pad and sleep till the hurt goes away.

Doikers 20-12-2010 08:09 PM

*Hugs Crimson , whilst I can't ralate ( Wrong Gender :S) I can empathise , I hate having pain *Makes a hot water bottle up for you*

SparkleKitten 20-12-2010 08:11 PM

Oh no. I have a copper coil and thats caused me no end of problems. I refuse to ever have another implant. Ever.

Doikers 20-12-2010 08:13 PM

I'm going to have a bath now , That sometimes helps me feel more relaxed , Triggered feeling are less than previous days but still there in the back of my mind , telling me I should cut because I can :S

SparkleKitten 20-12-2010 08:14 PM

*cuddles Mark* I hope you feel better after your bath

Doikers 20-12-2010 08:29 PM

Okay I am back , and damp heh In my top that Hannah L bought me for my birthday and my PJ bottoms.....

Doikers 20-12-2010 08:31 PM

Oh looking at my wounds on my leg , 1 seems okay, 1 seems redish and the other one is red and angry looking , not entirley sure what to do , I hope it's not infected :S , They don't usually get infected .

PoisonedApple 20-12-2010 08:44 PM

Do you have any antiseptic creams Mark? It could just be deeper than the other 2 or it could have gotten irritated and inflamed but I'd apply an antiseptic cream just to keep it from getting infected if it isn't.

Doikers 20-12-2010 08:51 PM

Yeah I have some cream for rashes and bites I'll try that.

Doikers 20-12-2010 08:51 PM

*Spots and Hugs Nicole* How are you Hun?

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