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Doikers 21-05-2010 10:54 AM

Wildly Insane ( Forgot your name , SO Sorry!!) I don't know if it's like a bromelia , I've never had my own garden space before ,this is my first summer living alone , I helped with my parents garden but this is a big deal for me as it's all my own :)
* Hugs Ward*

I know I already mentioned this but from late this afternoon until Monday I'm at my parents house so won't be online so much so sorry for not keeping up in advance :S

frenchhorn 21-05-2010 12:03 PM

there are new people in the ward who i havn't met yet *waves at all the new people* Hi I'm Oliver.

*offers cuddles to all*
Life is strange and one chance meeting and you have met someone great. Yeah I sort of met this person, properly in uni the other day, apparently they had liked me for ages and wanted to know we for ages and now we're sort of going out, its really bizarre to feel this way about someone, I miss them so much when they are not here, but its a good bizarre feeling.
although last night I had a mini break down involving body issues and I ended up cutting a lot. feel stupid about it now

Doikers 21-05-2010 12:23 PM

I'm sorry to hear to cut yourself last night Oliver *Hugs* I'm glad however that you have that good bizarre feeling of meeting someone new Happy for you :)

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 12:34 PM

-rubs eyes-

Doikers 21-05-2010 12:43 PM

*Waves to Owen* How are you Owen?

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:45 PM

*offers hugs to all*

Doikers 21-05-2010 12:51 PM

Hey Helen:) * HUGS YA*

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:52 PM

Hey Mark *cuddles you too lots*

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 12:52 PM

we tired should sleep soon have to be up in about 5 and 1/2 hours for work at 7 am

Doikers 21-05-2010 12:58 PM

Try and get some sleep Owen , sounds like you will need it ok?

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 01:03 PM

-nods-:snoozle: :snoozle: :snoozle: :snoozle: :snoozle: :snoozle: :snoozle: :snoozle: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :waving: :rose: :rose: :rose: night night

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 01:05 PM

Hi Helen and Mark *hugs*

Sorry btw I'm no good with names so I'll probably have to be reminded several times xx

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 01:07 PM

Heya Hels, Emma, Mark... *cuddles the lot of you* :)

I'm feeling a bit better tonight - Hels, thanks so much for the PM, it meant a lot to me. Although hard to believe some of the nice things you said in it about me... :(

Feel so effing lonely. As I said on Facebook, the only real support network I have is online, and I'm spending my summer doing an internship and seeing if I can get into res treatment of some sort... and if I can't, then I'll have to find a job in this **** economy of ours. :( Only have 2 friends IRL - including Jarrod - and then of course my parents, but I don't really count them as friends, as we don't really talk about deep issues.

I am just so damn sick of being lonely. :'(

*hides in a hole* :'(

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 01:15 PM

*cuddles April close*

Sounds like a really difficult place to be. I can relate so much to the feelings of loneliness.

*pulls you out of hole and offers you a hot chocolate with lot's of marshmellows and some nice hugs*

MammaMia 21-05-2010 01:15 PM

Hope you sleep well Owen :)

Hi again Emma :D *cuddles*

April *cuddles* You're welcome for PM, thought you might struggle to believe me but I meant every single word in it =) *cuddles lots*

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 01:18 PM

*hugs Emma back and thanks her for the chocolate & marshmallows - calorie-free, right? :)* How are you doing today? Hope okayish... I'm sorry you can relate, seems like a lot of people here can. I wish that they couldn't, in one sense, because that means they have been through similar. :( Loneliness sucks, to put it mildly.

Gonna be going to my parents' today to do laundry and so Jarrod can finish sighting in the .22 rifle we just bought. I might take my camera... we'll see. Dunno what I'd get pictures of, though... maybe just scenery. So yeah, it's gonna be like you, Mark, not so much communication this afternoon. Although I will be online to enter in those surveys. We'll see how that goes!! >_< Brain frying indeed, methinks. :(

*hides in her hole again after sending cuddles Oliver's direction*

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 01:26 PM

Calorie free of course!! I'm doing okay thank you honey just ridiculously hot! oh by the way Jocelyn sends her love and a big squishy cuddle! xx

one_step_closer 21-05-2010 04:23 PM

I don't know what to say. I feel so confused about everything, about life. I just wish that I could die without hurting my brother. If this is my illness talking then i'd like some time in hospital but no one will let me know because they say it doesn't help me.

taz35 21-05-2010 04:29 PM

*big hugs & cuddles for everyone*
Sorry, wanted to do individual replies but I haven't packed yet and my mom's yelling at me to hurry up =/ I'll reply to you all once I'm back on Sunday.
Take care of yourselves <3

*hangs head and drags bag behind her out the door*

Doikers 21-05-2010 04:29 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* Is there someone you can talk too about how you're feeling , a CPN or SW?
Sorry I have to go now because I'm being picked up , I'll try and get online as much as I can this weekend :)

*Spots Taz and Hugs*

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 04:58 PM

Ok. I'm sorry I couldn't make it through all the pages of posts... I did get through the first couple though.
April~I play Runetotem more often than not usually but I've been playing silvermoon only the last week or so to level my new alt.
KitKat~ How are you now?
All~ My sister in law was wrong... not one kit. 3. I'll post pics when I get back from the front desk :D They're adorable but we've been hand feeding the littlest goat milk to try and make sure he doesn't die. Anyhow... Be back soon. :)

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 05:49 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Ok, there's the runt of the litter (Houdini), Then the darker larger baby (Thor), The lighter baby (still arguing over her name, suggestions have been: Loki, Freya, Morrigna, Banana and Telephone), A pic of mom and babies, and dad (he wouldn't come out... he's mopey cuz I took mom and babies out of the bigger cage)

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 05:57 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here's Mama (Xochitl, and the dad's name is Sorley) being held (she's the biggest and she's about 2 yrs old), There's Dagda (our other young chinchilla he's about 8 months old and is small for his age because he was a runt too) and just for fun a pic of my daughter's rabbit (his name is Switchblade - made more sense when his sister Symphony was still alive, they were named for the band). The rabbit is about 8 yrs old, he's a rex.

SoMuchMore 21-05-2010 06:20 PM

crimson- awww so cute!

*hugs april* You are such a good person hun. I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time lately. How r u today?

*waves to owen* hope that you managed to sleep well and that julie is well rested for work.

*hugs taz* sorry if i just missed this (ive been trying to keep up reading but i'm starting to get ppl confused lol) but where r u packing for?

*hugs lindsay*

*hugs mark* hope that you have a good weekend at your parents place!

*hugs oliver* I'm sorry to hear that you cut a lot.. but thats great about the person you like! Those good bizarre feelings are wonderful.

*hugs helen, hannah, kat, and everyone else*

I'm back in my hometown now. Its always strange being back here, I feel distinctly different. Hopefully buying a new dress today for my sisters graduation next weekend. Ugh, i always like the idea of shopping for nice things, but i always look bad anyway.

Have a good day/evening everyone! I dont know if i'll be on until later tonight when most of you are sleeping!

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 06:24 PM

Oh and I forgot to say... G MOVED OUT YESTERDAY!!! *does happy dance*

SoMuchMore 21-05-2010 06:28 PM

*hugs crimson* yay! Im glad that your happy about that!

wildly insane 21-05-2010 06:47 PM

Hey mark, hope you have a good weekend, I'm Hannah, a bromeliad tends to be only in pots as it's a cloud forest plant and it's leaves point upwards so that water is stored in pockets at the base of the leaves. I have everything in pots too.

I have to get ready for my housemate's birthday party, I'm loving the lovely weather. i found out today that I came second at my job interview last friday, I don't want to be second I want to be first, it would have been the greatest job for me and they only come around once in a blue moon, ah well can't do anything about it.

*hugs Oliver* glad you've met someone you like, sorry to hear you felt you had to cut

*hugs Julie* *hugs Laura* *hugs Helen* *hugs Taz* *hugs crimson (love the chinchillas so cute :))* *hugs april* *hugs Kahlia* *hugs Emma* *hugs Kat* *hugs Heather* *hugs Lindsay* gosh I really hope I haven't missed anyone out and I really would love to do individual replies but I have to go, sorry :( leaves birthday cake and champagne (totally calorie free as always)

*hugs Kitkat - how are you today? did you go and see the college nurse?*

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 07:02 PM

Can't do this.
Need to self destruct. I need the release, the freedom.
I can't cope on wishful thinking anymore. *hides under a duvet and cries quietly*

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 08:31 PM

*cuddles Emma* *huggles everyone*

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 08:59 PM

*cuddles Emma and Crimson*

I'm not doing very well. Still feeling hurt from last night. :(

We're back home now from my parents'. We talked about a lot of things on the way home. My head is kind of reeling from it all... will post in r/v about it, or at least copy my entry from my LiveJournal into it since I don't necessarily feel like retyping it all. :(

I'm so sick of being here. And I still haven't called the res places... need to do that. :'( I am such a coward. Even Jarrod thinks so. :'(

katnovia 21-05-2010 09:02 PM

*crawls in, sits in the middle of the floor cross legged*
forgotten your name again angelic_monster...sorry crimson (thank's april) *huggles*
*sits next to the duvet hiding emma* i'm here hunny. want to talk?

My memory and attention span is just getting so much worse.. I can't remember what I wanted to write.

EDIT: *huggles april* i wish i could remember what i wanted to say..

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 09:55 PM

*hugs Kat* How are you doing today, love? I take it not that well?

*spies a Hels!!*
*cuddles her* :)

I'm so tired... and warm, ugh. I'm wearing a cami and capris and I'm STILL really warm... I think it's because the computer room is a south-facing room and is sooo warm when the sun hits it. :( Grrrr. I hate being warm.

And I think either I'm getting sick or I have allergies. :( I think it's the former as Jarrod is the same way and I just started... sniffling, congestion, etc. Fun. :'( NOT.

*hides in a hole away from everyone, where no one can find her*

katnovia 21-05-2010 10:14 PM

april: I'm actually split down the middle.
on the one side i'm okay, happy as we brought a rabbit and the girls are really excited about it, i'm feeling supportive and friendly, i'm feeling grown up and steady.
On the other side, my head hurts, I can't focus, my memory is playing tricks on me, I'm spacing out, and feeling swings between bitter/hurt/angry and just numb.

*uses april seeking techniques to find her and give her a cuddle before letting her continue to hide*

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 10:30 PM

updated r/v... :'(

*hides again after thanking kat for the cuddle*

MammaMia 21-05-2010 10:36 PM

*curls up*

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 11:31 PM

Why do I talk to people IRL? Now I'm all anxious. My former coworker friend ish person and I had lunch together today and she used to breed chinchillas... she said she think from the pictures that both parents have velvet genes. that can cause "the lethal factor". meaning to many mutated genes (for the color factor) that caused problems with the other genes and it kills the kits. Now I'm worried about it. What if I work hard to save Houdini just for his genetics to kill him? And I can't house mom and dad separately because then the get depressed and stop eating so then they'd die but if they do produce lethal gene kits I can't have them having kits again.... the kids'd be devastated *cries*
*tries to calm down* I'm having people I know online that are more experienced breeders look at pictures of her to see what they think... I'm just really anxious about it right now.

Why can I never seem to have a time when something isn't going wrong?

MammaMia 21-05-2010 11:34 PM

She might be wrong sweetheart? Could you speak to a vet about it? See how much truth is in that?

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 11:45 PM

Yeah I'm asking people on a chinchilla forum while I'm at work then we'll see from there. But if she's right I really don't know what I'm gonna do to keep them separate but not depressed. The hard part with vets though is out of 2 places in the area that handle exotic pets only one handles chinchillas and only one vet in the office has the experience with chinchillas so everyone with a chinchilla goes there... makes for a long wait in "non emergency" instances.

MammaMia 21-05-2010 11:51 PM

Ah okay honey, hopefully people on the forum can help :)

PoisonedApple 21-05-2010 11:54 PM

But really I have no idea the genetics of the parents. I got them as rescues from someone who had them for 6 months and they had given birth there but the lady didn't or wouldn't tell me what happened to it/them. I think judging by the cage the kit either fell out and died when it landed on the cement floor or their dogs got it but i don't know if I'm right and she's standard and it was a horrible situation so the kit died or if i'm wrong and she has a velvet parent and the kit had lethal genes. I hope she is a standard and that they'll be ok. They seem fine (excepting Houdini's size) but the lethal genes have been compared to CF where it takes a bit to kill the otherwise healthy kit. *tries positive thinking* Jackie's been wrong before. More experienced breeders told me to feed Houdini goat milk and she told me to water down evaporated milk for him. He's drinking it and less lethargic. She also doesn't think that anyone without breeding experience should house a male and female together no matter the reason and that they won't get depressed enough for it to kill them... Also wrong and even if I didn't know someone who lost one that way I won't risk that if I don't have to.

wildly insane 22-05-2010 12:30 AM

okay I don't know about chinchillas but I know about genetics and she hasn't got a clue about what she's talking about. Mutations random changes in gene structure - note random - also there is no telling whether the mutations that occur will lead to good changes in gene structure or bad changes. Note we all developed from random mutations that were good changes and thrived. I think what she's talking about is inbreeding so that the colour comes out, this probably means that the velvet gene is recessive, however I have not heard of colour genes ever negatively affecting other genes, it really doesn't make any biological sense, there are gene linkages where if genes are close together on a chromosome they are likely to be transferred with the same gene, however all chinchillas have the same genes just different alleles (I know getting complicated now) but basically whatever the colour of chinchilla the gene linkages would be the same so I would be really surprised if what your colleague said was true. I'd be interested to hear what the chinchilla breeders forum says. The next thing I want to say though is that Houdini is the runt of the litter and in the wild to be honest the runt does not usually survive, however, if he is well looked after and being additionally fed then there is no reason why he should not survive. The only thing to definitely make sure about is that goat's milk has all the nutrients he needs in it and is what chinchilla breeders really do suggest you feed him, if it is then I would really say that he has every chance of surviving.

PoisonedApple 22-05-2010 12:45 AM

dunno why i didn't think of this earlier... my fault i'm not relaying it correctly. here's a quote about it thats prolly more your speed than mine on the genetic mutation mountain bike. ;)


A lethal is the result of a defective gene that causes a disturbance in the development of the growing organism that then causes it to die. There are many different kinds of lethals. They occur in any species, even humans (ex. cystic fibrosis). Lethals occur in either a heterozygous (single gene) or homozygous (double gene) state. A heterozygous lethal only requires one copy of the gene to cause a problem and that problem rarely allows the organism to reach sexual maturity, so the gene cannot be passed and dies out in the first generation. It is the homozygous lethal that we have to monitor because these genes can function in a heterozygous or "carrier" state.
but then from what i've been reading since then a majority of the time if the lethal factor is there it results in a miscarriage rather than the kit being born and dying.
*huggles and thanks* Does make me feel better though. :D

wildly insane 22-05-2010 12:49 AM

It's been quiet on here tonight, hope people are okay

*hugs Emma* hope you manage to resist the urges to self destruct

*hugs April* sorry to hear things aren't so good, you aren't a coward and I'm sure jarrod doesn't really think so either

*hugs Kat* that sounds like a wierd feeling but I do kinda get what you're saying, I hope the okay side wins over

*hugs Helen* how are you tonight?

I'm okay, survived my housemate's party, didn't drink too much so although I want to cut I'm still in control and still saying no. They've all gone off into town but I declined, I know that that leaves me on my own, but if I'd have gone out I'd have got tired and felt even more alone and drunk more and therefore become more unstable, so going to try and go to sleep soon, have lots to fit in tomorrow.

wildly insane 22-05-2010 12:55 AM

hey crimson I know what that is going on about, basically with respect to your chinchillas, both of your parents are healthy, i.e. they do not show any signs of the "lethal gene" okay this means it is recessive. The parent chinchillas can only transfer the "lethal gene" if they have one (if they are a carrier they will have one "lethal allele" and one "non lethal" allele counteracting it). Then the kits would have to have both parents transfer the "lethal allele" (if they have one) over to the kit in order for it to have an effect. This is a random occurrence and for both parents to transfer this gene over the probability is not very high and definitely not certain, so please do not worry

Kahlia1981 22-05-2010 12:55 AM

*huggles/waves at everybody then goes to find a quiet corner to disappear into*

wildly insane 22-05-2010 01:05 AM

*huggles Kahlia back* hope you find a nice quiet corner, hope you are okay

I hope everyone is okay, I should go to bed...

MammaMia 22-05-2010 01:07 AM

I'm not okay but hey I'm a broken record lol *curls up and hides*

Scarletdreamer 22-05-2010 01:16 AM

I'm so tired........... just played WoW for about 2 hours straight, but Crimson, I now have a level 8 draenei pally on Runetotem (yep, did the pally route, lol) and a level 6 priest. Pally's name is Xxenasoul (sorry for the cheesiness, Jarrod came up with the name :P) and priest's name is Dionysiasoul. :) I had fun but got anxious so had to stop. Plus the quests are getting tougher - am out of the starting areas (did the draenei one for my pally and then went to the human one and made a priest on my RAF account, lol) - so will have to do those individually instead of dual-boxing, because otherwise my priest might die and I can't rez as a pally until level 10 (or as a priest, for that matter). So yeah. I love RAF though!! (refer-a-friend) Triple XP for the win!! lol... :P

Sorry for the WoW-speak, non-WoW-players........... :o

I think I am coming down with a cold. Icky ugh. And I didn't get any more surveys entered today, will have to make sure to do more tomorrow. Grrrrr. :(

*hides in a hole*

PoisonedApple 22-05-2010 01:18 AM

K Thanks Hannah. *huggles*
Helen, What's up, hun? *cuddles*
*hugs and cuddles and waves to everyone*

SoMuchMore 22-05-2010 01:19 AM

*uses finding powers to find and hug Kahlia*

*cuddles helen* You're not a broken record hun. Its okay to let us know that you aren't alright.

*hugs april, hannah, and crimson*

Crimson - i hope that your baby chinchillas are alright. Sorry i dont have much to add as i dont know much about chinchillas other than my cousins had some at one point... not very useful lol.

EDIT: April - hope youre not getting too sick! i hate being sick

I'm such crap. Sorry everyone.

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