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SoMuchMore 13-06-2010 01:47 AM

*hugs helen* Im sorry about your elbow.. but i'm super glad that you had fun at Leona Lewis! I don't remember you saying that you had a doctors appt, but if you did say it, sorry i missed wishing you luck. Maybe the mh services will be helpful this time. I hope that they dont just send you away telling you that you are fine, that would be very discouraging i would think.

*hugs april* Wish i had some words for you.. Eating stuff is such a pain sometimes. :-/ hope you are alright. I'm worried about you too.

*hugs heather* pretty picture! I'm sorry that your parents give you such a hard time. You don't deserve that. You're beautiful.

*hugs mark, JK, and becca* hope you are all alright.

I'm so tired of my thoughts going around and round. *sigh* i should tell my friend, he'll be pissed if he finds out how much i've been struggling... but i don't want to worry him unnecessarily. I havent even heard from him in weeks anyway, so maybe he wont be mad. I don't know.

*hides away*

frenchhorn 13-06-2010 01:56 AM

****, why cant I be a proper guy, cant take this much longer
*hides in a deep dark corner*

MammaMia 13-06-2010 01:56 AM

It was on Friday, so yeah, you can wish me luck for Friday coming though :p I don't think I did mention it after all. She said I could see her again then aswell. So going to, need to dicuss my iron pills, just cannot take them. But I obviously need to get my iron levels up because of my anaemia and everything. I hope they don't send me away with 'I'm fine' either. It is awfully discouraging & very very upsetting & hurtful & annoying. I could rant for hours about it & did last night (well friday night) with one of my best friends. *hugs Laura lots*

Know how you feel with the thoughts thing hun, got that problem myself, even if I daren't properly admit it.

Oliver, what's wrong?

frenchhorn 13-06-2010 02:08 AM

sorry, sorry, should be more helpful, shoudlnt moan should be able to deal with it, but cant its too much too far, it shouldnt happen, i hate this its all wrong, sorry being useless and selfish and taking up space
*will just hide in an invisible corner*

risenfromperdition 13-06-2010 02:27 AM

*offers hug to oliver*

you're not beign useless or selfish or anything liek that. pm me if you wanna chat. i dont mind listening even if i dont have advice <3

SoMuchMore 13-06-2010 03:02 AM

*hugs oliver* you are NOT useless or just taking up space. You know that you are always free to vent away in here, its what we are here for.

*hugs heather* how is your evening going?

*hugs helen* yea getting your iron levels under control is very important, i hope that gets sorted out for you soon. And I'll be sure to say good luck for next Friday :-P

risenfromperdition 13-06-2010 03:09 AM

isfine. howre you?

Kahlia1981 13-06-2010 03:40 AM

*huggles/waves at all*

Sorry to hear so many of us are struggling right now. Wish that I could make us feel better. :-(

My computer keeps freezing. We looked up the error it was throwing up and applied a patch given my M$. Not meant for the SP type I'm running, but we figured what the hell. The beast Mk2 hasn't frozen today, so maybe all is good? I also have been checking my email online instead of with email clients because both the freezing only started when I tried Outlook (2007) and the Windows Live Mail. Before that - I was using Mozilla Thunderbird - no probs. Meh.

Sorry, will get off the computer annoyances.

Submitted another assessment just before. Just one subject left to go in Stage 2. Not bad considering I did absolutely nothing on study yesterday.

Mood has crapped out. Meh.

*leaves hugs and safe care packages for all and wanders off into the garden*

risenfromperdition 13-06-2010 03:44 AM

*takes care package and thanks*

:) sowwy your mood's crap =[

wolfos3d 13-06-2010 05:37 AM

*hugs and fuzzy socks to everyone*
I wish I had the attention span to reply to you all individually. I can't sit still for more then a couple of minutes most of the time. I've gotten up twice while typing this.

I did manage to sit down long enough to get a few things off my chest though. Here's the r/v thread I've started if anyone wants to read it:

anarchistl0ve 13-06-2010 06:54 AM

*takes a care pacakge and opens it finds a silly quoute some stickers and a pocket sized plush*

Some days I wish didnt have the binge eating disorder but something else dont know what but just something that didnt make me a fat cow

risenfromperdition 13-06-2010 06:59 AM

*snuggles with if want* [always figure will make sure cuz yeh] wish could help but am useless atm but here if wanna chat :)

anarchistl0ve 13-06-2010 07:27 AM

*snuggles back feeling a bit sleepy* I think it is nite, nite time for Becca its 2:30am

risenfromperdition 13-06-2010 07:42 AM

o_O i so didnt know michigan was est. lol
good idea, i should go to bed too =p

xxjuliexx 13-06-2010 08:32 AM

*sits and crys and crys* i want my mummy

Doikers 13-06-2010 10:34 AM

*Finds in the warren and Hugs April*
*Hugs Becca*
*Hugs Heather*
*Hugs Helen* Where are you going on your hols?
*Hugs Laura*
*Hugs Oliver*
*Hugs Kahlia*
*Hugs Jessica*
*Hugs Becca*
*Hugs Julie*

Doikers 13-06-2010 12:03 PM

Wolf0s (Jessica ?) I read you R/V thread , Just to let you know I'm thinking of you , Bad at the advice right now sorry *Hugs*

wolfos3d 13-06-2010 12:08 PM

Yep, it's Jessica.
Thanks Mark. *hugs* That's more then enough. :)

Scarletdreamer 13-06-2010 12:20 PM

sorry, there have been a lot of posts, kind of, since i was last on... only a page but right now that seems overwhelming. :(

jess, love, i read your r/v, and i wish i could say something that would help. all of us here care about you and would be devastated if anything happened to you, even though we're just getting to know you. please keep hanging on... and maybe try to find some professional help? because it is so hard to get out of this pit by ourselves. *cuddles if that's okay?*

mark, how are you doing today? *cuddles*

hels, i hope that the doctor's appt goes well... if you don't mind me asking, why can't you take your iron pills? :-S i'm worried about you, love. please try and take care of yourself. *cuddles* and yes, where are you going on holiday? i don't recall you mentioning. :) do enjoy, though... :)

i'm exhausted today... and jarrod and i, well, i might write a little about that in my r/v but it's *adulty* stuff... so maybe not. i don't know. all i know is that we're both frustrated, he got angry with himself, and now i'm worried about him on top of all of this other crap we've got to deal with. :(

i just want to hide away forever... am so sick of this life, i really am... :'(

*hides in the warren in a dark dark place*

MammaMia 13-06-2010 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Scarletdreamer (Post 2349729)
hels, i hope that the doctor's appt goes well... if you don't mind me asking, why can't you take your iron pills? :-S i'm worried about you, love. please try and take care of yourself. *cuddles* and yes, where are you going on holiday? i don't recall you mentioning. :) do enjoy, though... :)

Thanks April :) I can't take them because everytime I take painkillers, I gag, if I try sallow, it just makes me gag and forces it back up before it even goes down =[ Plus just the thought of taking them makes me gag, so I stand no chance. Only reason I'm able to take the pill is because it's really really tiny. Although have gagged couple times with that but got them down. Why you worried about me honey?? I'm going to a particular place in Devon (it's in England) :)

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